Glacierback Oxen

The harsh winters in Slovengaard are untenable for traditional bovine which initially led to a diet of fish and little red meat. Ever open to opportunity, the Mourianji traders began purchasing the Slovian woolen yak, a scraggly but heavily furred breed and bringing them south to breed with their massive aurochs, producing a musclebound bovine with a curled coat.

Basic Information


'Glacierback' is due to the unique coloration on the breed: a dark brown or black with a thick white, mohawk like mane down their back. When the mane folds over, it appears as though the cattle are perpetually covered in snow. The thick coat and mane help provide warmth through the winter though even a shaven glacierback appears capable of surving in the cold for extended periods of time, leading to myths of magic in their ancestry.

Additional Information


The glacierback has always been domesticated, though the Slovian Woolen Yak, one of the parental breeds, was largely undomesticated. The milk of the yak was collected by Wildkeepers, a uniquely talented set of individuals who were able to soothe overladen mothers long enough to milk them. The domesticated glacierback has caused this ancient occupation to dwindle as the milk is similar in texture and flavor but much easier to produce.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Glacierback oxen provide a variety of byproducts and have become one of the primary sources of exports in the country of Slovengaard.  


The glacierback oxen was initially bred as a form of meat that would survive the harsh winters in Slovengaard. While the Slovian Woolen Yak had survived for centuries in the weather, they were more bone than meat leading to relying on them mostly for yak milk and butter. The Mouri Auroch, a much larger breed after over a century of breeding on its own, helped the glacierback's size allowing them to be used for livestock.  


The cross-breed developed a thicker coat than the Mouri Auroch and a softer one than the Slovian Woolen Yak. This led to the development of the textile oxlinen. The fabric is an incredible insulator, though still coarse. This has led it to be used primarily in tents, though fine winter clothing may have an internal oxlinen lining.  

Ox Milk and By-Products

Much like its predecessor, the Slovian Woolen Yak, the milk from the glacierback is also used for culinary purposes. The  

Oxbone Tools

One of the most unique features of the glacierback is the color of its skeleton. Raw bone looks similar to other creatures in the area, but when polished an icy blue tone develops not unlike the inside of some clamshells. This material can be fashioned into handles, or even blades, in fine artisan tool sets. Famed bard, Liu Gu Xian, was known for their beautiful guzheng that was said to be carved from a single femur of a legendary sized glacierback.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
20-40 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
5-7 ft
Average Weight
3200-3800 lbs
Geographic Distribution

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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