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Tranquil Tides - Hazelden

General Summary

The Wardens, having had their audience with the queen, accomplished a number of errands, purchased provisions, and reacquainted themselves with some old 'friends', find themselves reconvening at the Whitemane community center.  

Stormy Skies and Calm Seas

As they congregate at the community center Myra notices Zachariah Topp in the corner eating lunch. She goes over to enquire on the state of Topp and the ship, which he had gone off to study that morning. Topp remarks that the boat is a "magnificent creature" excitedly telling Myra that he has an "arousing experience" but wasn't able to give it more than a cursory glance in the time he had. He explains to her that it seems to be combining evocation and translocation to somehow recycle the fuel. He notes that some of the systems have "limited capacity" with the change of power source.   Myra winces, remembering changing the battery source as they fell from the sky trying to get the ship to be capable of flight as it plummeted, explaining that it had to be done "hastily". Topp seems impressed and asks if Myra was in charge of the conversion. Myra obfuscates saying that everyone contributed noting Adama's sacrifice of his wand of fire balls. At the mention of his beloved fireball wand, Adama joins the conversation asking Topp if he could make a new one.   Topp thinks about it for a minute saying he could but that he is not allowed to do that kind of thing anymore for the safety of everyone involved. Mama, whose head was poking out from the kitchen gives him a knowing nod as she talks to the other Kobolds. Adama says that he gets it and winks 'knowingly' at Topp saying that he understand 'wink' that it's for the good over everyone 'wink'. Topp looks confused and asks Adama not to make fun of his injury like that before turning back to Myra to discuss the ship.   Topp mentions that the Divine Reach could sustain flight but not for very long. With their current battery capacity he thinks it could be sustained for a maximum of 3 days without pausing. Some of the batteries might be able to be replenished if it landed at night but it's unclear how much or how long it would be able to sustain that kind of drain without fully recharging. He also didn't mention what would happen if all of that charge was to be completely expended. His recommendation is to leave it as a ship if possible and to look into boosting the energy source or battery capability in order to return to more capacity.   Myra inquires if he would be interested in working on it further if they had extended time in port and Topp expresses interest but says he can't go far. Myra says she'll have to confer with Hagren on their itinerary but that perhaps the ship can be deposited back in Lion's Crest while they go further inland. Before she starts to say goodbye Myra makes one request of Topp should she not be around to work on the ship with him. She asks that he never attempts to convert the ship back to it's old power source. Topp remarks that he has no idea what that means and Myra smiles saying it won't be a problem them.   She goes to leave and Topp extends out his injured hand to shake with everyone. Myra hesitates for a moment before taking it and shaking the hand as he then moves down the line of all the Wardens. Mama gives them all hugs goodbye and hands everyone a lunch (2d6 temp hp when consumed) wishing us a nice vacation.   As the Wardens make their way out into the rain Adama sidles up to Sarya asking if she has any shadier contacts in the city where he might be able to buy something 'illicit'. Sarya apologizes an says she doesn't suggesting that he check with Raijun. Adama then turns to Raijun asking outright if he knows where he may be able to purchase a new wand of fireballs, having found them to be extremely well regulated and hard to come by. Raijun says that he hasn't really met anyone like that in Lion's Crest and saying that his contacts were all more centered on Vratoth. Adama grumbles but can't think of anyone else to go to and decides to head with the group down to Reach.  

Setting Sail

Aboard Reach Hagren instructs Reach to set sail with a destination of Hazelden as the crew is excited about the first real journey of the boat. The seas are rough with Trenchcoat looking a little green around the gills as they pass through the storm and into the calmer seas beyond. Hagren approaches Persistent asking how they are at cooking. They mention that they trained under a chef for a short time and that they can cook most things but asks not to be made to cook eggs. Hagren asks them to go to town given the food he provisioned.   A short time later Persistent emerges with Anzu wings and a BBQ and honey mustard like sauce along with two plates of charcuterie and a smaller plate of cookies meant for tea. Hagren also provides them with a large selection of drinks including Ale, wine, and a pumpkin cider that is currently in season. Hagren himself starts off the evening by breaking open a keg saying he's sure they will finish it before the night is out. Persistent remarks that they "hope everyone enjoys" while Meko Tidefin starts to dig in before stopping himself. "Excuse me captain would you like the first of this hunt," he offers. The group starts interrupted a few minutes by the arrival of a very damp and excited Random Factorial.   Rand explains that he has "wonderful news," and that he believes that with a little time and instruction he would develop items for the ship that would allow us to upgrade our abilities. He excitedly explains that the research would surely land him in several papers and would be enough to work on for a while. Raijun asks if we could upgrade the weapons causing Reach to appear suddenly and ask if weapons were needed. Hagren calms reach down but says that they would discuss improving the weapons later making Reach excited. Raijun asks if Reach has emotion and Reach clarifies that his emotion is just 'simulated'.   Hagren asks Rand if with enough time and funds he thinks the boat could be made land worthy. Rand asks what he means and Myra theorizes that there would be two kinds of options or schools of magic, one would be more focused on allowing them to land while the other would allow them to access the boat from the land returning to where they were after the fact. Essentially creating a very specific translocation doorway between two locations. Rand excitedly says that those kinds of works would land him in papers and maybe even high impact journals and that he would sketch up ideas of both and present them as options.   As he considers Rand looks at the food and asks if perhaps there is a vegetarian option. Hagren jokes that with his form he expected him to be more of a carnivore. Rand blushes slightly saying that his father was of the finch variety and so prefers a more "balanced" diet as he looks askance at the large bird legs laid out on the table. Persistent takes Rand into the kitchen and prepares something for him as other members of the Wardens continue to eat. When Persistent and Rand rejoin the group Hagren mentions that we may be going more inland for a bit asking if any of them would like to come. Rand indicates that his interest is more with the boat while both Meko and Persistent indicate that they would be interested in coming.   Hagren asks who has "party tricks" and Raijun pulls out a deck of cards and proceeds to show Sarya a magic trick. Unfortunately for Raijun, Sarya is extremely perceptive seeing through the trick each time with Persistent in the background commenting how this must be embarrassing. Myra applauds Raijun saying he's improving his cut just needs a little work as it is still to obvious. Raijun challenges her to do better causing Myra to pull the trick off with not even Sarya being able to see the 'magic'. Persistent stands behind Raijun commenting on how this must be embarrassing for him and noting that it is quite fascinating.   Hagren asks for other tricks and Meko exclaims that he cannot walk backward. He has Raijun try to push him but Raijun cannot make him budge leading Meko to declare, "I am always moving forward." Hagren asks who's next and Myra shrugs saying she can do the same thing as Persistent but that doesn't feel much like a party trick. Sarya comments that she can turn into a bear but notes that we've already seen her do that. Hagren declares that he shall be next leading them up onto the deck in the rain. Sarya and Myra control water as rain shields, dumping only some of it on Raijun, as Hagren sets up the training system.   Hagren takes a series of trick shots with varying levels of success leading him to bashfully say he might need some more practice. Raijun follows him up with a run through with the grappling hook with a majority success. As Raijun finishes, Adama explains that he doesn't have "tricks" but he has stories because we've been together long enough to have stories. Through a number of minor illusions Adama shows different moments for the group: Myra hugging Ky tight after learning he's safe, Raijun handing gold to the matron of the orphanage only for the scene to shift to him talking to Shane Syr and them both having a gleam in their eye. Hagren's shows him and Adama on watch talking about the idea of Reach before we found them while Sarya's shows her flying in as a vulture and her shifting to take the perspective of the group. Adama remarks that sometimes we forget the stories or that the fall from our minds but that they are important to remember.   Meko wipes a tear at Adama's display declaring that, "You have a good shiver. This is a good shiver." Sarya tears up and makes a number of glow in the dark butterflies appear and then fly off as she blows into them. The party breaks up with the Wardens going their respective ways, Hagren goes to utilize his new wardrobe and hang his fancy clothes, Raijun goes to meditate, while Sarya returns to her plants in her cabin to tend them. Adama studies the spells he picked up in Lion's Crest completing his work on Melf's Minute Meteors as Myra holes up in the lab to work on some spell components that Sarya requested.   Myra finds herself falling asleep in the lab, thinking that she would just close her eyes, and as she drifts off into the void of sleep finds herself standing at a forge. As she stands there she works, tirelessly, unendingly, the sound of the forge ringing in her ears. She feels the heat and the sweat but she continues forging ahead until it seems to fade into a memory.  


I've broken out the following section by person on the three day trip to Hazelden. The only party related note during the three days is that as they passed by the area where Coalwood is located they noticed a stone monolith hanging over the area. It was unclear what the monolith was of if or how it was connected to the area and the group did not investigate further.  


Hagren's main order of business over the next few days is to take "Trenchcoat" into the sparring ring and teach him how to use Hagren's old hand crossbow. By the end of the three days Trenchcoat has a basic understanding (proficiency) with it but could use some work on some of the more complicated shots. At the end of the three days Hagren gifts his old hand crossbow to Trenchcoat who takes it hugs it like his most treasured item. He's later seen hugging it again below decks where he threatens Raijun with it briefly. Raijun encourages this having visions of throwing ammunition back at Trenchcoat after deflecting missiles.  


Raijun is back to almost feeling his old self and decides to try to meditate. It takes him a couple of days to really connect but on the last day of travel he has a break through suddenly 'appearing' in a forest a large raven looking down at him. As Raijun cocks his head at the raven it takes off, flying to a nearby tree before looking back at him. Raijun quickly scales the tree and starts off after the bird following its small flights between the trees until they reach a valley. In the distance Raijun can see a river that seems to be flowing up and around a stone structure. As he looks to the bird the bird releases a loud "caw" as Raijun is jerked back into his normal body, a feather from the bird still clutched in his hand.  


Adama mostly took time to study the spells he bought in Lion's Crest only taking time once a day to ask people to try to punch him in the face. Raijun and Trenchcoat each succeed as Myra stands off to the side confused with Persistent. Persistent asks if this is normal and Sarya explains that she thinks it's probably a kink while Hagren, Raijun, and Adama all assert it's valuable to know how to take a punch. Persistent asks if it would make more sense to avoid getting punched in the first place with Sarya and Myra agreeing in the back while Hagren explains that's a luxury that we can't afford with people just deciding to attack us in the street. Persistent takes note explaining that is a world they are familiar with.  


Sarya asks to go fishing with Meko and is surprised by the shark man's agility and speed in the water. It takes her two days to get the hang of hunting with Meko but by the end of the third day catches something she's willing to bring back to the boat. She also spends some time sparring with Raijun giving him a run for his money, leading him to declare that Sarya is 'welcome back in his dojo anytime'.  


Unlike some of the others who want sparring partners, Myra tends to sneak off to the training ring in the early morning when she's alone spending most of their travel time in her lab. She's able to make headway on a number of projects including gilding a flower Sarya needs as a component for Summon Fey, a gilded Iris that she uses amethyst to mimic the purple color of the flowers petals. It's noted that while Myra could have finished the flower earlier she did at least three attempts to be happy with the end result. She also finishes a focus that Sarya can use for Scrying in case she needs to attempt and Myra isn't around for her to use the staff. The scrying focus is an ornate bowl with gilded flowers circling the outside, it's clearly designed to hold water that can be refreshed with the scrying as needed. Myra doesn't deliver these items right away instead opting to work on her third project a Paper Airplane of sending. (Note: Due to some high rolls during the crafting of the paper airplane the DC for locating the target - similar to scrying - will be reduced and the time it takes to travel will be reduced from what it could have been).   Myra doesn't initially notice that her invention worked with the airplane instead tapping on Sarya's door lightly asking to be let in. When Sarya open's the door the airplane flies up to her and she opens it revealing a note that says, "Hello?" Confused, Sarya walks up to the lab which she finds in a state of slight chaos as Myra has many paper airplane prototypes strewn about the lab. As Sarya knocks and enters she holds up the paper airplane questioning toward Myra. Myra whirls around, "Hello? Oh! It worked?"   "What is it?" Sarya inquires.   "Oh well with the all the messages I send and not having Gwen I thought we might want another way too... I know Adama is working on sending but just in case... Or if not at very least at the rate I save mail it should save me some money. Sorry. It's an attempt at sending but I can't just," Gesticulates to her head. "Sorry. I guess I was thinking about you when I as working on that attempt... Oh! But while your here," Myra leads Sarya over to a clean part of the lab, "these are for you." Myra presents Sarya with the spell components mentioned above.   "Thank you. Just thank you," Sarya says touched.   "No need to worry about it. Um if you wouldn't mind. I actually don't know if that," point to the airplane, "can be returned yet would you mind trying..."   "Oh sure!" Sarya excitedly takes the objects and returns to her room writing and send a reply via the paper airplane that says, "Hello!"  

Hazelden - Is this Vacation?

Approaching into Hazelden, the weather clear and sun shining, the group sees large cliffs with a number of floating structures tethered to the land by massive cables. As they arrive Reach is quickly mobbed by small boats of people trying to sell different goods or services to them. As they disembark they see other ships loading and unloading noticing a dwarvish ship unloading some mason work. They notice a number of other tourists looking around in wonder at the ships and cable car system that seems rigged to take people up and down the cliffs. Upon disembarking Meko Tidefin mentions that he has people to see, as his old shiver was in the area, and takes off while Persistent joins the group while Rand once again comments that he'll stay aboard Reach.   As they walk along the dock they run into a human woman in a branded polo shirt who welcomes them to the Oasis of the cliffs and asks how long they will be staying. Hagren thinks for moment before deciding on three days with the woman offering that they can always extend their stay. The woman asks if they've paid the docking fee and Hagren asks how much it is. She says it's 200 gold for the three days and Hagren puts up no protest getting a receipt of the transaction for proof. The woman also enquires if they will need cable car passes to get to Over Town and to get to and from the sea basin. The group acknowledged that they would with Raijun getting excited about the idea of a cable car.   When talking about coming and going from over town the woman mentioned that someone like Hagren might want to stop by the Mariner's Reef later if they were looking for some 'night life'. Raijun inquires what they might do up in the Over town and the woman scowls a little bit explaining that the people who live up there tend to lord their presence over those in the basin and is often full of tourists, though she notes that it's the off season now. She also asks if we have a reservation at Tranquil Tidepool and Myra says we don't but asks if it would be possible to get one last minute. The woman says Javier would be more than happy to assist us for the right price. She comments that it's 10 gold each for the passes exchanging the money for pass cards made of stone that Myra and Sarya recognize as sea stone a common, if lovely, stone local to the area.   The group loads into the cable car with Myra noticing the current condition. Myra immediately starts to repair the car, muttering something under her breath about not dying in it, as the rest of the group looks out on the view. From the car they can see houses made into the cliff with clear mining operations to remove the alabaster stone that they saw so frequently in Lion's Crest. Arriving safely at the top they notice that much of Overtown is winterized, boarded up against the weather with signs saying that it is closed for the season. The town seems sparse for people with only a few tourists wandering around. The group wanders through noticing an old fire-watch tower or lighthouse that stands in the center its large reflecting bowl barely illuminated. Adama wonders where they should go and Myra comments she'd like to go to the spa but that we probably should have asked Meko Tidefin before he left explaining that he's from the Turquoise Currents, the water area nearby.   Adama utilizes the use of the newly learned Sending spell asking Mako where they should go and what they should do. Meko responds saying that all of the interesting things: drinking, fighting, and sailing, can be done out of Mariner's Reef. He also suggested that the group meet him later at The Merman's Bed where he would be meeting an old shiver mate. The group decides to head over later after a little R&R at the spa first heading to the Tranquil Tidepool.   Taking the cable car back down, this one slightly more well maintained, they head down to one of the other sections of town where they see a variety of floating bungalows clustered around a large building of stone with sea glass accents and windows. Outside a sign declares, "Relaxation is only a wave away." As they enter they see a well dressed lobster man in a white suit, later introduced as the aforementioned Javier , helping some tourists inside before he turns to the Wardens. Myra steps up asking if they have any availability, and Javier asks for how long they plan to stay and what kind of accommodations they are looking for. Myra looks through the options and requests a suite which Javier says requires a three night minimum. Javier also asks if we would be interested in an of the additional amenities: Zumba, wave running (kite surfing), underwater excursions, or use of the spa. Explaining the extra cost and Myra doing some quick math in her head she decides to round up to 400 gold to cover anything they might need and Javier thanks her for the additional tip.   As the group moves toward their sprint a bellhop asks if he can take their bags, Myra declines keeping her bag of holding on her, but the rest of the group piles their bags on. Adama inquires about laundry and drops 20 gold on ensuring that the groups laundry will be done. The group then proceeds to change with Raijun remarking on the fancy robes asking if this is how the upper crust lives. Myra avoids outwardly saying she's seen nicer and the group as a whole proceeds down to the spa. Many of the group opt for messages with the boys all seeing who can get the deepest deep tissue massage. Raijun ends up with Gerta, a dwarvish woman specializing in deep tissue, who informs Raijun that her safe-word is "apples". Hagren ends up with a pair of masseuses, a half elf and a halfling pair. As they are getting worked on Hagren and Sarya notice that Myra's back is glowing faintly occasionally flashing from a couple tables away where she lays.   Adama also tries to get a message but quickly yells at his masseuses for not being rough enough. Sarya slide them some gold as they back out of the room apologizing and saying it's a kink thing. They suggest he wait for Gerta once Raijun is finished. Raijun comes limping out a while later saying that it was worth it and that he 'felt things'. As he walks in Gerta instructs him to, "shut up and none of that kinky shit or I'll make you cry." Adama asks if she promises and as the door closes the group hears, "I said none of that kinky shit."   Reconvening back at the suite later, the boys decide to head out to Mariner's Reef while Sarya and Myra comment that actually they feel more like staying in and would see them when they came back later. The boys shrug and head out headed toward The Merman's Bed where they said they would meet Meko.   Finding the bar and Meko inside the shark-man greets them warmly and asks if they've ever been here before. Raijun says no but that they are excited to see the fighting pit. Meko comments that they are in for a true treat as his old shiver-mate is performing on the Balance Board tonight so they would ahve both dinner and a show. The group grabs a number of fresh sea-street food options and follows Meko into the back where they see a giant circular balance board set up with a number of fighters on it. Each of the fighters seems to be paired with another, their ankles attached by a small thether of rope. The board itself shifting side to side as the contestants moved and the ongoing match seemed to end when the contestants were thrown into the water, their partner follwoing shortly after due to the rope.   As the current match ended two individuals held up their hands in victory asking if anyone else wanted in. Hagren and Raijun share a knowing look as they walk down the planks to enter. Adama opts to stay on the sidelines, despite the announcer saying that up to two more groups could compete, instead opting to bet 50 Gold on Raijun and Hagren. The bookie laughs and says, "looks like we got a tourist over here," giving Adama 3:1 odds against the newcomers. As Raijun and Hagren enter the balance board and have their ankles tied together the anoucer speaks up again. "Okay you all know the rules, last ones standing on the board is the winner. If you break the rope or you go in the water you're out. Let's have a good fight with no funny stuff or I'll be forced to call the Undertow. And Start!"  

Map of Hazelden

Map of Hazelden on Vloyuth.
Report Date
02 Feb 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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