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Shooting Stars - Beholden Crossing

Escorting 'The Right Price' through the Beholden Crossing the Wardens have so far not faced any conflict not of their own creation. Discussions and actions with the scrolls having soured the groups relationship with the crew and each other the group finds themselves in a bit of a tense standoff when the watch bells ring of a ship spotting in the middle of the night. Hagren, through the use of his spyglass, identifies that the ship seems to be in trouble with torn sails and a partially collapsed mast. The captain suggests that she's not one to leave those in need to the whims of the sea and mentions that now is the Wardens change to start repairing their relationship from earlier. The Wardens nod and take a dinghy over to the other ship planning to look for survivors. As they reach the boat they slowly piece together that it is the Tangent Wave, one of The Ay Collective ships that was known to be missing. The group goes onboard to find a confusing series of runes and a number of corpses in the Ay Collective colors.   Raijun uses his new Necromancy Scroll ability to sense heartbeats and feels two faint pulses come from what seems to be deep in the ship. As the Wardens look through they find more and more bodies and start to wonder about the state of what they hope will be the two survivors. They also find that the ship is far deeper than they expected with magical teleportation devices seemingly used to access a further underwater research base. As they find the pieces needed to continue heading down they go deeper under the surface the pulses Raijun sense seeming to keep indicating further down. As they reach the sixth level of the ship, a large glass dome far under the water's inky surface they find two automatons that were generating the life forces that Raijun was sensing. The robots attack immediately beelining for Myra and Raijun attempting to paralyze them, only the large energy field in the room seeming to distract them. The Wardens are able to take them out with some difficulty and now stand in their remains in the domed room under the sea.  

As the group collects themselves after the battle Myra and Raijun take a second to look at the robots while the rest of the group begins investigating the room. They notice that the robots look very similar to those in the museum exhibit in Greenport where Raijun originally got the metal for his sword from. They note that the forms seems to be slightly different and that the runes inscribed on the robots seem to match the runes they had seen on the other levels. Myra thinks that the runes might provide some kind of protection from different energy sources, noting that when Tintreach tried to electrocute them it had almost no impact, and begins to work to work to pull some of the metal off of the robots. She's able to remove about a kilogram of the metal but the rune is removed in the process leaving her unsure of future effects.   Meanwhile Tintreach makes his way over to a desk with a number of maps with Xs and notes a magical watermark on it that says that this is property of the studios of Zephi. Gwen investigates the pillars around the room and notes that many of them seem to be related to divinatory magic. Hagren and Adama investigat another set of tables finding a number of star charts and magical components along with a set of notes that seems to be written in celestial. Hagren calls Gwen over who quickly translates the notes as a series of studies about an object called a Zunsorwall . According to the notes it seems to originally be created to track weather systems but had been repurposed and manipulated to instead track arcane abnormalities (spikes in magical energy). The notes suggest that it was being used to find out of sync energy areas of concern. Hagren notes that the locations indicated in the research translated by Gwen marked as having 'high potential magical energy' correspond to the locations of the X's on the map that Tintreach found.   As the group reviews the notes the large structure in the middle of the room, now thought to be the Zunsorwall , begins to glow brighter. Myra begins to investigate it as Gwen translates finding that the smaller crystals around its edges could be used to potentially capture something. Inside the main crystal there seems to be almost a small electrical storm crackling inside the crystal irregularly. Myra asks Adama to pull up detect magic and he does identifying the crystals as being a major source seeming to combine divination and transmutation based schools. As they continue to look at it Myra reaches out to touch the device, seeing no other control panel around or mentioned in the notes. As she does it lights up seeming to respond to her touch. As she touches the device her hand seems to meld into it, though if that's related to the nature of the device or her connection to the transmutation scroll is unclear, the device seeming to react further to her presence. Panicking she tries to draw her hand back finding it stuck in place engulfed in the machine. Myra breathes deeply and slowly trying to calm herself down as she taps into the scroll intentionally and tries to draw her hand out again. This time it comes free though Myra takes a small amount of damage from the exchange as she cradles her hand close to her chest trying to ensure that she put back all of her limbs appropriately.   The group asks excitedly if Myra got anything. Myra comments that she got her hand back but that's about it and several of the group suggest that she try again as this device may be the best shot to pinpointing the origin of the attacks. Myra, still freaked out from almost losing one of her hands, says someone else can try but that she is done and leaves the level through one of the teleporters. The rest of the group look at the crystal more with Hagren even throwing something at it to see if it elicits a response. The object bounces off of the crystal and is repelled and, though asking Myra to try again, no one else steps up to place their hand on it after she leaves the room.   The rest of the group decides that they should probably tell The Ay Collective about the status of their boat. Gwen forms a message to send to Radical Exponent with Raijun asking to note that he says hi to his owl science bro. Gwen sends, "Found the Tangent Wave. The crew is dead. Will send location. Should we retrieve anything? Raijun says Hi." She quickly receives a response, "Oh, hello. Greetings and salutations. Glad the boat is okay. Sad about the crew. Is research okay? Who is Raijun?" Gwen relays the message with Rajuin being very upset that Radical doesn't remember him as he thought they 'had a connection'. The rest of the group agrees to package up the notes they found so that those could be returned and head back above to find Myra.   Myra has wandered through the rooms of corpses above looking for anything we might have missed on the way down. As she looks through the rooms she finds a journal in the captain's room. It has a number of days logs some mundane notes about setting sail. There are a few notes about the Zunsorwall making notes of larger arcane fields farther inland which they find interesting. The notes on day four suggest that they were headed north towards the "true origin". On day six there is a note about "rainbow skies" and pillars floating on the surface of the water. The last note from the seventh day of the journey seemed more hastily written, "They are here out of the sky. Help us."   As the group makes their way on deck Gwen sends Radical Exponent another message indicating that we got the research and gave the ships location. Radical Exponent again says that the loss of the crew is regrettable but thanks Gwen for the information. Myra shows the group the notebook and someone again suggests she try the item again to look northward but Myra refuses suggesting maybe we have the information we need with the information about the northward direction and the map of Xs. Before someone can suggest she use the machine again she comments that the notebook also said something about the sky and suggests that she can take a look. Myra drinks a potion and begins levitating off the ship saying that she'll check the area incase there's anything nearby and above and meet them back on 'The Right Price'.   Myra takes off and Raijun makes a comment asking who knew Myra could fly as the rest of the group climbs into the dignhy and begins to row back. Above the clouds there doesn't seem to be any kind of disturbance in the night sky with no clear ships or landmasses hiding behind the clouds. Myra makes it back to the Right Price first explaining what happened to the captain, what they found, commenting that they only removed the research at the request of the Ay Collective. The captain nods saying it was our duty to go and check on them but she had been hoping for better outcomes. As Myra nods the Captain sighs and looks out at the dinghy approaching from the distance asking if she should expect more fights like the one between Raijun and Adama earlier in the day.   Myra clarifies that while Adama can be prone to violence he's never attacked one of us before and that up until now she hadn't seen him willfully endanger others like that. "But if he tries any of that shit again. I'll mute his powers and lock him up myself."   The Captain says that she also won't allow it to happen again giving Myra a stern look. Myra says that if she had realized what was going on she would have tried to stop it sooner and promises that she'll make sure that the crew are not hurt by them again.   The Captain sighs and asks how we even met Thirsten Thompson VII changing the topic just as the dinghy with the other Wardens moors. Hagren is the first to answer saying that we were just in the "wrong place at the right time." As the rest of the Wardens break for bed Gwen pulls aside a crew member and asks if she could show Gwen how to tie knots. The woman who introduces herself as Ingrid mentions that it's the middle of the night right now, but after checking that the captain isn't looking, says that maybe she could show her some things tomorrow. Tintreach finds another one of the crew members who was knocked out as part of the scroll mishap and apologizes for the group though the member he talks to is unwilling to accept his apology at this point.  

A Normal Wednesday

The next day is a sunny day with fair wind as the group continues towards the Everchange Exchange. Gwen finds Ingrid and complains about how the rocking of the boat makes everything harder. Ingrid inquires if this is Gwen's first journey at sea. Gwen explains that while it's not the first its close to it. Gwen is a quick study of the knots Ingrid shows her and Ingrid compliments her offering to have another session one of the following days. Gwen asks if she really thinks she's doing okay and Ingrid insists that if she keeps up at it she will be good enough to get involved with the crew. Gwen wonders if the Captain hates them not and Ingrid says that she's just protective of the crew and proud of how her ship is run so likes it to be done correctly. Gwen compliments Ingrid saying that she's an excellent teacher and Ingrid blushes saying it's not often that she get's compliments.   Myra, working by herself below deck, is experimenting with the metal she removed from the robots and the transmutation scroll. Through her experimentation she learns she has access to fabricate if she is willing to use the scroll to do so. With her blacksmithing background and tools this allows her to make a glittering silver set of armor that has gold flakes. She emblazons a moon upon the chest and presents it to Gwen as a gift noting that Gwen had been looking for new armor.   Meanwhile, as Hagren keeps a look out Raijun and Tintreach are mocking the birds. Raijun narrowly dodges getting hit with bird guano which lands on Tintreach causing Raijun to laugh at him. In retaliation Tintreach launches a wave of magic missiles at the bird who is suddenly joined by a number of bird like women as a flock of harpies attack. The Wardens are able to fend off the harpies without losing anyone overboard though there are a number of close encounters as various members are lured by their songs. The Captain herself almost goes over before Myra grabs her while in giant form pulling her back. Some quick thinking by Hagren and Gwen nets the last Harpy before she can escape with the group thinking to question her.   The Captain recovers and thanks the Wardens for the assist saying she's never been affected like that before. Raijun says it's all in a days work for the Wardens of the Weave while doing the Wardens dance which Miss Carter inquires if that's trademarked. Raijun lies and says absolutely and starts asking her question about incorporating.   Hagren and Adama begin questioning the harpy asking if she knows where the other flying monsters are coming from. The harpy says that there are many monsters and they do not only live in the sea suggesting that we stay away from the 'shattered crystal' floating on the sea. When the group asks for more information she says that they don't go there but that it looks like a large crystal with many trees of different colors and it's north-west of our current direction toward Drumerin. The harpy demands to know what will be done of her and if she's to be slaughtered like her sisters. Myra says that maybe we could allow her to live but leaves the choice up to the captain.   "You've killed mine before, why should you live?" The captain asks sternly.   The harpy pleads that it only kills for food to sustain itself but that it find us all to taste so good. The captain kills the harpy and throws her body into the water walking off to see to the other members of the crew. As she walks away Myra approaches Inxosa who comments that he didn't know she could grow. Myra explains that she wasn't sure how it would go over on a ship not wanting to offset the balance and not sure how the captain would take it. Inxosa offers a smile, "Who doesn't like a large woman?" Leading Myra to turn bright red as she quickly asks if there's anything broken she can help with explaining that she's good with her tools. Inxosa says nothing for the moment and tells her to cheer up, "we won today."   Tintreach takes his revenge on the harpies and birds gleefully plucking and preparing them for roasting. As he's taking his revenge the man from the night before comes up commenting, "it seems like you aren't all crazy."   Tintreach sneers at him, "too late bitch," as he continues working, a singe tear rolling down the man's cheek as he walks away.  

Carter's Conflict

Raijun follows Carter back below deck asking question about incorporation, inquiring why Carter herself doesn't own a company, and asking for more details about who the items are going to. Carter explains that the items are going to an important client but insists that she cannot disclose who the client is. Raijun says she can trust him and asks why she doesn't own the business as she clearly is the one doing all the work. Carter's eyes go distant, thinking about all the additional paperwork, before she insists that she likes her job. Raijun pushes saying that she belongs in much higher places, she's quiet for a moment before admitting that she has a three-year contract with Thompson. She starts, "I always wanted..." before realizing who she's talking to and insisting she must go, headed toward her office.   Raijun grabs for her and asks her to stay telling her that he would like to hear about her dreams. Carter pauses, "Well, I always wanted to adventure. Or manage adventurers. I hate all the paperwork I have to do." She looks away, "but there's no way out of my contract. I've looked it over and if I leave I forfeit all my wages past and present. I - I don't have it."   Raijun asks seriously what it would take to buy her out but Carter cuts him off saying she's bound to this job only way she's getting out of this debt is if she dies or is fired. Raijun asks he again how much and she won't meet his eyes as she says 150,000 Gold. Raijun, not sure how to handle the seriousness, touts himself as the manager of the Wardens and says that perhaps they can help her. Carter takes Raijun words as a joke at her expense, her face crumpling as the hope she was building is crushed under the weight of her situation. She pulls away running into her office and slamming the door. Raijun tries to knock but she shouts at him to go away.  


the following day the group sees streaks running through the skies. At first they are worried that perhaps it is related to the monsters who came out of the sky referenced in the journal of the Tangent Wave. After a short time it becomes apparent that they are shooting stars, bright halos streaking behind them. A day of travel is lost as some of the normal navigational tools are on the frtiz.   The Wardens ask the captain if she's ever seen anything like it before and she says not since the odd night 25 years ago. The group asks what happened 25 years ago and Captain Johnsten says that that was the night that the 'lost city' returned. She continues that before 25 years ago everyone thought that the last city was lost, but apparently it was somewhere, a bad place and in an incident with a long forgotten mage the city suddenly returned. Thanks to a group of adventures, who teamed up with a group of space pirate ninjas, they were able to collect items to stop the advance of creatures from the dimension the city had been shunted into and eventually seal the gate.   The captain says she has no idea how much of that is true or tall tales but comments that that event is also where the debris field that orbits the planet originates from. She comments that occasionally pieces have been known to descend to the surface, just a piece or two at a time. People try to track and study them believing that they can find some of the secrets of that past age. Some believe that is why Slekul has become the was it is, after a larger part of the city impacted there years ago.   As the Wardens look up at the sky to watch the shooting stars Myra notices an aurora overhead, the violet and crimson colors missing.

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