

Material Characteristics

Raw The ore appears to have vibrant gases and dust swirling throughout. When split, it is as if the cloud itself is bisected, but the misty substance appears to travel across the pieces as if they were still one.
  Processed An iron-like substance is created with a surprisingly light form, though alloys used for hardening the metal for uses like plate armor increase its weight. The metal still contains some of the vibrancy of the ore, leading to an opalescent sheen that changes as the light catches it.

History & Usage


Primary Skills: Arcana, Crafting, Lore (various), Society  
Vitraxine was such a pivotal change in the continent's development that the calendar year is based on it. Year 0 VE is when vitraxine was discovered.  
Vitraxine was discovered by an orcish woman named Vitra. She was a blacksmith and scholar who made it her life's work to understand what made rare magic items work. She died in 34 VE.  
Vitra made her discoveries by trading her ability to craft fine items in exchange for relics. Many of the relics she broke down were worth far less than her work was worth, but the rarity of them made her keen to get any she could. She then developed a set of techniques to break down the relics into their individual minerals until she found a common unique ore she called vitraxine. She spent the later part of her life developing alloys and rituals to allow for consistently turning vitraxine into a specific magic item. This spurred the search for vitraxine and is marked as the formal start to the Vitraxine Period.


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