Hearthshell Turtle

The unrelenting cold of the the northern country of Slovengaard has led to some unique adaptations in the wildlife. One such example is the hearthshell turtle. One of only a few reptiles, and certainly the largest, the hearthshell tortoise has developed a unique, mutualistic relationship to keep itself warm: rental space. The towering shell is filled with a honeycomb-like structure, reducing the load on the turtle, but also producing a suprisingly spacious living space for a village of sprites. These sprites rennovate the shell: building workshops, food stands, homes, pubs, inns, and most importantly, fireplaces. The mostly enclosed city can reach the warm temperatures of summer in the jungles of Dakshinaatl, providing a powerful heating element for the turtle.   The sprites, recognizing the need of their host for warmth, keep their fires lit throughout the night. Minute emberlights, like stars across the shell both visually and in quantity, warn away any would-be predators for each gleam is backed by a tiny sword or bow. If a hearthshell turtle were to be abandoned by their sprites, they would die from hypothermia within a few days, but a pack of winterwargs are just is more likely to be their demise with no army to fend them off.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

With few predators and long lifespans, the hearthshell turtle produces young only once every ten years. In the winter before the tenth year, the entire population of hearthshell turtles congregate in the southern lands of Slovengaard where the females lay eggs in a central area to be fertilized.The hearthshell turtles then go into a hibernation-like state for two months while they wait for the first eggs to hatch. During this period, the sprites in their shells are on high alert for predators with constant patrols throughout the day and night. The massive shells surrounded by minute, flickering lights has led the flat plains in which this takes place to have a somewhat surprising name: the Firebeetle Hilltops.

Growth Rate & Stages

After hatching, a hearthshell turtle is around twelve to fiften inches in length and resembles a common snapping turtle, the towering shell of their parents conspicuously absent. For the first fifteen months, these turtles are fed and nurtured by the collection of turtles as well as the sprites living amongst them. By the middle of their first fall, a second shell begins to grow underneath the first. This press the second shell upwards which dries out into a hardened shell filled internally with a honeycomb-like latticework. This reduces the weight of the shell significantly. Before the first winter, young sprites families from the adult turtles move into the newly dried top shell. This new colony will help provide the warmth for the first winter. By the end of the fifteen month period, one to three additional shells will develop as they continue to grow, producing the beginnings of the iconic towering shell of their species.   With enough sprites in the shells of the young turtles to ward off any invaders, the hearthshell turtles once more wander off throughout Slovengaard. The turtles will continue to produce shells over their lifetime, though less frequently as they age. The largest hearthshell turtle on record stood at 50 feet tall with over 40 shells.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Hearthshell turtles are omnivorous and will feast on most flora and fauna in Slovengaard. They do have a proclivity for poletree bark and fruit with their long necks allowing them to get at lesser touched areas, though many a hearthshell has been seen dining on the sole body of an arrogant witchwarg.


Hearthshells generally meander the land with little regard for where they are walking. They entrust the sprites on their backs for direction as they recognize the vested interest both parties have in keeping each other alive. This trust is usually well placed, though one particularly nasty village of sprites led to the Shellstorm Massacre, where they encouraged their hearthshell to lay seige to the village of Boshka. The Slovengaard army arrived a few days later, but few buildings remained upright and the hearthshell was dining on some of the denizens. The brigade had heavy losses, though they eventually slew the beast and its shell still remains outside of the rebuilt city of Boshka to this day. This was the only recorded attack by a hearthshell against a sapient species however.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hearthshell turtles have below average eyesight and hearing. They do have an above average intelligence for an animal giving them decent reasoning skills. This allows them to bargain with the shaman of the colony on its back, trading treats for visiting various areas of interest by the sprites.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The mutualistic relationship with the sprite colony living on their back is essential to their survival. Not only do they provide necessary heat, but they fend off predators, protect their young, and gather food from places the turtle is otherwise unable to reach.   Bone lichen, often found decomposing skeletal remains, will occasionally gather on the shell and begin to digest it. This parasite is quickly cleared away by the sprites to ensure the safety of their home. They have even found use for the algae in elixirs and medicinal poultices.
250 to 400 years
Average Height
18 - 40 ft, including shell
Average Weight
8,000 - 10,000 lbs
Average Length
15-25 ft
Geographic Distribution


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