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Through the Looking Glass - Beholden Crossing

General Summary

Previously, as odd events continued to plague the Wardens' journey across Beholden Crossing, they heard rumors from the crew that many of the members who went unconscious during the use of the Necromancy Scroll were having bad dreams. When the group attempted to approach the Captain about them she insisted that Adama and Raijun were the cause saying that we were no longer welcome on her ship after we docked. Returning to the main deck to talk the group was congregating when Hedwig spied a shark fin. As the group goes to investigate a group of fish folk controlling sharks attack the boat. Through a couple of close encounters the group is able to defeat the creatures. The noise of the battle enough to rouse Myra from her work she rejoins the group on deck as the battle concluded.

Bad Dreams

Myra, rubbing her eyes, as she steps into the sun for the first time in a couple days asks what's been going on. After catching her up to speed, Inxosa requests that they not mention to the captain that he helped the Wardens by using magic. Myra, confused, asked if the captain generally has a problem with magic. Inxosa sheepishly says that she generally does not but she has a problem with us and specifically using magic around us given our previous interactions.   Raijun goes to loot the body of the priestess finding a talisman of Sekolah, the shark god, but little else. Raijun listening in to Myra's conversation with Inxosa says that the captain told us she didn't like us recently but that he thinks she is coming around.   Myra, still confused about what has happened in her absence, asks Inxosa if there has been more recent issues she should know about or if it was the incident from the first day. Inxosa tells Myra of the nightmares the crew have been having since being knocked unconscious. When Myra probes further Inxosa says that they were unrelated to the actual event except that everyone who went unconscious seems to be experiencing them. Adama offhandedly comments that he's died multiple times to little ill effect and he hasn't been seeing anything. Myra asks Inxosa if he's been experiencing the nightmares himself and he has he has but to a lesser extent to what the crew reports.   Gwen recounted that Ingrid had had dreams of a dark river where she can breathe but she shouldn't and metal beasts staring at them. With Inxosa saying he also dreamed of robots. Inxosa goes on to explain that all of the crew he has talked to have had the same experience and terror. Myra's brow furrows in concern as the connection to the robots is unexpected and shouldn't have been related to the scroll at all. She asks Inxosa if he thinks the crew would allow them to experience one of the dreams through the use of detect thoughts and he seems unsure. Saying that it is possible as many of the crew are keeping track and we have now saved them twice while we only killed them once. Myra asks Gwen if she could inquire with Ingrid and Gwen agrees.

Always Ask for Consent

Gwen, approaching Ingrid, explains the plan and asks Ingrid to allow her to read her thoughts that night. Though apprehensive, Ingrid tentatively agrees after Gwen explains that she thinks it would help. Ingrid asks Gwen to get the captain on board, preferably in the room that night, to oversee everything. Gwen promises to approach the captain and thanks Ingrid again for her help.   Returning to the group Gwen explains Ingrid's hesitation as well as her request to get the captain on board. The group bemoans that the captain hates them and Myra gives them a look that says 'suck it up' before telling Gwen that she would go down to ask the captain if the crew was being impacted. Gwen and Myra head back below deck knocking on Captain Johnsten's door. She opens it revealing a orderly and tidy cabin, her sword sitting across her desk seemed to be in the process of being cleaned and polished. The captain asks what they need and Myra and Gwen explain that they want to help the crew.   The cpatin seem skeptical but notes that neither Gwen nor Myra have used any "untoward magic" and says that she will give her blessing and her aid as long as none of their other companions are involved. Myra gives her word that it can be just them and the captain sighs saying that the crew has been coming to her and that some of them have been very troubled by the recent dreams. She says she'd welcome any aid we think we can give before the day or two it will take us to get to the Exchange. Everyone agrees to reconvene that night the captain giving them a room on the lower deck that she will have cleared out for the ritual.   Above deck, Raijun approaches Hagren asking how he's doing with Hagren commenting that he's bored. Rajiun asks how "Trenchcoat" is coming along noting that he doesn't seem to have much experience. Hagren agrees saying that the streets aren't the same as the sea. Raijun laments the relationship they have with the crew and Hagren tells him not to sweat it too much as we are practically strangers to them. Raijun notes that Hagren seems to have earned their respect asking what his secret is. Hagren jokes that it's something Raijun's not good at "patience". Raijun asks if there is no way to grease the squeaky wheel but Hagren remarks that there are no instant results. Raijun says he will do his best not to cause friction then commenting that he will be more like Carter.   Tintreach joins Hagren and Raijun posing a moral quandary. Tintreach reminds them that he can read thoughts saying he can force his way into any of the crews minds but notes that he feels that that's somehow wrong, especially given the shaky situation they are currently in with them. Hagren and Raijun agree that it seems like an overly large risk for an unknown reward instead suggesting that they wait to hear how Gwen and Myra did first.   Raijun notices Adama standing apart staring off across the waves and approaches cautiously. Adama remarks that he doesn't want o be on "that continent" at all. Raijun replies that they can try to get off the continent as quickly as possible but will have to decide if they are continuing on to The Carrefour when they reach land. Raijun asks if Adama has any thoughts about the crew or their dreams.   "I don't care about the captain or the crew. I never don't help if it's needed but I don't need to go out of my way for people who barely tolerate me." Adama summons his new familiar popping her into existance, "Besides I'm having more fun with my bird." Adama introduces Raijun to Hedwig and Raijun comments how he's excited to be able to be back on land so he can use the Nightmare that they found in Nightwell.   As Raijun talks to Adama the Captain emerges back on deck and approaches Hagren asking how he managed to find himself with this group. Hagren says that it was accidental more than anything. The captain notes that not everyone has the capacity to lead but some, nodding at Trenchcoat, seem to follow you with respect. Hagren says he just hopes he doesn't let Trenchcoat down commenting that he's new and all he thinks about is shiny things and glory. The captain laughs and says if only everything were as simple as shinies and glory. There's a pause and the captain says if Hagren's ever looking for work she can find him a spot, here or with another captain. Hagren thanks her but explains that before he was with the Wardens he was 'forcibly volunteered' into the navy, coming from the Swordcoast. That experience has driven him to become his own captain rather than work for others.   The captain commiserates saying that she faced similar experiences. She comments that her service was by choice but it wasn't the most pleasant though she feels it was worthwhile. She thanks Hagren for his service commenting that they made it possible for others to dream of possibilities. She comments that even when they part at the Exchange she hopes that they meet again.  


That night Gwen, Myra, Captain Johnsten, and Ingrid, gather in the room below decks. As they enter the room Trenchcoat and Raijun decide to stand guard outside and Myra tasks Trenchcoat with keeping Raijun from touching any of the valuable items. Trenchcoat salutes Myra, honored at having been given a job, and jumps on a box making eyes at Raijun that he's watching him. This prompts an impromptu competition to build the highest box fort so that they can lord over each other.   Meanwhile, Hagren is on watch as Inxosa is at the helm while the captain is below decks. Below, Ingrid comments that she's having a hard time falling asleep prompting Gwen to sing a lullaby. Myra admires Gwen from across the room, Ingrid falling asleep relatively quickly. Once Ingrid was asleep Gwen looked to Myra and the Captain who nodded remarking that they would make sure nothing happened to the two of them. Gwen nods back and casts detect thoughts pushing deeper into Ingrid's mind.   As Gwen descended into Ingrid's mind there was an initial resistance coupled with a feeling of being unsure of what came next before the darkness dissolved into color. At first they were the weird patterns of light and colors you get behind your eyes when you try to fall asleep but those gradually gave way to a sensation of movement and drifting until she felt herself being carried by a river current. The colors gave way to a voidless dark until an island appeared in the distance. Upon approach the trees all appeared as different colors a single species but in different stages of life and death with colors varying from green to orange and strange fruit hanging from the branches.   As she was pulled forward there was the sensation of energy and chambers flashed before her made of steel and other metals with symbols and writing on the walls. As Gwen was pulled there was a sense of weightlessness and a sense of consciousness as if she was there, but she couldn't be. As she moved there was the ever present pull drawing her toward a central brighter light. Looking at the light white circles appeared rotating, turbulent yet peaceful. The light seemed to be encased in a finite space, a large dome structure containing it. Trying to see past the dome is fuzzy but Gwen could make out the outline of more buildings in an odd pattern.   As her focus drifts in and out adjusting a floating orb passes. Once. Twice. Three times before it hovers and stops on the other side of the glass wall from Gwen. There's a brilliant green light emitting from the sphere twisting as if in curiosity. First in Elvish, then Gnomish, then Draconic, with other languages interspersed it flashes the same message. She misses some of the text before reading, "Curious.... New data building towards Ascension..." More messages come in as she feels the spell start to fade slipping as she exits the dream.   As Gwen emerges from concentration, Ingrid is tossing and turning in her sleep only a minute having passed since entering. The Captain, holding Ingrid's hand asked how it went and Gwen informs her and Myra of what she was. Myra is puzzled by the description and casts detect magic in an attempt to see if someone could be actively messing with Ingrid but to no avail. The only magic emanating from Ingrid is a faint aura from the holy symbol she clutches.   Turning back to the captain Myra asks if she has heard stories about such an island and the Captain says that there has always been stories of pillars and islands but they are just that, stories. When asked if she thinks it exists the captain says that she is inclined to think that it is a bad dream but says that she believes that Ingrid believes that it is real. Gwen, in an attempt to learn more focuses on Ingrid and begins to cast Legend Lore.   Up on deck Hagren is keeping watch and notices on star growing brighter and brighter, before fading out. After waiting ten then twenty seconds the star reappears but this time with different colors. As Hagren watches the star gets bigger, and bigger, before Hagren realizes that it is not getting bigger it's getting closer. "Do you all see that star?" He calls out to Adama and Tintreach. "I think it's getting closer," Hagren yells as he identifies that it's only about 100 ft out not about the size of the moon in the sky. Suddenly the deck comes alight in color as the orb impacts the deck. The deck rocks as the rainbow translucent orb impacts, the smell of the deck burning singes the nose of those on deck as large, glowing, arcane monstrosities emerge.   Raijun and Trenchcoat hear the impact from below and Raijun races to the top deck only to be ambushed by the robot and caught in a paralysis beam. While some of the robots engage with The top deck after securing Raijun most quickly continue down. As the creatures encounter crewmen the scan them sometimes deciding they are not a threat and leaving them alone and other times trying to skewer them. As they move past Adama they scan him before attempting to move past.   As Gwen focuses on Legend Lore she is drawn back to the island from before. As she approaches she sees a green cat with feathered wings, then the forest of trees from before shifting. As she moves further into the forest the feathered cat follow until she stumbles upon a larger cat made of vines with a mane of petals and a flower atop the end of its tail. A break in the forest reveals a metal structure, people walking through and seem to be at peace with the area.   Back on deck a powerful blast from Hagren's pistol caused one of the smaller robots to take notice of him and try to wrench the gun away to no avail.   As Gwen concentrates she sees the people among the structures look outdated. Humanoids of every race are there, tending a garden, journaling, working & studying. Gwen follows one, a half elf, down a long hallway toward a bright white light. As they come to an octagonal space she finds more people studying and journaling, some fiddling with arcane consoles, some cleaning. The half elf proceeds toward the center of the room and stands there for a second before the floor starts to descend.   Outside Myra is trapped in the paralysis ray, Tintreach's staff is taken and absorbed by one of the robots, and thought Hagen, Tintreach, Trenchcoat, and Adama continue to attack and harry the robots they seem uninterested, consistently trying to move past them deeper into the bowls of the ship.   As Gwen watches the half elf descend downward they pass levels of a city, some show city streets, some housing, the next floor a garden, then utilities, finally coming to rest at a level with "Vitae Vigilia" which Gwen recognizes to mean "Life watch". In life watch there is a large domed structure with a white swirling mass inside it.   The robots descending to the lowest levels of the ship manage to break into the cargo hold where Thompson's cargo is being kept. As one carries Raijun further in, Myra breaks free of the other, as the Captain bursts from the room with Gwen killing one robot before targeting the one previously holding Myra. As the robots make it into formation a bubble of light appears and all of the robots, and the cargo between them, disappear, burning sigils inscribed into the deck below them.   The figure Gwen is watching approaches the dome and a large circular monitor. The monitor says, "Good Morning. Pleasant day isn't it? New subjects are ready." As the half elf turns we see carved into the window "Vlypeum" and just below them clouds.
Report Date
22 Mar 2021

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