Oiled Hand

The Oiled Hand is a vitraxine thieving syndicate in Taisunia. They use a variety of tactics to collect vitraxine including espionage, highway robbery, and blackmail. They have a persistent presence throughout the continent though they are primarily focused in Gnosi and Dakshinaatl. There have been rumors of a growing foothold in Slovengaard as well. Their symbol is that of a vitraxine hand with oil dripping down the four fingers.   While they are known to do their fair share of road side and home robberies, one of their more insidious rumored ways of pilfering vitraxine is by infiltrating the Wiring and Diagnostics for the Vitraxine-empowered. They recruit or train craftsmen to extricate vitraxine quickly. They will often offer both an expensive but quick repair service and a cheaper slower one. If the quick service is purchased, they remove extra panels than necessary to combat the vitraxophy but otherwise leave them intact. They can repeat this process many times as they ultimately do repair the broken automaton. If the patient goes with the cheaper option, this gives them enough time to strip down the automaton and skip town. They work in groups often in smaller towns keeping their profile smaller. They have Collectors who claim to have some connection to the society (off-duty, friend works there, etc) but are rarely integrated directly. They also have Infiltrators who are skilled enough to actually get a job in the society directly and are used to bring the automatons through what appears to be a legitimate process. They are also capable in shutting automatons down and will then pass them off to Scavengers who pick out the healthy vitraxine avoiding anything near panels with vitraxophy. The Scavengers are quick and dirty with their extractions often leaving healthy vitraxine behind.   Their newest leader is secretly a member of the Wargnomes Slovengaard . They move vitraxine to the Wargnomes under the guise of them being the highest bidder.
Illicit, Syndicate
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