
Primary Skills: Arcana, Lore (various), Medicine   Vitraxophy destroys Vitraxine, causing it to go inert. Automatons and androids are suceptible to the disease due to the use of powers a portion to all of their inner workings.


Vitraxine decay (only known name) is a random effect that can cause Vitraxine items to go inert. You know it has happened when the opalescent vitraxine turns to dark grey.  
Vitraxophy (colloquially known as vitraxine decay) is when a chain reaction happens inside of vitraxine that causes it to self-destruct leaving behind primarily carbon in the form of graphite and a few other minerals. What causes it is still being studied, but it appears to be triggered by at least the following:
  • overuse
  • coming into contact with Vitraxine currently affected by vitraxophy
Vitraxophy not only affect items but creatures powered by Vitraxine. When a creature such as an automaton or android is affected by this illness, their body does fight back trying to protect any undamaged vitraxine. While this does slow the process down, vitraxophy often leads the creatures into madness if not treated quickly. Any memories, skills, personality traits, etc that are lost to the illness cannot be returned unless the original schematics are known. It is unknown currently how this affects innate spellcasters or if it even can.
Nanite / Mechanical


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