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Ghosts of Decisions Past - Beholden Crossing

General Summary

Having escaped the explosion of Vlypeum and made their way back to the waiting boats the Wardens attended the party hosted in their honor on The Alabaster Gale as they decided their next course of action. Having delivered a report to the waiting emissaries and avoided initiating any conflicts the group returned to their ship to take a well deserved rest having decided that they would set sail for Beater's Point in the morning.

Funny Feelings

While Hagren had a restful night's sleep the rest of the group, who had all used the possibility manipulators in Vlypem, awoke to some side effects from their past decisions. Adama, Raijun, and Trenchcoat all awoke to feeling slightly high, seeing the world as a place of limitless possibility and the point of view that everything was beautiful. Myra on the other hand, awoke with a pounding headache and confusion about where she was. She knew that she was supposed to open the shop today but she couldn't remember where she was or why she was there. As she probed on those questions her head hurt more so she attempted to leave her cabin immediately becoming frightened upon finding Lilum outside.   Raijun and Adama quickly run into her and ask how she's doing, Myra says she's not feeling well and like there was something she was supposed to do. She asks both of them if they have seen Gwen thinking maybe she would understand what was going on. Both of them are confused telling her that Gwen isn't here and asking what she means. Myra seems confused but not upset by learning Gwen isn't there and excuses herself to go look for something as Adama says he'll bring her coffee and Raijun continues above deck.   On top deck Hagren has been talking to Reach asking if they have memories from before. Reach says they have the ability to track time but not memories per-se they have 'instances'. As they are talking Trenchcoat pulls Hagren aside to show him the 'horde' he has been working on for them, including Raijun's money, some nice cutlery, a bottle of wine, some robot fingers. Hagren is in the middle of asking Trenchcoat where he got all of this when Trenchcoat fumbles the pillowcase he had it in spilling some of the coins. At this point Raijun has come up and proceeds to help Trenchcoat collect the money that has fallen on the deck.   As Raijun and Trenchcoat collect the fallen gold, Hagren hears Yamil hailing them from over the side. Hagren hauls Yamil aboard accidentally calling him 'Yamil Stagwood' which Yamil corrects. Yamil notices the chaos of Raijun, Trenchcoat, and the gold coins on the desk and comments that it seems some of us partied too hard last night. Adama comes up to the deck and is unnervingly pleasant leading Hagren to start literally throwing water on people to shake them out of what ever's going on. Raijun is able to shadow step away but in doing so runs headlong into a mast. While everyone feels light effects still all the men are back to their more normal selves. Yamil questions if this kind of thing is usual for the group perhaps second guessing using the Warden's as his ride.   Yamil brings out some papers from Miss Carter handing them to Hagren explaining that she drafted them after the conversation the night before. Yamil said she asked that they be returned to her before departing and Hagren mentions that he wants to run it by Myra before he signs anything for the group. Going below Hagren finds Myra frantically looking through the rooms for something she can't remember. She mutters something about being ready for opening and Hagren Yells at her to scare her into herself. While she seems to still be slightly off she regains most of her composure and asks Hagren what he needs. Hagren explains the situation with the contracts and Myra takes a moment to read it over. While being favorable in terms of the money offered, enough to completely overhaul the ship if needed, Myra notes that this would grant the IP of the Divine Reach to Thompson essentially giving him the research rights and production rights to recreate a fleet of his own. Myra suggests that perhaps we see how much the repairs cost on our own before selling to a corporation as we could likely get multiple bidders from nations and other corporation if we are willing to sell the IP. Hagren agrees and they send a response back to Carter explaining that they are not interested in such a deal right now but would let her know if they were pursuing offers in the future. Myra also sends a note implying that if Carter is ever interested in not working for Thompson she'd be interested in buying out Carter's contract and making a better deal with her.   Meanwhile, on the top deck Adama is asking Yamil about potential vacation opportunities suggesting that the Wardens could use a minute to relax especially after how much the last battle took out from us. Yamil says he knows of a nice resort on Slekul in the Spring of the Ancients . Adama asks for alternatives preferably in the other direction and Yamil suggests Hazelden as he hears that they have ocean cottages. Raijun suggests that they could do more beans but laments that they are almost out. Adama looks around before telling Raijun that he found more beans in Vlypeum and that he would give him one if he could resist rubbing the lamp for ten days. Adama also comments that they probably shouldn't tell Myra about the additional beans if they want to keep them for themselves.   Raijun wonders aloud how they will get Myra to agree to a vacation saying that they'd most like have to kidnap her to even get her to come along. Yamil asks what she like and Raijun suggests that she'd probably be down if she could go study in a library. Yamil comments that surely where ever we go someone will have a book she can read so that's basically the same thing. The three laugh and Adama comments that he woke up happier than he has in a long time and is excited for the vacation. He asks Yamil if he'd be down to join us on a vacation or if his work for Thompson is more pressing. Yamil comments that he thinks his work for Thompson could probably wait a few days as long as we are still willing to give him a ride.   Sarya, sleeping in the crows nest has overheard but not engaged in many of the other shenanigans below. Still troubled from what she saw the other night she sends a message to Tumal Naan asking if they sent the coin and inquiring what they were doing here. After getting no response Sarya is also able to bring a few other letters around, delivering the notes for Hagren and Myra as well as learning that James Jasper Whitehall III is staying for a short period of time to help coordinate cleanup efforts. James mentions that they will return to Lion's Crest shortly after so perhaps we will cross paths there. The group relays their plan to James and casts off hoping to make it out of the area before the warding done on boat to protect from divination on the compass and boxes fades.

Beaters Point

Divine Reach being in rough shape after the emergency landing after Vlypeum was only able to sustain smaller burst of flight resulting in the boat skipping across the water towards Beater's Point.   On the way, they took a few days of rest with Adama choosing to burn his arcane recovery to cast non-detection on the bag of holding to keep the boxes and compass away from potential watching eyes. Myra spent most of her time identifying the items that were found in the IR-AV room (see The IR- AV - Tracking Thompson's Treasures) including the spell book Adama had asked her to look at. She also took time to investigate the Cursed Compasses and fully identify it still receiving only information on it being a Compass of Finding. While she identified the compass it did not talk to her further but Myra, wary of the voice she heard, seemed reluctant to touch it further.   As the progressed the Wardens saw ships from The Carrefour, Slekul, and Lion's Crest peel off some headed toward beaters point and others breaking away. None followed close enough that the group felt threatened by their presence with their head start giving them plenty of maneuvering room.   On the way over Adama, Raijun, and Myra noticed that they were healing and regaining abilities slower than usual but had some discussion between them on if that was related to the scrolls or the 'possibility' chambers that they used in Vlypeum. Adama indicated that he thought it was the chamber as he had only just begun studying the Abjuration scroll they found and they wondered about how long it would take to wear off. Adama spends most of his time on Reach studying the new scroll while Myra uses the transmutation scroll to patch and fix any of the issues she can get at from the inside of the boat trying to shore it up until we make port.   As they approached Beater's Point they saw an almost oil rig like station with a beacon light out the top, later identified as Wave Breaker Station. Hagren landed the ship and pulled up to the way station finding a half elven man manning the area we pulled up to. The attendant asked if we were looking for a tow in indicating the shipwrecks and rocks ahead that block easy access to the point. Hagren at first agreed until the attendant sized up the boat and requested 500 gold for the tow. When negotiations failed to bring the cost down Hagren indicates that they'll sail the boat in themselves. The attendant laughs not believing Hagren will make it in of our own volition and says that if we do manage to make it in to pull up to Slip 17 to dock.   Between some slick moves of Hagren's captaining and a few lucky breaks the group is able to make it into the dock with Reach still in tact pulling into slot 17. As the others discuss what they want in port Myra jumps off, casting water walking on herself immediately going around to inspect and repair the hull of boat where possible. After a short period of time a grey-brown half orc woman rolls down the dock flanked by several other half orcs behind her. She calls out to Myra "Hey - Excuse me what are you doing?" and it takes Myra a second to realize she's talking to her. Myra says she's fixing the boat what does it look like she's doing and goes back to working. The woman speaks up again, "Maybe you don't understand the situation." And asks what right we had to not use a tow. Myra indicates that we seemed perfectly capable and the woman replies that well now we need to pay the dock fee. Myra asks if she's "some sort of dockmaster" and she agrees that she's "some sort" and says Myra can call her Noh.   Myra sighs and calls for Hagren who comes out and eyes the group standing near Myra, who is still standing on the water with her arms crossed. Hagren recognizes some of the tattoos on Noh and the group as being from an established half-orc tribe as well as some being mariners tattoos. Myra, in the argument with Noh suggests that we could go find Corporal Ryan Handish if we needed someone to clear things up with Noh suggesting we wouldn't get that far. In her explanation of the problem to Hagren Myra call's him captain causing Noh's disposition to change. She looks confused for a moment as if Myra is trying to pull a fast one over on her before turning thoughtful. She reaches out to shake Hagren's hand commenting, "It's not so often we find a deserving captain such as yourself. If you need anything while you're in town my name is Noh."    Noh says she hasn't seen Hagren before and asks where he hails from. Hagren responds that he's from Faerun out east and asks Noh if she is really the dock master. Noh explains that Beater's point's docks are divided into the west and east sides. The west is controlled by Noh and the Bow Breakers while the east is run by the navy and Corporal Ryan Handish. Hagren asks if there are any fees we need to pay and Noh says that he's all set. Hagren indicates that we are looking to have some work done on the boat and Noh mentions she knows a guy if we want to come with her.
Report Date
18 Jan 2022
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