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Off the Rails - Kolis-Tane

General Summary

Having faced down Myra's parents the Warden's followed Trist and Laura Mooncrest further into the city streets of Kolis-Tane until they reached a familiar train stop. They let the train go, Trist insisting that they would take the next one, as a familiar violin echoed in the background. A moment after their arrival a familiar figure tumbled down the stair on the opposing side of the platform and a bloody and beaten Yamil stumbled to his knees reaching out an arm saying, "Run."   "Tonight is really not the night to be doing this," Myra yells as she crosses her arms. Mentally, "Something is off I don't believe that's Yamil."   The passengers of the nearby train start to crowd Myra but there's no real response from Yamil on the ground. The rest of the group looks perplexed but follows Myra's lead, Raijun stepping in front of Gameta. Myra and Sarya begin to approach the figure claiming to be Yamil with Myra calling over to Trist, "Why exactly are we waiting for another train?"   "It was too full." Myra raises an eyebrow. "Look I'm sorry that I don't have a train of my own," sarcasm dripping.   "Yes, you should fix that," Myra says absentmindedly as she and Sarya approach Yamil.   As they get closer Sarya also notices that something feels off perhaps related to his face and comments so to Myra mentally. Myra turns the figure over inspecting him. Myra notes what she and Sarya saw but inspecting him closer she also can't help but feel that this could potentially be Yamil, fading in and out of consciousness before her. Myra pumps a cure wounds into him and he seems to wake up looking frantically between Sarya and Myra.   He starts to position himself between Myra and Sarya to interpose himself between them. "Are you okay? Person pretending to be Yamil?"   The not-Yamil coughing addresses Sarya, "Get away from her. Get away."   "No thank you," Sarya retorts moving closer.   Myra starts to notice she feels odd, a head rush as her leg and head feels warm. "Are you doing something?" She asks not-Yamil "Cause I would like you to stop it if you are."   "You must run. He is coming. They are all coming for you," he gasps addressing Myra.   "Who's coming?"   "The rest of her team," Pointing a shaky finger up at Sarya.   Hagren starts to make his way across the platform toward Myra and Sarya   Myra crosses her arms and tries again, "If you are Yamil, which you're not. What did you send me?"   The man looks up blearily at Myra, "Run he can't be far behind."   Myra turns to Sarya shrugging, "I still don't think it's him." She pauses, "Why would your group be here? There's no indication of them, is there?"   "Well... You see...." Sarya trails off.   "You see?"   "Oh you were offline -"   "I asked if anything happened!"   "I forgot?"   "You forgot what Sarya?"   "There was a tiefling. He was half haunting me and Raijun... It's Surat he's their.... They're part of my old crew."   "So we're looking for," Myra pauses trying to recall a night she'd rather forget (The Voiceless Scream - Lion's Crest) "A halfling with scars, a lizardfolk, and a red and black tiefling? Plus," turning back to the figure on the ground before her, "You're not Yamil's brother are you? Cause you're just off enough," Myra comments placing her staff against his leg ready to break something.   "He's not far behind," not-Yamil insists. "You must -   Sarya pipes up, "Also... those cultists Urza mentioned they were saying Alzalam's name."   Myra thinks, not removing the staff, "Alzalam... I don't know Alazam. Let's see Tintreach mentioned an Alsume and a Mr. Nasir."   "Nasir," Sarya clarifies.   Myra sighs looking at Sarya, "You just now - I mean - We should talk about this later." Turning back to not-Yamil on the ground, "If you're not Yamil why are you trying to help me?"   "To give you a chance. A chance - to die with some dignity," he says laughing as his face twists into a cruel mocking smile they have never seen Yamil wear.   Myra tries to use magnify gravity to slam his head in the ground but nothing happens as the man on the floor continues to cackle.  


Across the platform Raijun and Adama are explaining the complexity of the relationship with Yamil to Gameta, as Trist asks exactly how many more friends we think will be coming. Raijun insists that we weren't expecting Yamil, before swapping topics to chat about the afterparty. He asks Trist for more information and she explains it's the whole reason she's here. "I'm really looking to explore into this area and like get the stuff and get out."   "What kind of stuff?" Raijun asks eyebrow raise.   "Eh it might be better if he tells you," Trist comments pointing to a figure descending the stairs.   On the platform over Raijun sees a figure descending the stairs carrying a birdcage like object. As he steps down his tunic falls away revealing Iroh's form, "Raijun," he commands.   Raijun starts swearing under his breath before putting on a happy face, "Hey Iroh! How ya doing? Been a while."   "It has. But I see you have not remembered the core training I tried to force into you."   "Well you know I've taken the concepts and built onto them with newer healthier habits. Really feel like I'm getting somewhere here   "Only further and further back, I see you have stepped." Iroh shakes his head, "I needed to see for myself, how far someone I had such high hopes for had fallen." He sets down the birdcage beside him.   "All I've done is risen. These people actually care about me. All I do is save lives and change minds and all you do, you take them for little bits of money cause you can't go out there and create for yourself. I think you're the weak one." Mentally Raijun tries to broadcast a plea for help to the group but as he reaches out he's met with the screams and echoes of infinity.   Iroh shakes his head, upset that Raijun still doesn't understand, "Money was never the object of our mission. Chaos and power, was always the goal. You have strayed very far from what I have taught you. Now," he makes a signal with his hand and the violin begins to crescendo, "Now, I've come to give you a chance, to redeem yourself, to return home."   Raijun takes a step back, "What awaits at home? You tried to set me up, have me killed. What could I possibly gain from returning? I lost everyone I cared about."   "I gave you a chance. It was ... others decision to send you on that mission. I convinced them to send your team with you. My hope, was that you would continue to prove others wrong and... return more powerful and in a position of strength. But that is the past. And it is only the past that keeps me from exacting my mission now. There does not need to be bloodshed from you," he lifts a hand and the bow of the violin cries as all the civilians turn in unison to face Raijun. "Or there will be consequences. Not for you, you can take it. But the one bit of weakness you always had was a conscience."   "So if I go with you, you won't hurt any of them?" Raijun asks.   "I do not need you," He points to Raijun's forehead. "I need the scroll," before moving his finger to Myra, "And I need hers too."   "You know if you had cornered me by yourself you might have gotten one. But there's no way she's gonna give you her scrolls."   "The message was received last time, about the failures of The Voiceless. Steps were taken to ensure that would not happen again." As the violin cries again the civilians turn as one moving to the edge of the nearest train track. Gameta cowers behind Raijun as Trist waits expectantly behind him. Laura turns with the other civilians stepping up to the edge of the platform. "All you must do is hand it over. Everyone walks away. You can continue to live in exile. We will not seek further, punishment."   "What do you seek to do with these scrolls? Do you know what they can do?" Raijun asks.   "Yes. It is acceptable for what we are here to do. For you see there is a grander design in the power you wear as a pennant around your head, and she wears on her back," pointing to Myra. "You weild it like a child. But the true power can be unlocked."   "I've seen it before. Thousands dead in the streets because mad people drunk with power get ahold of these thinks. Then they take each other out for fun and games because on the inside they are hurting and can't talk about it. I'm tried of this. You're not gonna get my scroll. And you're not going to push me around anymore. If you want these hands come and get them," Raijun says raising his fists.   "I wonder how many it will take," Iroh asks looking at Laura and the other civilians standing beside the track, as the signal for an approaching train appears on the track. Returning his gaze to Raijun, Gameta behind him, he smiles pointing just over Raijun's shoulder, "Or maybe, it will just take one."  

Off the Rails

Across the platform, with magic having failed her, the figure pretending to be Yamil stands up dusting himself off. "Your friend over there," pointing to Raijun, "Is in negotiations with some influential people. I would really suggest that you hand over the scroll and none of these other innocents will end up like those in Nightwell." A disconcerting smile on his face.   Myra, instead of answering with words hits the man before her in the face with her staff. "Where is our friend?"   The man continues smiling, "Last I saw him I pushed him out a window. It was pretty high up, but he always liked to make a dramatic entrance. You don't understand really what is at stake. We've learned from the last time." As he raises a hand two of the civilians step onto the tracks. "You just have to hand it over, simple as that. We just want the scroll."   Myra looks at the civilians standing before the oncoming train a pained look on her face as she flashed back to all the other corpses she caused. "I can't. You don't understand."   "It might be easier than you think," he smiles as Myra's leg and head begin to burn. Sarya attempts to cast moonbeam on not-Yamil but it quickly flickers out and Sarya feels sapped of energy. At this point the train arrives as the first two civilians are crushed underneath it.   Myra attempts to communicate mentally but is also rebuffed by the whispers from infinity, as the headache pushes forward Myra swears pinching the bridge of her nose, "Damn it, Raijun take out the violin."   Raijun doesn't take Myra's advice instead standing his ground and preparing by dodging. Trist's form ripples as a blade reaches out towards Raijun.   "I continue to be disappointed," Iroh comments.   As the fight breaks out Adama attempts to reach out mentally to the thing in the birdcage hoping to communicate and bargain with it, but is only by the same psychic screams.   As the train passes Iroh disappears from one platform appearing in front of Raijun. "I offered you peace a resolution that does not come for our kind. You have failed me once again," delivers punishing punches to the gut.   Hagren rushes over to Raijun to try to help, engaging with Iroh himself. As the violin continues more civilians step onto the track. Next to Hagren, Trist's form mutates into that of Dartina as she stabs Raijun in the side.   As more figures dart onto the track Myra looks pained at the splatters of where people once stood but takes three attacks on not-Yamil. As she does his form shimmers and fades into an unfamiliar shape though one reminiscent of the friend that was there before. Alsume smiles at Myra, "I always thought I had the prettier face anyway. You know especially after -" gesturing to his face. He leans in, hands behind his back to whisper in Myra's ear "I can see why was so worried, you are so fragile." He winks and teleports halfway across the platform.   Sarya, feeling her magic released turns into a wind elemental. She can't get over to the guys so she instead saves several people but is horrified to watch them line back up as she deposits them. Myra yells to Sarya begging her to not be hit by a train as she flies across the tracks.   Alsume moves towards the group of others, as he joins the other side Meko and Adama's magic are suppressed. Adama swings at Alsume hoping to remove the magic suppression from play. As he does Alsume turns to Adama, "I remember what they said about you. You were the one that let the other people die," he smiles, "good job." He laughs as Dartina gets another punch off on Raijun, "But, as the old man said, we came prepared this time."   At the end of Adama's flurry a large lizard folk drops from the ceiling above him knocking him prone as his jaws snap at Adama, "I can't wait to be picking your skin from between my teeth."   "Fuck off Thueban," Sarya call from the other side of the platform.   "Well little vulture," the croc smiles, "I'll save your bones for last."   One of the civilians rushes over to Myra pleading, "please help me," as they shove a blade into her stomach.   Hagren harries the monks but disengages to drag someone off the tracks leaving him closer to Irik and the birdcage. Hagren hears almost a slithering noise to the birdcage but before he can investigate further Irik moves in. Still playing the violin he turns to Hagren and play's a particularly haunting chord. Suddenly the area where Hagren was is suddenly unoccupied as Hagren finds himself floating in a vast empty plane.   Iroh approaches Raijun and with Alsume nearby, easily lifts the scroll off Raijun, "Too slow. Such promise I once had for you." Iroh shakes his head, "such a disappointment" as he walks away from Raijun and moves toward Sarya.   Myra and Spryg tag team an immortal on her side of the platform before moving toward the group, Myra watching in horror at the events unfolding whispering no to herself repeatedly.   Sarya seeing what Irik is doing with the civilians, several of whom have now been flattened by passing trains, and what his did to Hagen attempts to disrupt his playing by whirl-winding him. Unfortunately, he is able to remain playing and concentrating and has now turned his attention to her. He waves at her as a solid, transparent wall forms around her on all sides as a cage of pure force appears. Sarya rages against the walls but is unable to find even the smallest crack to escape. Alsume turns to Dartina touching her as magic races down his arms, "Don't mess this up," as she starts to almost vibrate with motion. Adama, knowing the spell well doesn't go after Thueban or Dartina, but continues to focus his fire on Alsume hoping to bring down the magic suppression. While he doesn't succeed on brining it down he does disrupt his concentration on haste which causes Dartina to be temporarily stunned allowing Raijun to get off a set of blows.   Thueban launches a salvo at Adama trying to devour his arm like a dog with a bone. While Adama manages to retain his arm by a stroke of luck, he feels it dislocate as it remains in Thueban's mouth. Iroh looks frustrated as he moves towards Myra, "This is taking longer than expected." As he moves across the platform his tattoos write and grow extending up over his face. He raises a hand, and Myra feels a stun take take hold of her body as there's a flash of light. "I don't normally do forgiveness," He scowls addressing Myra, "You would have been dead already," he moves himself down the platform.   Dartina go to move toward Iroh to retrieve the scroll but a well placed swing from Adama hamstrings her next to him. Theuban uses this lack of attention on him to try to take off Adama's sword arm with a number of bites. It's only with a little luck that Adama manages to wrench his arm free though dislocating it in the process. Raijun joins Adama trying to help as Adama's arm hangs limply at his side. Raijun yells for Gameta to run but as she does so Thueban's tail whips out slamming her into a bench as she drops unconscious.   "You smell exotic," Thueban growls, "I'll have you next."   Iroh begins to move towards Myra, still stunned, eyes for the other object they came here for. As he moves closer his tattoos shift again as Myra's head explodes in pain and fear, "The same offer stands. Give us the scroll and you leave."   Alsume moved to join Iroh teleporting next to Myra. He goes to lay a hand on her back where he expects the scroll to be but raises his eyebrows commenting, "Oh, two? Very interesting we'll take this one as well."   Alsume reaches for her hair where the evocation scroll sits but pulls back as it burns him slightly as Myra growls, "Don't you touch me."   "Ooh, I understand why he was concerned."   "Are you sure she has two," Iroh asks. Alsume nods, "I'm sorry Miss Stagwood." As he goes in to punch Myra several more times.   Alsume having moved and Adama feeling his arm turn useless, switches tacks firing off a fireball behind Thueban. It's effective but the small spaces lead to a concussive blast large than expected. While it stops one of the train tracks, "Look I stopped the train," it also ricochets back towards his friends. Raijun jumps in front of Gameta taking her damage to prevent her from dying.   As the fireball blasts Thueban he sees familiar opalescent flecks that emerge from the ends of his claws and jaws as he almost seems to absorb some of the fire damage, "Tasty." Thueban goes back for another round on Adama hoping to get the arm that he started. Adama now able to shield is able to hold onto his limb but it seems to be hanging precariously.   Meko, no longer hampered by the anti-magic field gets off a mass healing word rousing Gameta and providing all nearby with some much needed healing. Persistent and Trenchcoat move to the upper track to pull more people off the track.   Alsume moves toward Myra's scroll again but she pulls away baring her teeth. He laughs, "Feisty, you'll be seeing my brother soon enough though."   Raijun stands up on his last legs and looks at Gameta now conscious. "I need run in that direction right now. Close your eyes and run. Don't look back. Now!" As Raijun casts darkness, "I'll find you just go!" She kisses him before doing as instructed running through the darkness and out of the train station.   Thueban annoyed by the darkness turns towards it's center and tail-whips Raijun into unconsciousness, licking his lips as he stands over Raijun's body. Dartina notes the crowding around Myra and tries to move closer but Adama slices her ankle, causing her to shout in frustration before throwing a dagger and appearing at it's location.   Irik moves closer to the group crowing Myra, "I'm sorry I missed your party, but the others were quite ready to enjoy a good time." As he tries to manipulate the shadows around her but she resists.   Myra looks around at the members of the Immortals and Untamed surrounding her, knowing it's just a matter of time before she goes down. She takes two hits at Alsume trying to reduce the magic field further to allow for some method of escape, "Find Ayen!" She calls out, tears that started with the first civilian died still flowing down her face.   The second attacks missing, Alsume grabs her staff as it goes by. Smiling, "Ooh feisty," he laughs. As Alsume takes the damage Myra notices that the anti-magic field seems to have shrunk slightly as Spryg, on her opposite side has come back online.   Iroh punches Myra again, the anti-magic preventing her from shielding. "I'm sorry," she whispers her eyes darken.   As Myra goes down Alsume comes up and tries again, this time he successfully removing the evocation scroll from Myra's head. As he does an energy shock goes out from Myra as he nods at Iroh.   Alsume looks for her other scroll but has problems removing it from her, her magic seeming to have tied it too tightly to her. Iroh looks at Alsume, "Good. We can come out ahead," as he hoists Myra onto his shoulder.   Adama looks at Raijun and the group crowding around the unconscious Myra. He tries a last ditch attempt to stop them throwing a second fireball hoping to take out someone and potentially dislodge Hagren from his demi-plane. Irik is hit but manages to keep playing as Iroh, Dartina, and Alsume all take the fire damage but seem undeterred. Thueban tries to return to attacking Adama but with Adama's magic returned he easily shields keeping the lizard off of him.   Iroh lifts Myra, "Let's leave we have what we came for." As Alsume whistles a signal. Dartina smiles and pulls out a scroll that causes a series of sigils to appear on the roof of the station with a large clock counting down.   Tenchcoat and Persistent, have been trying to save as many civilians as possible but as Trenchcoat sees his boss disappear then Sarya in a box he retargets toward Irik. He lobs a gravity grenade at Irik and sticks him to the spot while flinging Irik's violin away from him. The lack of music releases all the not-yet dead pedestrians who begin to stampede out of the station. Irik pleads with Trenchcoat and Dartina to not leave him there but Trenchcoat pays him no mind and Dartina just waves. Trenchcoat looks around but not seeing the boss goes to pick up an unconscious Laura and carrying her towards safety.   Adama surveys the battlefield with a general's eye: Hagren still gone, Sarya imprisoned, Raijun bleeding out on the floor with Thueban standing over him no sign of retreating with the team. He glances at Myra, on Iroh's shoulders, Alsume, and Dartina in good spirits around them. He does the mental math and circles Thueban, "You'll be fine," he calls to Sarya as he grabs Raijun's hand and teleports them out onto the street. Out of sight he shoves a healing potion in Raijun's mouth before he can pass beyond.   Meko and Persistent help with the evacuations racing out the eastern exits. Sarya is the only one that sees Iroh and Dartina exit west as Spryg roars in rage enlarging before moving toward Sarya. Alsume, splitting from his group teleports near Sarya to pick up a birdcage that Iroh left on the ground before the battle started.   As he does he waves at Sarya, "You know, doing the work you used to do. I expected more." He shrugs, "Maybe next time we can have a little fun little vulture." As he shrugs he takes just one step too close to the force cage negating its effect releasing Sarya's windy form. Before she can tear him apart, "Well let's not be too hasty," he says as he teleports away.   Spryg, having been left behind, lets out a mournful roar before flying over to Sarya hoping to help her. Sarya reviews the wreckage of the station and picks up Trenchcoat, Laura, and any other civilians she can muster and speeds them outside as the timer concludes. As she exits there's a loud explosion as the place the train station was is now rubble. Hagren reappears a moment later, atop the blood-soaked rubble.   As he find his way to the remaining Wardens the blast of the train station still resonates as cries and shouts come from behind. The screams echo down the street as the Wardens stand in the debris defeated, divided, and down three of their charges.
Report Date
27 Jul 2022
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