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Past is Prologue

This takes place during the three day trip mentioned in Ghosts of Decisions Past - Beholden Crossing.   The morning of the second day at sea Myra climbs up into the crows nest to find Sarya. She stumbles a little upon entry before leaning up against the railing facing Sarya but looking out at sea. "Hey, how is it up here?"   Sarya looks to make sure Myra found her footing before staring out at the sun dappled waves, "Not as good as a tree but it’s the best I’m going to find out here."   "Well if your going to insist in staying in the coldest part of the ship at least take this," Myra unbuttons her cloak, the sun catches the golden threaded runes on the inside, as she attempts to hand it to Sarya. She smiles, "Just don't tell Raijun, he'll get jealous."   "Thanks, but I’m warm enough. I’m from colder climes than these." She looks wistfully towards the north, "Thanks for checking in on me. I’m sorry for running off on The Gale earlier… I’m… not used to so many people."   "No offense taken. Honestly if I thought I could've left without offending anyone I would have been gone in an instant. I'd much prefer a book and tea or our small band to anything like that."   "I suppose I am lucky to not have known most of them," Sarya pauses as she tries to make up her mind. Shaking her head, she continues, "I don’t know if you saw, but someone left me a calling card." She pulls out the coin, "It’s… from a life I tried to leave behind"   Myra takes the coin, her brow furrowing as she turns it over "Hmm I've seen something like this before. Here can you hold this a second," Myra hands Sayra the cloak before reaching into the bag of holding and brings out two small black boxes. "I can't make out what it says but we saw similar coins before. When we found them we also found a box but when inserted into the box it shut tight and we haven't been able to open it since. You said they were familiar?"   Adama poke his head up into the nest, “Don’t we have like 2 of those coins”   Sarya absentmindedly puts the cloak over her shoulder, "It says 'Welcome back' in a dialect of Thieves Cant. Those boxes have ones just like this?"   “Didn’t we theorize that we needed 8 of them or something to do something…", Adama asks as he scratches his head.   "I don't know about the second box but this one has a coin inside, it had a 'seven' on one side and 'everything has a price' on the other. A giant know as 'the shadow man' called them the coins of eight so the name stuck. I identified the box too late to learn that we needed some kind of passcode to re-open them," Myra recalls.   Sarya shivers and intones in a different voice, "Everything has a price." She looks scared, "I tried to leave them behind. That’s the motto of the As’ler."   "Who's the As'ler?"   “Smugglers, thieves, assassins… I was.. young and foolish. We didn’t target women and children so I felt better about it… it… escalated from there. They saw my potential and I started doing special jobs for them. I was doing well and rising in my little group - we called ourselves The Untamed. Then…" Sarya trails off.   Noting that Sarya may not want to delve into those specifics, "There were other things we found, following the shadow man, there was a room with a pedestal an incomplete mosaic," Myra reaches into the bag of holding again pulling out a bit of a mosaic with a dragon on it. Myra hands it over to Sarya to look at, "There's a name of a mountain on the back Jyndi. And then there was an odd painting of 3 hands. We had no idea what any of it meant....   Wait. The Untamed?" Myra asks.   “Yeah, we had special talents that they could use. And our leader helped us explore our potential. But it wasn’t what I thought it was…"   Myra closes her eyes in concentration. "A brute of a lizard folk with scars on his jaw, a halfling woman with bandages on her hands, red almost black skinned teifling with a scar on their neck, and a human with scarab armor and bright green eyes?" Myra opens her eye again and look intently at Sarya, "I won't hold against you who you were in a past life but I need to know, are you with them still?"   Sarya looks surprised, "Yes, that was my crew. They’re… not good people. I haven’t seen them in 10 years, since… she shudders they’re bad news she pauses wait, you’ve seen them!?   Myra sighs, "Seen is perhaps the wrong word." Turning to Adama , "I'm going to catch her up to speed, there are too many risks for her not to know what she's walking into." Adama can tell Myra's referencing the scrolls.   "Is this the group that attacked us at Mama’s place in Lionscrest?"   Myra nods, "Not that group specifically but related to what Tintreach got from the barbarian."   Myra turns back to Sarya both her hands outstretched palm up, "This will be faster if I show you." She hesitates for a second, "This is the first time I've tried this so I'd appreciate if you stay on the path that I set you. You can disconnect at any time."   She addresses Spryg and Adama, "If anyone tries to touch us during this I don't know bite their hand off or something."   Adama sits down pulls out the tankard of potent drink and starts to sip.   Sarya looks cautious, "Is this only one way? I don’t want you to see what I have."   "As I've said I'm new to this, but I promise not to peer back. I promise not to look."   "Okay," Sarya takes Myra’s hands.   For Sarya, it's dark just a moment, but it's a comfortable dark and as you look up you see stars above. When you look back down there's a soft grass below your feet leading to a tall wooden door with a crest carved into it. As you approach the door swings open, and beyond you can just barely make out a beetlebung tree with a pond beyond it reflecting the stars from above. You understand it would be difficult for Myra to inspect you from this state as instead of pushing ideas to a common space she has chosen to let you into her mind.   Sarya relaxes and resolves to follow where Myra wants to show her.   As you walk forward, the grass turns to stone and carpet beneath your feet as you ascend the last stairs into a library. The group inside is mostly familiar with Hagren, Adama, and Raijun standing nearby. Three figures you haven't met stand in the room as well. There's another half-elf with long blond hair who radiates a warmth and soft flow to her as if she is standing in moonlight. There's also a blue dragon born, practically crackling with electricity, who seems to be half paying attention. The third is a woman who is dressed in what you now know to be the robes of the Lion's Crest library, a brooch of Mystra pinned to the front.   Klara stands over an old book on a table and as she says words that Myra doesn't yet understand 8 runes light up in different colors. "What do you know about Magic? Surely you understand that high levels of magic are rare but do you know where it comes from?" As she asks the lights from the book form to look like a kind of cloth made of all the colors. "The weave is where all magic comes from and the more you pull from it," she pulls on one of the threads and the color seems to spike through the fabric, "the more it interacts."   "Pulling from the strongest sources you could siphon energy into objects. However," she pulls harshly on one of the threads and the fabric begins to tear, "If used improperly the weave can be damaged or torn. And if it goes on to long," the fabric begins to unravel further until it turns into a roiling mass of string "it could collapse magic itself. "The item you told me about seems to be not just another magical item but one of the Nether scrolls, a direct connection to the weave. If you can find the spaces to re-attune the scrolls the weave could repair itself." She gestures and the fabric being to right itself as the line of magic is restabilized.   As Klara finishes the sentence it's as if the memory dims and door appears in the back of the room where there wasn't one before. Sarya glances around before making her way to the door. As she goes through the door the carpet extends out into inky blackness again for a moment, several voices drift through the darkness, "Did you hear what happened to Greenport?" "Greenport?" "Did you hear what happened?"   You emerge from the darkness into an old stone temple. An eerie green light, the life essence of those in the town above, streams through the chamber along the ceiling headed toward a central chamber room. It flashes and you see a slim woman with yellowish scaled skin standing atop a dais a dagger in her hand. Then it flashes forward to Adama plunging a sword into her as you scream and the woman smiles falling to the floor. From her body a grotesque snake deity begins to form. It flashes again and you see Hagen take the killing shot, the temple beginning to collapse around them. It flashes again and the group stands outside in a town center as the townsfolk seems to rejuvenate with their life force having been returned. The path seems to extend towards a familiar ship in the distance.   "I did hear what happened in Greenport, but only the sickness and it’s end." Sarya makes her way towards the ship.   You see the group deciding on the name Myra suggesting the name jokingly and it sticking. The scene blinks and the group is meeting a man you recognize from the other day, Jimmy or James both names seem to belong to him. Another man named Topp is introduced and the Captain of the Alabaster Gale Onsprey is introduced. There's a flash and their in a warmly lit room which Myra's memory identifies as the Community center in Lion's Crest. A female Tortle stands in front of the group explaining she could keep the scroll safe with Jimmy agreeing. A scroll is handed over and the group turns to move forward. Jimmy explains that there's something going on in Nightwell and you feel a pang of fear from Myra at the name. A door opens in the back of the room with inky blackness on the other side.   As you continue you find yourself in a stone building with an enormous amount of heat, descending the stairs lower. "One doesn't require a scroll to conduct evil." You see flashes of war machines, a devil riding a large black nightmare, hear the screams of someone just out of reach, and the hellish visage of knights who had once been mortal. "But we don't tend to find them doing good either."   A proud druid stands in a copse of broken trees as a massive distorted tree-ent emerges from a nearby tree. The scene cuts to the same man laughing as people who have been consumed by plants attack the Wardens before the scene cuts off suddenly throwing you back into the blackness with cobblestones slicked with blood leading off into the distance.   Sarya takes it in with wide eyes and shudders as she sees the distorted Ent.   The damp cobbles lead to a square as Myra's voice come through again, "After the Events in Nightwell we found that others started to pop up as interested parties in the events. While some of them had unclear motivations," You see an extremely opulent man that Myra's memories identifies as Thirsten Thompson, the man below deck who has been introduced as Yamil stands behind him, as a woman in Slekul colors talks to Thompson.   "Others motivations we're less hidden." The scene changes suddenly and harshly back to the cozy community center Myra showed before. A group of three stranger stand by the door a small girl clutched tightly in the claws of a pale blue undead tiefling. The scene freezes but you hear the words of the tiefling, muddled as if through a door, "Excuse me I'd like everyone's attention." A moment later you hear a boom and the sounds of screams as the picture pans to the right. Where you know there were people enjoying food before is not populated by charred corpses the floor smoldering from where the fireball hit.   The picture returns to real time with the blue tiefling holding up the small child looking at Adama, weapon drawn, "You are but a fool for rushing in. How many more people have to die before we get what we came here for. Two of the things we want are in these fair walls. Give us the scrolls." You see flashes of a battle ensue, more innocent people die, several of the wardens go down only to be revived. James fights with them but ultimately several of the members escape with one of the scrolls.   Sarya hears Myra whisper in her ear, "Don't worry we get it back but this is how I knew of your group."   The group is talking, discussing what to do with the bear of a man who sits on the floor tied. Adama and Raijun have disappeared out the door to attempt to track the scroll so it is Hagren, Myra, Gwen, and Tintreach who stand with Jimmy discussing the man's fate. Myra pulls Tintreach aside and asks of he can do something. You see Tintreach channel his magic and concentrate on the man, closing his eyes, "He's upset at being left behind, but is happy his group escaped he thinks the benefactor will be happy."   The blue dragonborn concentrates harder, "The benefactor, he has thoughts of warm sand, a bag of gold, they sit in a small room with crates, across the table is a tall tan man covered in tattoos. There are others in the room too," He goes on to list the description Myra gave of your former party before. "One of the men speaks, 'I want them before he gets them. Do I make myself clear?' Crypt, the blue teifling responds, 'We can aquire them but your contacts better be right. We have a personal stake.' The first man responds, 'Trust me I have connections. Your organization will be well rewarded.' 'Well it was a pleasure doing business with you Mr. Alsume.'"    Sarya is no longer sad but is now furious "They are still using children!? She draws her scimitar and tries to run through the teifling with it Damn you Surat! I’ll kill you too!" She slashes away ineffectually as she realizes that there is nothing she can do about this memory with a strength of will, Sarya pulls herself together to watch the rest of the memory, but she does not sheathe her sword.   Sarya feel Myra soften as she shows her the small girl collapsing to the ground and a stranger appear in a red cloak in her place. Myra's voice whispers in her ear, "The girl was another deceit, but I have no doubt they would have used a child had they had one handy."   Sarya feels a heavy guilt pressing down as the memory is interrupted by the faces of children grieving or frozen to the ground. Blackened bodies that are smaller and Myra desperately wracking her brain to remember who was there a moment before. It takes Myra a minute to stop the flashes and pull herself back to the memory she was trying to show.   Sarya reaches out, as if to comfort Myra, though she cannot see her.    As the scene fades and the door appears Sarya feels a kind of questioning and realize that Myra has left you where the conversation started. Looking at the door ahead Sarya realizes it is the same as the first door that let you into her mind, "How do you know where these scrolls are?"   The scene shifts, you see Myra alone talking to the mayor of Greenport about missing family heirlooms when he mentions the sickness. It shifts again and James is talking about strange rumors surrounding Nightwell and Myra's fear for her brother. It flashes a third time and Myra has the man named James pinned to the wall 'asking' him for more information on the attack on Kolis-Tane. Next, a throne room, the admiral from the other night standing beside the queen of Lion's Crest explaining the frequent attacks as boats attempt to cross near the Beholden. A final blink deposits you back in the library, Klara hands Myra a device that looks like a small obsidian slate, "It's a flux detector. It must be tuned to a specific school of magic but when it is it will detect like magic nearby. It does require the object to be on the same plane and the field of view is relatively small. While larger sources will create larger fields you will need to be close enough to the object to see the field."   The scene changes and Sarya's in a plant filled sewer, the detector in Myra's hands, and occasionally she casts something into it causing a radar like screen appears with a large blip on one side that she orients the group toward.   "Got it. Thank you for showing me this," Sarya says.   The tunnel fades and the door appears. It's closed as if to ask if there is anything else you need to know before it opens. Sarya reaches out towards the door. As they both emerge from Myra's mind and are thrust back out into the light of day Myra sways slightly, Spryg coming up from behind to support her. Myra turns to Adama as she pulls out a flask, "Well that was new. How long were we out?"   “About 3 drinks long, I’m not drunk so kind of long, but everything is relative”   "Eh not too bad then." Looking to Sarya, "Well that's the long and short of it, mostly the long.... Also now that you have the secret handshake I am obligated to trap your soul in an enchanted mirror if you cross us."   Myra starts climbing down from the crows nest, but yells up, "Don't forget to come down to eat."

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