
There are eight primary deities of Cantarsus. They are well known throughout the continent with stories aplenty of aiding heroes and even walking among the mortals. While they are immortal, they do go through cycles of "living" and restoration. During their restoration, spellcasters that follow them often fall to one of their minor deities for aid.  
  • Ronesia: the goddess of destruction, fire, and ice
  • Tribulan: the god of confusion, change, and lightning
  • Certa: the goddess of wisdom, arcane, and earth
  • Calcus: the god of intelligence, precision, and lies
  • Gorgos: the god of war, machinations, and invention
  • Mora: the goddess of death, arts, and comedy
  • Nyphia: the goddess of beauty, vengeance, and the sea
  • Kano: the god of poetry, nature, and strength


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