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Reunions - Kolis-Tane

General Summary

After an exciting night on the train the Wardens were able to get in a rest. As the train pulls into the station at Kolis-Tane Myra reminds Ayen of his promise to allow her to go visit Soot and Steel before returning home.   Looking out at the station the group immediately sees two group of armed people, one in colors of purple and gold with twin peaks that resemble the mountains in front of them, the other in a familiar green and gold livery of the Stagwoods. As the group disembarks Ayen nods the group over to a set of carriages, as the Stagwood guards form a barrier between the group and the other passengers disembarking. Meanwhile, Ayen goes over to chat with the person who appears to be leading the city guard as the group are ushered through the crowd.   Though the Wardens are too far away to hear, Myra reads the guard's lips as she passes, catching, "You know more than you're telling me. This would be a lot easier if I could question them here." Before seeing Ayen break off the conversation and head back toward the group.   Having moved through the tunnel of guards, the Wardens find themselves in front of three ornate carriages. Each is gold in color and has an intricate forest scene on the side. Where a coachman would be expected to sit there is instead a gold stag head emblazoned. Each coach would seem to sit four and Myra suggests Hagren take one with Trenchcoat and the crew. Hagren nods, and moves toward the carriage in the back. There seems to be murmurs from the crowd as there is some confusion over who the people are and some kind of social faux pas that has been committed.   Ayen reaches the group, touching Myra's arm and indicating that she should get into the middle carriage with him. Myra sighs and relents being led into the carriage, Sarya following closely behind. Adama and Raijun opt to take the front carriage and as they all sit down the carriages take off into the city.   In the middle carriage Ayen comments, "Your parents know we're here so we will have to be fast. You'll have ten maybe twenty minutes max."   Myra seems resigned and just nods. Out the windows of the carriage, the group sees a number of shops and businesses some elven in design but others that seem an eclectic mash of cultures. About thirty minutes into the ride they start to smell burnt wood and reacting metal and see puffs of colored smoke flowing up from a building.  

Soot and Steel

As the carriages come to a halt, the group finds themselves out front of a large circular yurt set up with all kinds of arms and armor for sale. Standing with her back to the carriages is a large woman with auburn red hair. Myra is out of the carriage before Ayen can remind her of the time limit but stops just outside suddenly unsure. As the rest of the group exits the carriage a smaller girl walks up to the group taking them in.   "Is he your body guard?" The girl asks to Raijun while motioning to Trenchcoat, "Weapons aren't allowed inside."   Raijun and Trenchcoat are both offended with Trenchcoat exclaiming he wouldn't work for Raijun, almost as fast as Raijun saying he wouldn't want Trenchcoat for a guard.   The girl looks Raijun up and down again, "You look like the kind of person who appreciates fine craftsmanship."   Raijun beams, saying that she clearly has a very discerning eye. He continues that he's hears the oracle of swords resides here and asks if she might look at his blade. The girl pauses for only a moment looking confused before calling out, "Mooom I think we got a customer."   The woman standing behind the tables turns, she's wearing smelting overalls and her bushy hair seems to be pulled back by a set of goggles she's using as a headband. She spots the group and as she see's Myra she breaks into a run. She approaches and punches Myra, which Myra deflects away from her stomach to her arm as the woman exclaims, "What took you so long?" Before embracing Myra in a big hug.   Myra's temporary paralysis broken she returns the hug saying how good it is to see her. The woman asks what Myra brought her and Myra laughs asking if she would like hers first or if she should give her gift for Rachel, nodding to the small girl. The little girl approaches the woman and asks, "Mommy who's this?" And Myra looks truly heartbroken.   A thin man leaves the yurt, runes snaking up his arms, and picks up the girl, "Rachel don't you recognize your big sister Myra?"   Myra greets the man with a handshake, "You look good Stephen."   Rachel wrinkles her face looking Myra over again, "I don't know. You look older, and skinnier. I hate change."   Myra's back flashes briefly as her features melt into that of her own six months ago, "Is that better?"   The little girl leaps at Myra from her father's arms, "Big sister Myra! What did you bring me?"   Myra laughs and smiles wide as from her bag she draws out a glass butterfly and blows into it causing runes along it's wings to light up as it begins flapping, flying about as Rachel chases after it. Myra looks at her fondly, "She looks well," she comments.   "We have Madam Slesma to thank for much of that."   Myra pulls out a leg of one of the automatons and hands it to the woman, "And for you."   The woman looks puzzled for a moment, "Umm thanks?"   Myra clarifies that she's sorry but the metal that makes it up isn't quite as easy to bring back in bars noting that she thought she would enjoy looking at it in leg form.   The woman looks at the leg again double taking, "Wait are you saying its one of those? It's been hard to get ahold of some of these," as she takes it further into the yurt to inspect it further.   "How have things been going generally?"   "Good. they've been good. Your father has actually been very helpful. He set Stephen up with some consulting work in Clockwork."   Myra remarks that's excellent asking Stephen if he's doing artificing. "Nah, I'm just consulting. More so making sure that the metal is treated properly."   Adama coughs and Myra is startled out of the conversation remembering that the others came as well and being apologizing for not introducing. Raijun, already ahead of her goes through everyone and finishes with himself boldly declaring that he is Myra's best friend away from home. This causes Sky to look up and go "Oh really?" Looking Raijun over with a renewed interest.   Raijun comments that yes really and him and Sky proceed to flex at each other, Myra watching both amused and slightly horrified. Myra cuts in that Raijun was actually hoping to speak to Vila about his sword commenting that he has money. As Sky leads them around the yurt Raijun comments that he's an 'acquired taste' and Sky nods saying he must be.   Rounding the back the group sees an even larger woman working away on an anvil, her strikes seem to be generating the multi-colored smoke that they noticed before. All along her exposed arms, chest, and neck are runes. On the anvil a small dagger that seems to flash in brilliant changing lights. As she strikes it the metal seems to curve and shape as though she's guiding it more than hitting it with force.   As the group rounds the back she looks up and smiles, "'Bout time you got home," she comments as she sweeps Myra into a big hug. Vila also looks to Ayen that is seems like he's looking better commenting that Madame Slesma was able to fix his leg up. Myra shoots a glare at Ayen before Vila asks if Myra will be in town long and Myra winces slightly saying she's not sure but it will probably be long enough. Vila nods and comments that Myra should thank her parents for them as her father has set them up with a lot of business lately. Myra nods and says she'll pass along the thanks and introduces the group.   By the time Myra gets to Raijun he's kneeling before Vila his sword held up above his head offered to her. "Oh oracle of the swords I've come to beseech you for your aid."   Vila looks at him puzzled, "I'm not looking for a mate right now..."   Raijun blushes standing and corrects saying that was not his intention, as Myra steps in and explains that he just wants her to look at the sword. Vila nods and takes the Sword from Raijun inspecting it closely.   "Did the brother's in Lion's Crest do this?" She asks. Raijun, amazed, asks her how she knew. "Well one has talent and the other is sloppy," she points to an area of the blade where on one side the colors smoothly transition through a series of colors while on the other side it's more jagged and uneven. "I can do some work with this. What exactly are you looking for?"   Before Raijun can answer Ayen steps up, placing a hand on Myra's shoulder, "It's time to go."   Myra resigned, "Let me say goodbye?" Ayen nods.   Vila speaks up, "Why don't you leave this with me overnight and you can come make plans tomorrow." Raijun eagerly agrees.   The group returns to the front and starts heading toward the carriages. Myra says goodbye to Sky saying she'll be back as she's in town, turning to Rachel she asks her not to forget her again. Rachel responds, "Don't get old," but then remembers something and runs off returning a moment later with an index card sized box which she hands to her mother.   "Other that's right, a handsome guy commissioned this for you," Sky says handing the box to Myra while punching her a little.   Myra seems confused at frist before recognizing something, opening it carefully but quickly as she asks, "When was he here?" Raijun jokes, asking who Myra's suitor is and he and Sarya watch. Sky responds saying he made the request a few days ago, maybe a week now. Myra flips open the box revealing a beautiful gold doe, before blushing and closing the lid quickly sliding it into her bag. Raijun teases her again asking who the mysterious stranger is and Myra blushing quietly replies, "I think Yamil is in town."   Before dwelling on that Ayen comes over and ushers them back into the carriages in the same configuration as before. Adama and Raijun comment on the cool sword possibilities wondering if Adama's sword could get more fire. In the center carriage before anyone can ask about the gift Myra turns sternly to Ayen. "Your Leg?"   Ayen winces slightly under Myra's gaze and admits that his leg was almost entirely new after the incident and that much of that regrowth he has Madame Slesma to thank for. "My old leg was rendered... distant from my body during the explosion." Myra demands to see the leg and Ayen rolls up his pants to reveal what looks like healthy flesh underneath.  

The Stagwood Estate

As the carriages continue the group notices that they seem to be rising higher and higher in the city, the buildings growing more ornate and less visible as they disappear behind gates and walls. After a short period the carriages pull up before a golden gate with two large stags watching over it. As the carriages approach the stags seem to animate and turn opening the gates allowing them through.   The carriages pass inside into a garden that reminds the group of that of Temporous Timbers, different areas seeming to be kept in different seasons in a display of wealth and presentation. The carriages roll along the path for some time until they round the bend revealing a large expansive estate, windows brightened by a multitude of candles.   As the carriages pull up to the house they are greeted by a butler, who introduces himself as Max, who addresses Ayen asking why they are late. Ayen comments that the train was delayed as Myra tries to slip towards the back of the room asking Max if she has time to look more presentable. Max comments that it's nice to see her home but says that her mother has already been summoned. Myra looks down at her dress, not the one picked out by her mother and now at least partially covered in soot, and pales saying she'll be right back and indicating she needs to use the bathroom before rushing off to one of the side rooms.   As she leaves, Max turns to the rest of the group asking who they are. Raijun beams and performs a perfect Wardens dance leading the guards to be alarmed and move toward him as Ayen waves them off smirking. Sarya is the first one to hear three sets of voices coming down the hall turning to where she hear voices. Two older gentlemen walk into the room, taking in the Wardens sans Myra, just behind one of them is a slighter blue fellow taking notes. Max announces the group as Garrett Stagwood, Cosmo, and Ryan Fortis and introduces the group as the Wardens.   As the group is introduced Myra rushes from the other room, now dressed in the more formal gown that was left for her on the train, looking flustered. As she enters the room her father walks across the room ignoring the others and picks her up twirling her around in a hug. As he puts her down he takes her in, "It's so good to see you again. Are you eating?" He asks concerned.   Myra deflects on the food instead asking Max to convey to Azer that she is not eating meat right now. Which Max nods and heads off to the left hallway the men appeared from. Myra comments that it's good to see her father as well and chastises him for the bounty remarking that she had been sending letters. He comments that they hadn't heard recently and asks if it would kill her to send a letter to her mother. Myra looks ashamed for a second before whirling around to introduce her self and the group to Mr. Fortis and invites everyone to move into the salon, as Ayen opens a door to the right revealing a sitting room.   Myra asks if we are delaying Mr. Fortis or pulling her father away from their conversation and Mr. Fortis shakes his head saying it's purely his own fault, mentioning that he's been exceedingly busy as there's been a recent 'incident' at work. Lord Stagwood suggests that perhaps Mr. Fortis should employ, "my daughter and her Wardens." Lord Stagwood praises the Wardens work and saying that if he is willing to pay for their services they could probably be discreet, looking to Myra for confirmation.   Myra nods and Mr. Fortis indicates that that would be wonderful thanking Garrett for his help turning to Myra he asks how long they will be in town for. Myra's father answers before she can, "she'll be home long enough." Mr. Fortis thanks everyone again saying that he'll be in touch and that perhaps they can meet tomorrow as he wants to give Myra time with her family. Myra nods and turns to Cosmo asking if he would be able to coordinate with Mr. Fortis for them to ensure they didn't waste Mr. Fortis's time. Cosmo nods and says that he would be happy to help and leads Mr. Fortis out.   Myra turns to her father asking how he met Mr. Fortis. He laughs, "Well my contact with him has been mostly to ensure the longevity of my business. But I've known him for a while and he seems like a good man." Garrett peers at his daughter looking her over, "Are you well? You look... thinner than the last time you were here. Azer will have a fit."   "Well, that's what you get when fifty percent of your calories come from alcohol," Raijun supplies helpfully as Myra glares daggers at him.   Lord Stagwood continence turns dark for a second as he menacingly stalks over to Raijun, as though to correct the slight on Myra. "Now tell me," he starts serious but his tone changes dramatically as he cracks a smile, "if my daughter is consuming calories are you at least having fun with her?"   Myra sighs and puts her head in her hands while the group does more personal introductions with her father. The group praises Myra as her father comments how good it is to meet everyone and how he hopes that they are showing Myra, "how to live a little." As he is about to ask for more information about their adventures there's a small clearing of the throat from the doorway as a very polished beautiful female elf appears in the doorway, "Lady's don't slouch," she corrects as Myra stands up very straight.   Max introduces the woman from the other room, "Presenting Lady Kythera Stagwood, Senior Lineage Council member of the Forest Heights, Matron of the house Inden'ryn, in Sindarin," as the lady glides over to Myra taking her hands.   "Thank you for returning home so promptly, even with the delay from the train."   "Yes, unfortunately we have no control over bandits attacking the train," Myra comments dryly.   A flash of concern crosses lady Stagwood's face before it returns to her composed state taking in the group. "You certainly have an interesting and... eclectic travelling group dear." Myra does another round of introductions and when she concludes her mother speaks up again addressing the group, "Thank you for ensuring her safety." Turning back to Myra she regards her again taking up her hands and squeezes them tightly, "I'm worried about your state of health. You look so thin and," she caresses Myra's cheek, "when was the last time you got a good night's sleep?"   "Well you know, it's hard to sleep on trains..." Myra covers.   "Yes well we are thrilled to have you all here. We have heard some of the tales about your travels," Myra's Mother starts.   "Yeah there have been dragons and demons and Myra has been instrumental," Raijun adds as Myra's mother's grip tightens on Myra' s hands.   "This book worm?" Myra's father asks. Laughing, "See I told you she would be fine," he says addressing her mother. Myra's mother gives him a look that would split atoms as his laughter dies a little, "Yes well we would love love to hear about all the appropriate parts."   "Perhaps we should move into the dining room," Kythera suggests. Looking Myra up and down, "Myra, perhaps you should go finish getting prepared."  

Dinner Is Served

Myra ducks her head in embarrassment and excuses herself ducking into one of the side doors as the rest of the group walks across the foyer to the dining room. Note: At this point Myra left the room and did things off screen. The notes do not reflect what happened while she was out of the room because I don't know currently. As the following conversation happens they are severed a many course meal beginning with bread and cheese, course two is French onion soup, third is a fey wild salad, fourth is lamb chops, and fifth is lamb chops (which Myra is not served per her request).   Several minutes pass before Myra reenters the dining room, this time her hair is pulled back in pin that resembles stag horns and a necklace of similar design with a large emerald suspended in it around her neck. Her dress looks less rumpled and she is now wearing makeup and two large banded bracelets of gold around her wrist. "You look much more appropriate dear," Lady Stagwood supplies as Myra takes a seat directly to her left. Before the conversation can start up again a large tabaxi woman comes in and cries out seeing Myra before retreating back towards the kitchen.   "Nice to see you too Azer," Myra comments quietly after the tabaxi leaves.   "She certainly has her work cut out for her," Myra's father comments. "Maybe with Myra back in the house Orion can make the pastries again."   "The pastries are for Myra dear," Lady Stagwood corrects. Raijun looks to Lord Stagwood confused on why he would be unable to eat said pastries but he just laughs and pats his gut explaining that his body isn't what it used to be and pastries aren't good for his health. Lady Stagwood speaks up again, "Yes well we all know I'm going to outlive you dear but it would be nice if stuck around for a while."   Myra pales slightly but her father just laughs commenting that he's sure that the day he does pass on Kythera would be there negotiating with the Raven Queen on her behalf. Raijun comments that he has an in with her if he needs a good word.   Lord Stagwood laughs again turning to Myra, "Your companions seem to hold you in high regard. Saying that you saved lives and kept them in line."   "It seems you've certainly been busy and around a number of events," Lady Stagwood adds.   Myra comments that her expedition looking for the bracelet took her farther afield than expected though according to Ayen it seems that it has made it's way back.   "Yes in an odd turn of fate. Though Birch is still having an issue with the south lawn, and Ayen's arm and leg are only just healing." Myra shoots a glance back at Ayen who has the decency to look slightly ashamed. Lady Stagwood shows a beautiful bracelet with an intricate forest pattern on it that seems to bloom and dissolve while the group looks on, "Yes it was an interesting situation. It seems the burglar didn't realize the value or unforeseen consequences of what he had-"   "The damn bird was blowing up places he was trying to rob!" Her father exclaims.   Myra comments that she had heard that there was difficulty removing the item from the burglar and comments that she's glad it was able to be returned. "Yes it has long traveled in our family and I hope to one day pass it down to you, but it is ironic for you to have gone out to find it only for it to return here. Perhaps it would have been faster for you to never have left."   Myra swallows a lump in her throat, saying that the latest information she had was that there was some difficulty with the bracelets removal. Myra's mother continues, "Well the individual was more receptive towards its removal once certain aspects were explained. It was only returned a day or two ago."   "Ah well it seems I'm out of touch," Myra comments looking down.   "Your friends were telling us that you stopped in Nightwell," Her father transitions, "we've heard quite the story." He explain that Thompson has been telling everyone that his son died in the line of battle a true hero to the city. Raijun corrects that that was very much not the case, Lord Stagwood snorts, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Lady Stagwood gives him a look as he continues, "We heard the commander unleashed machines of war on the towns people." Raijun corrects him that that was only half of it and that at the same time a super powerful elf was making all the trees come to life which they handily took care of by Myra launching him into a tree, all of which he pantomimes with the lamb shanks he's currently holding. As he talks Myra looks like she's trying to fade into her chair but her father just laughs, "How does it feel to be live in one of your storybooks?"   "It's been ... eventful," Myra says hesitantly immediately losing interest in the food at the mention of Nightwell, "We saw Ky while we were in town."   "How is he," Myra's mother asks politely, "I was hoping we'd see him home."   "He seems very busy with work, he sent me a letter saying he didn't think he would be able to make it back. But he seems happy with the work he's doing," Myra offers.   "That's all we ever wanted for him," her father provides, "though he seems to still be negotiating his place."   Myra's mother nods, "while it's not the path we would have picked for him I'm thankful he's found something."   Her father turns back to Raijun, "Nightwell, is that where they found you? I heard there was a circus in town and you seem... acrobatic."   Raijun laughs and says no he actually joined the group in Greenport. Her father's eyebrows raise as he winks at Myra, "Oh Greenport, there's a new wing of the library in your aunts name." Myra pales. Raijun comments that he didn't know Lord Stagwood was such a philanthropist as Raijun is also on a quest to do good for the orphans of the world. Lord Stagwood looks slightly surprised asking what Raijun's goals are.   Raijun explains that he finds in the world, like often care for like but that means that very few people are out to look out for those who do not have any means. He expands that he hopes to provide funds to be the person he always wish he had when he was growing up.   Lord Stagwood looks thoughtfully at Raijun, "That's a noble sentiment. I did not have the same upbringing as all this and I can appreciate those who remember where they came from."   Myra's mother makes a comment about some people remembering where they were from and those that care about them and Myra apologizes again for the lack of communication asking if they ever received her letter from Grand Marshal Antenel Lunest. Myra's mother wrinkles her nose in distaste, "I don't trust her. The past dictates, well it's bad manners to speak ill on those who have fallen on harder times."   "Speaking of captains," Myra's father segues turning to Hagren, "I hear you have quite the acumen in seafaring skills. I'd like to meet your crew if we have a chance. What got you started on the seas if you don't mind me asking?"   Hagren recounts how his first experiences on the sea and his "forceful recruitment" weren't ideal but given the circumstances around his mother's death at the same time it seemed like death at sea wasn't too much worse than death at the bottom of a bottle. Lord Stagwood frowns saying he's sorry to hear that that was Hagren's experience but comments that if Hagren is ever looking for work he would be happy to provide some.   Myra adds that Sky and Vila said to thank him for their work, asking how he came to include them. Lord Stagwood recounts walking through the Crescent and seeing their work and getting something. that piece was later on display in his office and someone was interested in the craftsmanship. From there it was simply a matter of supply and connections. He shakes his commenting, "Vila's talent is wasted on instruments of war. When did you hear about that?"   Myra pauses briefly saying that she corresponded with Sky via letters. Myra's mother's face looks distant for a second as under her breath she comments, "Yes the train was delayed," just loud enough that Myra hears it and flinches. Raijun notices and comments loudly on how wonderful the food is, however this causes Myra's mother to turn to her and remark, "Were you not able to find food?"   Myra swallows, "No. I mean we were able to find food, finding something as magnificent as Azer's cooking might be difficult. Lady Adalphia is an excellent cook in Lion's Crest though." Her mother asks who that might be and Myra explains that she's one of the ladies of the court as Raijun expands that she also occasionally cooks for the King and Queen of Lion's Crest.   Raijun asks if they know them and Kythera makes a noise as she comments, "That scoundrel who shirks responsibility and goes galivanting around." While Lord Stagwood comments, "Yes who would leave his entire kingdom to be run by his spouse," as he suddenly see's his wife gaze and get's very quiet Raijun adds, "well it's not like she'd listen to him anyway right?"   As Raijun realizes the precarious edge he's on pivots addressing Myra's mother, "I try to get her to do Tai Chi with me but she's always to busy!"   Myra's mother turns to her as Myra attempts to sink into the floor, "A lady must mind her figure," as Raijun comments that she needs more food to supplement and regain muscle mass.   "I thought you disliked all of that anyway, with the violence " Myra retorts.   "Well I didn't expect you to give up on your physical well being," Myra's mother says quickly. Reaching for Myra's hand.   "You said it was unbecoming of a lady," Myra comments, her eyes studying the plate of food before her.   Myra's mother grabs her hand in an unusual display, and for a second a look of remorse crosses her face, "I didn't realize you were listening," she nearly whispers.   There's silence for second before Myra clears her throat, pulling her hand back and tucking it under the table, "Do you need any help with the Gala," she asks still not meeting her mother's eyes.   Myra's mother gives her an eyebrow, "Have I ever needed assistance with those? The planning is complete all that is required is for you to acquire proper attire for your companions if they are joining us," as she evaluates the Wardens. "And perhaps a reminder of some formal etiquette," she comments as she watches Raijun explain the dino race to Lord Stagwood using two lamb chops. "You are welcome to use the family accounts for anything you need."   "Thank you that's very generous," Myra says rotely.
Report Date
05 May 2022

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