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Stormy Seas - Beholden Crossing

General Summary

Having deposited the red scarf captives, Hagren's new boat for repairs, and resupplied and repaired The Alabaster Gale the Warden's headed out from Beater's Point continuing northward into the Beholden Crossing.   As we make our way out of port the sun is shining as it crests noon (still day 3 of travel). Myra takes the supplies from the Point and uses them to repair the ship with the rest of the group talks to Onsprey.
  • Onsprey comments that the fight with the Red Scarf Gang was "exciting" and mentions that he is glad that we were aboard to help
  • Onsprey also mentions that perhaps we should go wake up Kanna who seems to have missed all of the excitement
  • Raijun mentions that some might call us heroes - which Onsprey comments that most people who call themselves heroes aren't
  • As Raijun argues, Tintreach executes a flawless Warden's dance
  • Onsprey enjoys the dance and says it reminds him of some sea shanties prompting Raijun to exclaim "take me to your liquors" and Onsprey to lead Tintreach and Raijun off below deck singing shanties on the way
  • The others remark that it seems a bit early for liquor staying up top

Storms A Brewing

As the others stand on deck Hagren and Myra notice a storm front brewing in the distance creating an odd effect of mist on the water
  • Hagren uses his spyglass to further investigate and finds that clouds are odd shapes and that the lightning appears odd colors greens, yellows, oranges
  • Hagren mentions that it's unusual and Myra goes off to find Kanna to maybe provide more information
As Myra goes below deck she finds Kanna's door shut despite the late hour of the day
  • Myra knocks but gets no immediate response instead hearing slapping
  • When she asks if Kanna is ok she hears some slapping and barking from in the room
  • Myra attempted to open the door but found it obstructed from the other side
  • Myra asks Kanna to back up leading to more slapping noises after which the door opens easily
  • Entering the room there is sand everywhere and it smells of sea sickness
  • Sitting in the middle of the room is a seal
  • Myra mentions that is a unique way of handling sea sickness saying that if Kanna had needed she has herbs or she is sure that Gwen could have helped
  • The seal barks at Myra in return
  • Myra remarks that she just going to take one bark for yes and two for no
  • After confirming Kanna is alright Myra fills her in on the storm as they continue to the main deck
  • The other sailors seem unsurprised by Kanna's form saying 'hey Kanna' as she passes
Returning to the others Hagren is surprised asking Myra why she's with a seal. Myra explains that it's Kanna and turns back to the approaching storm. Asking if they had seen anything like it before Kanna and Hagren both say they haven't.   Myra asks Adama if he could use detect magic through Hedwig and he agrees flying her into the start of the storm
  • As she is flying through Adama sees flashes of Evocation, Transmutation, and Abjuration
  • The Front looks fairly normal though continues widely in multiple direction
  • Myra asks Hagren if the compass is pointing that direction and as he checks, the compass almost calling to him, and it indeed points directly into the storm
  • Myra asks Hagen to talk to Kay to have the crew prepare as the storm looks nasty but Hagren says he doesn't feel comfortable giving orders on Onsprey's ship
  • Myra then asks Kay to have the crew prepare but Kay pushes back asking why we need to go into the storm and what Onsprey says
  • Myra explain that their destination is through the storm and that it seems to wide to go around but rather than fighting goes to hunt down Onsprey
Returning below deck Myra finds Onsprey dancing on a table already very drunk with Tintreach and Raijun in only slightly better conditions. 
  • Myra explains to Onsprey that there's a storm brewing ahead and that we need to go into it
  • Onsprey admits to being a storm chaser and is excited to dive head first 
  • Onsprey says a prayer mentioning the "bitch queen" which Adama recognizes as maybe being related to Umberlee - he asks the waves to settle on easy shores tonight
  • Adama puts water in the Tankard of Potent drink and gives it to all three of them to sober them up before riding into the storm
With a now sober group the Wardens race to prepare the boat for the storm. 

Tossing and Turning

As the approach the demarcation of the beginning of the storm the sky begins to darken and the sea seems to almost churn beneath the boat.    Everyone is asked to help prepare for the oncoming storm
  • Gwen uses her knot tying experience 
  • Raijun starts calling out where the storm will strike next
  • Myra helps batten down the hatches 
  • Adama intimidates the crew 
  • Tintreach uses shape water to help propel the boat 
  • Hagren investigates the unsecured items below deck to secure them
As the storm truly takes hold Raijun ties himself to the mast to secure himself. Hagren, checking the compass again sees that it still points further into the storm.
  • As we continue the rigging snaps first and Myra and Hagren climb up to restrain it
  • A crew member comes up and alerts us that there's a crack in the hull and Adama and Gwen race below to repair it 
  • The main sail tares and Onsprey shouts at Raijun to help. Raijun notes that this is why he is called Nightblade (rolling a 22 on deception) and shadow steps up to the top to repair the sail while Tintreach redirects the lightning through himself returning a spell slot
  • The sky flashes white, green, and black before a large wave hits the ship sending Adama and Hagren flying, Hagren manages to catch a rope but Adama slips off the deck misty stepping back on before hitting the water
  • Translucent flame appears and then a wave of blue and green light as a colossal metal dome with a green eye upon it appear from the depths below
  • We hear a booming noise before a pattern appears Re-Mi-Re-Mi-Re-Mi-Re
  • The dome appears to be moving in the water alongside us keeping pace with the boat
  • Raijun shadow steps onto the dome but quickly starts slipping trying to use the grappling hook to catch on
  • That failing he shadow steps back to the boat as the sound goes off again 
  • Myra asks Hagren if the compass is pointing at the dome or further in so he checks, feeling a sense of rightness at using the compass, which indicates it's further into the storm
  • As Raijun returns to the boat the green light changes to red the tones repeating
  • Myra tries repeating the tone back to the dome causing a flash of brilliant green light to blind all of us except Adama 
  • As the light fades dome's light is red again and plays a different tone Do-D-Do-Re before returning to green and receding into the ocean
  • As the storm starts to fade there's another hit of a wave against the deck throwing everyone but Adama and Raijun toward the water
  • Adama, using expeditious retreat managed to keep Gwen and Tintreach from going in while Myra, Hagren, and Trenchcoat hit the water
  • As Myra hit the water she transformed into a dolphin and scooped up Hagren and Trenchcoat as a 40ft tall wave appeared before the ship
  • As the crew readies for the end the front of the ship seems to pass through the front of the wave as if it isn't there before the whole boat passes through unscathed

Eye of the Storm 

Appearing on the other side, a calm circle of sea sits in bright daylight. At the center is a large domed glass structure, around the edge a littering of ships some smashed into an puncturing the dome along the waters edge. In the water are Hagren, Tintreach, a dolphin, and a seal treading water.    As the group onboard evaluates the scene 
  • Onsprey indicates that the main and foremast have sustained damages and are cracked along with some damage to the hull below deck
  • Adama catches sight of a familiar looking ship puncturing the dome. The dark wood on the side looks fairly intact while on the front sits a skeletal creature with five indentations on the skull it's arms reaching out
  • As other's regain their sight they see the dome about 50 ft away, the other ship piercing the dome looks vaguely like the Tangent Wave 
  • The dome itself stretches about ten stories into the air and where the dome is punctured there a pieces of glass everywhere
  • Onsprey requests some help getting the ship in order and says that with the current damage it looks like they will be moored here a while 
Kanna and Myra, in more aquatic forms, investigate below the water line finding several chambers under the water connected by various tubes.     Returning to the ship Kanna comes aboard easily but Myra remains in Dolphin form longer than expected. When the Warden's ask about the dolphin Kanna indicates that of course it is Myra and is confused when the group indicate that this is not a normal occurrence. Adama calls over the ship for Myra to return to human form and when Myra attempts it a second time it goes more smoothly, though is still not particularly graceful. As she comes aboard she shakes out her arms and legs indicating that the transformation itself wasn't especially pleasant on her end asking Kanna how she does it. Kanna mentions the sand motif sh'es got going and says that it kind of forms over her body in a layer.    Myra asks Onsprey for a report on the ship and taking in the damage offers to do some more major repairs before they go ashore so that they have a faster way off the island if necessary. Onsprey says that that would be welcome so as the other Wardens  prepare the dinghies Myra takes ten minutes to cast fabricate fixing the major damage she saw.     The group takes the three dinghies toward the puncture in the bubble separating the group into:
  • Raijun, Tintreach, and Adama 
  • Gwen, Hagren, and Trenchcoat 
  • Myra, and Kanna 
As they pass through the breach they notice that the shattered glass seems to have formed a beech on the other side. Myra remarks to Hagren that if the other boat wasn't to his liking they could probably procure one of these. Hagen doubts that they could get the boats up and running but Myra assures him that if one of these is better she could get it to limp to port.    As they approach the shore the group hears birds of Paradise calling in the distance and Myra remarks to Kanna that there are the animals we promised you would see. Kanna is confused saying that those birds don't make sense to be here but says she would need to get closer to tell for sure.    As we near the beech we are drawn by not what is on the shore but what lies past it. Ahead a forest of pines and oaks of various colors in various stages of life. Snow blows past some but seems to melt as it meets the deep greens of summer. Past the trees a Cylindrical monolith reaches into the sky. Myra asks Kanna if this land is good enough and Kanna remarks that seasons are supposed to happen one at a time not all at once. As the group drags their boats ashore they notice that the beach is scattered with debris some glass, metal pieces, seaweed, and snow, all lay strewn about. The remains of three campsites scatter the beech with three dinghies also present.    As Raijun goes to inspect one of the campsites Kanna, upset about the seasons, stomps and a tremor runs through the ground. Hagren and Myra notice that the seaweed piles seemed to move more than expected and make a note of it to everyone. Raijun jokingly goes to poke on with his sword when it turns over and snarls at him attacking. As the seaweed clumps turn over it reveals a beast that appears to be part turtle, part crab, with the head of seal and seaweed on it's back.    As the group begins fighting another approaches from the oceans. As Kanna tries to dominate one of them the spell fizzles. As Hagren cuts one a white ichor comes out. The three monsters are dispatched quickly and Myra asks Kanna if she has ever seen anything like this. As they inspect the creatures closer they seem to have naturally occurred (not transmuted together) though Kanna admits she's never seen anything like it. Adama comments that perhaps Kanna's spell didn't work because it was a monster and Myra replies that just because it is different doesn't make something a monster. Kanna remarks that she doesn't like killing things that are just trying to protect their homes.   As the group ponders the beasts and considers heading into the forest they hear the tones again Re-Mi-Re-Mi-Re-Mi-Re  emanating from further in the forest.
Report Date
29 Apr 2021

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