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The Bacchanal - Kolis-Tane

General Summary

Note: This combines two sessions one of which the normal note taker was out for   Having narrowly escaped the Stagwood estate the group followed Myra as she took them deeper into the city back into the Spire where they had spent the majority of their day. Not talking much they continued noting Myra picking up on a series of sigils that looked like doors. As they seemed to draw close Myra asked for their patience as she dipped into an alley and changed coming back out in a 1920s style evening gown. She approached and knocked on a seemingly random door. There was a pause as someone peered out a window in the door before it swung open the group. As they gazed inside they could see a full speakeasy setup, music crooning out the now ajar door. Myra held out her hand inviting the others in, "Welcome to the Nal."   As the group moves inside Raijun quickly separates from the group to join the dance floor on the fifth floor of the room. While on the floor he's approached by a beautiful woman who introduces herself as Laura Mooncrest, a 'social inspirer' of the area, who began giving Raijun tips on his performances to elicit better reactions.   Meanwhile the main group moves toward the stage finding a table as Myra grabbed a glass of whiskey from one of the nearby waiters, who looked eerily like her with her old hair cut. As they approached the table the suave man on stage seemed to catch sight of the group and called out saying that he was so excited that his 'betrothed' was here, gesturing the light to Myra. At this moment someone took aim and fired at him blowing his brains out onto the group and stage. While the room seemed slightly panicked Myra just sighed and started cleaning herself off as a healer rushed up and revived Urza bringing him back from death.   He stood up upset, promptly fired the healer and called for Tux to come clean him up. A kobold in a suit dashed up and began cleaning him off as the cleric gave a wounded look before retreating. He laughed it off assuring the crowd that he was fine before making his way down to the table at which the Wardens sat. The recently revived man kisses Myra's hand then moves to make his way up as Myra pulls her hand back. He introduces himself to the rest of the group as Urza Dawnsaber the proprietor of the establishment. As Myra introduces the Wardens of the Weave.   Urza gestures over a small humanoid woman with draconic elements who introduces herself as Gameta, an energetic bard who has been following the Warden's exploits since Greenport, under the pretense of getting the real 'scoop' about his and Myra's relationship. Myra corrects him that they are not nor have they ever been betrothed while Gameta generally just seems excited to be meeting the Wardens. Adama mind links to Raijun that their table was approached by a true fan knowing how important Raijun finds his fans.   Raijun, deep in conversation with Laura sees that while she does seem genuinely interested in him it may be more as a means to the attention that he could bring her. With news of a true fan, Raijun leaves Laura hanging saying that he has pressing matters to attend to but will find her later and learns that she will also be at the Stagwood Gala in two days. Raijun quickly escapes back to the group introducing himself to Gameta and promising her a thorough interview later in the night.   Urza motions for Myra's hair pouting and asking what happened as Myra gives him a look dead in the eye, "It was stifling." Urza sighs saying it's no matter and waves his hand, a moment later all of the wait staff have hair that matches Myra's current cut as she rolls her eyes. Urza attempts to put an arm around Myra, which she dodges, as he asks what he might do for all of them. The group indicates their interest in fighting as a wager is struck over the winnings. If the Wardens win:
  • Raijun will get Urza's Cloak
  • Adama will get Urza's heart, and Myra will cut it out
  • Urza will be forece to serve Tux for a day instead of the other way around
  However if Urza wins:
  • Urza will get Raijun's cloak, which Raijun bragged smelled of Myra
  • Urza will get one drop of Myra's blood
  • Urza will get to go to the upcoming gala as Sarya's plus one
  Myra's face remained ice cold while the bargain was being struck but she did drink heavily of the fey wine Urza presented. As a drop of her blood was offered an eyebrow raised as she glanced sidelong at one of the eerily similar servers, but she remained silent letting the group bet.   Having settled on the stakes Urza claps and says that they should move to 'The Gauntlet' arena and waves over a familiar looking tiefling. The same woman who robbed the train a few days ago appears and introduces herself as My'thera the mastermind behind the Mithril Sprockets.  

The Gauntlet

  Urza, Myra, Tux, Gameta, and My'thera are led to a spectators box as the remainder of the Wardens enter an arena. The box takes off hovering over the arena as Urza introduces the challengers and casually tries to slip an arm around Myra who gracefully sidesteps it. As the Wardens enter they are met with the same team from the train but this time with the giant robot fighting as well. In addition Urza seems to spin a wheel to decide what kind of power generation comes onto the field damaging the Wardens.   Sarya goes air elemental as Raijun pulls out Peng Yu. While they aren't able to hit the bot initially due to a forcefield Raijun finds some of his new sword effects to confuse seem to work well on the bot's operator. Hagren takes down one of the bandits with Trenchcoat as the group continues to pepper the others. As Raijun and Sarya team up against one of the bandits they smash one of the orbs infusing Sarya with additional thunder power.   Myra asks, over a hot mike, if Urza really thought that she would have anyone less than the best. Pumping up the crowd to begin chanting for the Wardens, the saviors of the Beholden, Heroes of Nightwell. As the tables begin to turn on the bandits Urza calls out that perhaps they need to make the fight more interesting, pulling a lever next to him. To the side he asks Myra if she's ever taken the group to the Fey Wild. She indicates she has not paling as two displacer beasts step out onto the field. Urza says that's such a shame and suggests that maybe the Warden's should consider a better patron.   On the battlefield Adama is able to break another of the orbs granting him even more fire power than normal but as the bot gets off an especially strong hit on Raijun he goes down as Peng Yu is harried out of existence by two of the Sprockets on the eastern side of the field. Adama is able to get Raijun up but at the cost of placing himself squarely in the line of fire as both the displacer beasts focus their attacks on him.   Hagren is able to jump and swing on the remaining flying brigand by him brining him fully to the ground but it leaves Trenchcoat open for a solid shot from one of the bandits bringing him to unconsciousness. Raijun attempts to sooth the displacer beasts but ends up pissing them off and so quickly makes himself scarce from that side of the field moving to stand over Trenchcoat so that when he revived him he could gloat. However Trenchcoat gets the better of him by rallying and taking a potshot at their attacker. Raijun is able to deflect one of the oncoming misses from the quick shooter leaving him paralyzed as he darts back over to help Sarya and Adama.   Sarya in Air elemental form is buffeting all of the enemies she can get her hands on but can only go after so many enemies as their side of the battlefield grows more chaotic. Adama harried by the mech and the displacer goes down momentarily before Raijun is able to zip across the field and revive him with a potion returning the favor.   In the stands Myra's composure is only held on by the house rule that no fighters die at the Nal. However when she slips up and calls the Wardens friends Urza immediately latches on, threatening not to revive them as it would make the matches so much more... intense. At the same time one of the displacers has begun playing with one of the dead bandits ripping them apart to Urza's amusement. Urza assures My'thera that they will be revived but she seems unsatisfied shooting the displacer from the stands to draw it off her comrade while telling Urza he's one sick son of a bitch.   As Raijun revives Adama he suggests that the 'kitty' not go after Adama before darting away to what he hopes is a safe distance. While the displacer listens it maybe takes his suggestion too literally following him instead and getting off a powerful bite and rake of it's claws dropping Raijun again. Hagren has methodically finished off the last remaining enemy on the east side and moves to stand over Raijun's body. Adama yells up to Urza that the displacers weren't part of the deal and begins cussing him out, Urza wonders aloud if that's a sign of attraction and Myra suggests he go for it.   In the stands Myra desperately attempts to keep Urza from changing the fields, re-providing protection to the bot and potentially harming her friends with the spheres. She draws closer and tucks a hair behind his ear asking if Urza is jealous and if he would like to be friends. Urza catches her hand and kisses it suggesting that in light of this new information perhaps they should amend their earlier arrangement. Myra asks what the new terms would be and Urza outlines that if he should win he will ensure that her 'friends' are brought back to health provided that Myra announces their intention to mate at the Gala. He smiles and turns her head to look at Raijun's body so near the displacer, whispering, "we wouldn't want any unfortunate accidents would we." Myra pales, not pulling away for the first time, and doesn't respond immediately.   Sarya manages to take out one of the displacers as Adama continues to harry the bot. Hagren stands guard over Raijun ensuring that the other displacer has something else to focus on aside from Raijun's body. Sarya lands the final hit on the bot almost exploding it from the inside as the group converges on the final displacer beast.   Myra seeing the tables turning, turns back to Urza who began watching horrified over her shoulder, begins to trace a heart over Urza's heart with her pointer finger, "I don't think the agreement will need to be amended," as Sarya slams a final burst of wind into the beast killing it and then swoops to the stands where Urza was very close to Myra and blasts Urza with all of the blood and guts an air elemental might have picked up in the fight.   Urza is knocked back crying out for Tux as he is 'unclean' and tries to clean up as Myra requests a lift down to the field. Sarya accommodates and Myra rushes to Raijun clasping his hand like she's pulling him up from falling down delivering a curing touch to return him to consciousness.   As Urza regains his composure he brings the box down to the ground to honor the end of their bargain. As Tux is cleaning him he realizes that he will have to hand his cloak over and tells Tux to stop unwrapping it and chucking it at Raijun in all it's bloody glory. Myra tries to catch it but Raijun is faster but Myra snags one end snapping the cloth prestidigitating it clean and handing it over. Adama gleefully reminds Urza that we get his heart. Myra pulls out a dagger and offers it to Tux asking if he would like to do the honors but Urza insists that the deal was she had to be the one to cut it out. Myra sighs and steps up dagger in one hand but instead of using that hand she reaches up and into his chest with her other and pulls out his heart.   As she pulls it out Urza pulls her closer, his countenance changing to one of seriousness, and whispers so only Myra can hear, "It has always been yours it is fitting that you take it," before he collapses to the ground. A cleric steps up and gives Myra an incredulous look as she begins to work some magic around the heart. The heart continues to beat in her hand as the crowd remains hushed unsure of what is going on. The cleric moves to the body looking to Tux for confirmation. Tux kicks the body once as Myra offers that we could just not as the cleric sighs and says they've already been paid, laying a large diamond in the cavity Myra had created and brings Urza back to life.   As he breathes again Myra calls out for a round of applause for the clerics who take it awkwardly as Urza assures everyone that it was just part of the show asking if they were not entertained. Urza has Tux clean the stain off of himself again as Sarya reminds him of the third part of the deal that he must serve Tux for a day. Urza gives Tux a once over saying that they will have tomorrow off and that he'll clean one of their suits or something. Tux indicates that they only have one suit and Urza remarks that should be easy then.  

Join me for a drink?

  As the crowd disperses and the mics turn off Urza asks if the Wardens wouldn't join him for a drink and Myra, still thrown from his earlier comment assents. He brings them back to one of the more private rooms where the servants begin taking off his shoes and rubbing his feet. He gestures for a similar offer for Myra as the servants start to crowd but she quickly disperses them only taking a glass of wine.   "Well it was quite expensive to get that construct. Maybe give me a few days before you come back for a second round. What brings you back into town? Surely your not here just for your mother's gala?"   "Well you know everyone important will be there, oh oops," Myra retorts knowing that with the loss of the fight Urza's ticket in also went up in smoke.   Urza just laughs asking Myra she she feels like she needs to lie to him. Myra doesn't quite meet his eye before turning the conversation asking him for the group's pins. He gestures and one of the servants retrieves a box and hands out a pin to all of the Warden's previously missing one. Turning to Sarya, "do you know why the entrance pin is a daffodil?"   "Cause you're super pretentious?" Sarya guesses.   "It's because that's the first flower Myra ever gave to me," Urza says looking at Myra who's looking more uncomfortable by the second.   "So yes," Sarya retorts but the same venom she had earlier doesn't seem to be in it.   "Why me?" Myra asks.   "Because you're the one thing I could never have," Urza answers honestly.   "I was never a prize to be won."   "Or perhaps I just wasn't the right player."   Myra's silent for a moment before switching the topic, "well at least this way I won't have to explain to Ayen why you have my blood. I wouldn't want to cause any problems there."   "I have the utmost resect for Ayen after the last time. So if you're not going to tell me what you're doing here what else can I do for you," Urza asks as he leans back in his chair drink in hand.   "Have you seen a man named Yamil," Myra asks as she produces a picture of him.   "Ooh he's quite handsome is he your boyfriend?"   "No. He's just a friend," Myra blushes, "we heard he was in town and I thought maybe he'd been in the Gauntlet."   "Just a handsome friend? Well I shall have to keep my eye out for him then. I mean if he's anything like," as he gestures to the rest of the Wardens.   "Right so no there. Have you heard of anyone called the Vulture?"   "I know of a stuffed vulture on my father's mantle does that count? No I don't know Myra who can keep track of all the secret underground gangs these days. Why would anyone want to be called the vulture. No I have information on who's bribing who on the council, the uproar at the abbey, the people passing through doing the weird ceremony."   "Weird ceremony? Were these the Awakened Eye."   "Yes that sounds like them, they all passed out during a ceremony after chanting someone's name. What was it it was catchy..."   "Are they okay? Do you know where they are now?"   "Oh they're all dead. Sorry I was trying to be more polite. No my father had entered into talks with them but they all dropped dead." Urza snaps, "ah that was it, 'Alzalam the ender of all'."   "Ah well that's interesting and what is up with the Abbey?"   "Oh well when the Beholden Crossing started rearing its head some of the elders there thought it would be a good idea to look into some of the older catacombs that are under the Abbey. Apparently they are planning some expeditions to better understand what is down there, of course father is helping to supply the expeditions."   "Well thank you Urza, I believe Raijun promised Gameta and interview but then we best be retiring for the night."   "You're more than welcome to help yourself to any of the floors, I'm due for some relaxation" Urza says as he waves them out.   Raijun immediately wanders off to find Gameta. Hagren off to lounge. Saray starts to shake slightly as Myra brings her to a table and chair and asks if she's alright. As Myra and Urza had continued Sarya's mind had turned over on the name Alzalam and she couldn't help but remember the last time she had heard someone utter the name. It was a shopkeeper who had said it right before blood and darkness erupted from his eyes and dripped from his ears. Nasir Alzalam, the leader of her former group was not a name to be spoken aloud.   "Is-s he here?" Sarya asks shakely to Myra.   Myra asks who but Sarya clams up just sipping the water Myra brings her.   The group stays a few more hours at the Nal (see No Place Like the Nal) before packing it in. Myra insisting to Raijun that both Laura and Gameta will be at the party in two days and explaining that now that the group has the pins they can get back in on their own. Myra explains that to gain entrance they just need to wear the pin in public and then someone will deliver a note to them saying where and when the Nal is. The pin is also their entrance ticket. Myra warns that talking about the Nal will quickly end up with you in hot water and you never being able to get back in. Raijun looks at the pin, "So I can use this whenever we stay with your parents?"   "Well whenever you're in town yes."   "Right so whenever we're staying with your parents."   ".... Sure Raijun. But you'll need to make it off the property for anyone to message you."   Myra asks how the group would like to return to the Estate. Adama requests a fancy carriage so Myra has one summoned and the group climbs inside. As they head across town back to the Stagwoods they can't help but overhear the soft sound of violin playing across the night sky.
Report Date
03 Jul 2022
Primary Location

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