Openings of the Gates of Hell

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


In the sparsely populated regions of Western Caphollia, on a cool, winter's morning, reality was folded and melded in an event known as the Openings of the Gates of Hell. Six massive gateways appeared simultaneously across the region, with two appearing in Kearrock Forest, a third on the island of Tethmos, the fourth in the swamps of the Lizardmen, and the fifth and sixth appearing in the territory of the Loxodon Unified Tribes. The gateways could be desribed as large, purple glowing vortexes, and after their appearance that sat inactive for over 30 minutes as bystanders gathered to determine what it was that had appeared near their homes. In an instant, hordes of beings charged through the gateway and into the nearby onlookers. Orcs, goblins, kobolds, aberrations, demons, and dark elves made up these hordes, and local resistance was quickly squashed by the flow of destruction unleashed by the gateways.

Related Location
Western Caphollia
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Modern Recorded History