Modern Recorded History

  • 2 AD

    3 /6

    Establishment of Morvashara

    Elven peoples begin to gather and conglomerate in the location of present day Morvashara, establishing the city and unifying the elves under the banner of the Kingdom of Eyishara.

  • 10 AD

    Founding of Feth Boldhar

    Dwarven clans join together in the dwarf made caverns of Boldhar to lay down the foundation of a new great dwarven hold. The dwarves pulled resources across significant distances to construct their new hold, with wood from Kearrock Forest forming their foundations and serving as fuel, food farmed from the south brought north to feed the people, and stone mined from all dwarven clans being used for construction. At the end of the endeavor, Feth Boldhar was created, and has maintained its status as the greatest dwarven hold ever created, with stonework unrivaled by any and a denser concentration of gold than the hordes of all dragons combined.

  • 93 AD

    98 AD

    The Dragon Wars
    Military action

    Metallic dragons attacked chromatic dragons in an attempt to free the enslaved dragonborn created by the chromatic dragons. Metallic dragonborn worked with the dragons they had previously served, and they were granted the freedom to leave or fight for their chromatic relatives. Many dragonkin lairs were destroyed in the conflict, and the populations of dragons was diminished as the war dragged on. The end result of the conflict was the freedom of all dragonborn and the creation of dragonborn clans, while many dragons went into hiding to lick their wounds and rebuild destroyed lairs.

  • 562 AD

    6 /19

    Founding of Torinswell

    Various human villages join together for economic and military protection from bandits, enemy towns, and beasts. The city of Torinswell is the end result of this joining, and quickly became the first major city of mankind.

    More reading
    Achaean Alliance
  • 638 AD

    12 /2

    Formation of Achaea
    Diplomatic action

    Through various diplomatic meetings and gatherings, the city-states of Torinswell, Cherton, Stadeler, Jaylesh, and Juham agree to the formation of a centralized government and combination of all resources and cultures. This event marks the beginning of the Country of Achaea and preludes the eventual formation of the Achaean Alliance.

    More reading
    Achaean Alliance
  • 651 AD

    9 /5
    658 AD

    11 /19

    Achaean - Ardosian War
    Military action

    As the smaller, yet ambitious countries of Ardos and Zehnika began to struggle under the economic and military presence of Achaea, they combined forces and launched a devastating campaign against Achaea. 7 years of conflict led to Achaea's eventual victory with the help of the Golden Isles, and resulted in a treaty that would combine Achaea, Ardos, The Golden Isles, and Zehnika into one entity: The Achaean Alliance.

    More reading
    Achaean Alliance
  • 764 AD

    Invention of Harnessed Magic Energy
    Technological achievement

    Elven magicians and scientists find methods of harnessing and storing magical energy to power their society.

  • 853 AD

    864 AD

    Southern Caphollia Border Conflicts
    Military action

    In the lands of Southern Caphollia, the Achaean Alliance sought to expand its territory with new colonies to its southwest. After founding the settlement of Yellion in 845 AD on the eastern bank of the river Givo, it was discovered that the Elves of Eyishara had begun development of Cerey, a settlement on the western bank. Unhappy with the proximity of a Human settlement to Elvish populations, Elven guerilla groups began staging raids against Yellion starting in 853 AD. Eventually the raids escalated, as more soldiers of each side were deployed to the settlements. Full conflict eventually erupted in 860 AD, with Elvish forces staging a surprise attack from the river, pushing the Achaeans out of Yellion and away from the Givo River. The conflict heavily stagnated for almost four years, before the Achaeans executed a large assault on the front, inflicting heavy casualties on both sides but pushing the Eyisharan troops back over the Givo River. The conflict ended shortly after, but hostilities continued to persist as both sides laid claim to the opposing settlement across the river.

  • 974 AD

    Invention of Gunpowder Weapons
    Technological achievement

    Dwarves in the Iron Helms create the first firearms.

  • 1020 AD

    Invention of Flying Craft
    Technological achievement

    Dwarven engineers invent the first flying vehicles in the form of steamcopters.

  • 1035 AD

    10 /28

    Incident of Sir Geoffrey Carter
    Disaster / Destruction

    Sir Geoffrey Carter, a prominent noble with a large holding on the Torinswell coast, acts to further his goals of self-made godhood. Looking to further his political and personal power through ascension, Carter had been delving into dark arts and illegal magic in an attempt to make himself a god. Information provided by Carter's wife to the Achaean mage guild provided evidence of his crimes against nature, and the mages guild organized a force to march on the Carter estate. As they approached, the entire holding was engulfed in a bright white light, and when it dissipated all that was left was a large crater. No explanation has ever been established on what truly happened to Geoffrey Carter and those who lived in his home.

  • 1036 AD

    8 /14

    Invasion of the Gateways and the Start of the War for Caphollia
    Military action

    In mid August, 1036, several breaches into the Caphollian world were created, and species such as orcs, goblinoids, gnolls, kobolds, dark elves, and chromatic dragons crossed through the breach. As the worlds clashed, cities were razed, raped, and looted, and the chaos was only halted as the races of Caphollia unified to face the threat. Human, elves, dwarves, dragonborn, halflings, and dragons joined together under the banner of the Justicars of Thentauril, a group of heroes who fought valiantly to protect the land.

  • 1037 AD

    2 /4

    Openings of the Gates of Hell
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    In the sparsely populated regions of Western Caphollia, on a cool, winter's morning, reality was folded and melded in an event known as the Openings of the Gates of Hell. Six massive gateways appeared simultaneously across the region, with two appearing in Kearrock Forest, a third on the island of Tethmos, the fourth in the swamps of the Lizardmen, and the fifth and sixth appearing in the territory of the Loxodon Unified Tribes. The gateways could be desribed as large, purple glowing vortexes, and after their appearance that sat inactive for over 30 minutes as bystanders gathered to determine what it was that had appeared near their homes. In an instant, hordes of beings charged through the gateway and into the nearby onlookers. Orcs, goblins, kobolds, aberrations, demons, and dark elves made up these hordes, and local resistance was quickly squashed by the flow of destruction unleashed by the gateways.

  • 1037 AD

    2 /4 10:00
    1037 AD

    2 /10

    Attack on the Lizardfolk
    Military action

    Appearing in the dank swamps of the Lizardfolk, the vortex for the dark armies formed near the city of Hefari in the center of the swamp. The city was quickly overwhelmed, but the invaders took heavy casualties as the Lizardfolk fought back, with each citizen standing their ground and fighting to the death rather than succumbing to fear or fleeing. As they tried to regroup and press on to other Lizardfolk cities, the invading army was beset by disease, ambushes, and losses due to the inhospitable nature of the swamp. The army was slowed destroyed via attrition, and the vortex was closed from its origin point to avoid any attempts at a counter-invasion by the Lizardfolk.

  • 1037 AD

    2 /4 11:00
    1037 AD

    4 /12

    Battle for Northwestern Caphollia
    Military action

    From the two gateways that formed in Kearrock Forest, two large enemy battlegroups were created. One was dispatched to the east and began laying siege to dwarven settlements at the base of the mountain range, while the other was sent south to destroy the Achaean settlements existing in the region. Proper recon from dwarven forces gave dwarven settlements the time they needed to dig in and fortify, but the human villages were not so fortunate. A tide of death swept through the north, snuffing out every village in its path. Those who survived made their way to the fledgling Achaean city of Mayfax, where the Achaean military garrison was stationed. As the enemy force approached the city, five individuals stood at the front of the lines and rallied the garrison and the inhabitants of the city. Alyndra, Sovris, Kairo, Hadred, and Julius stood together against insurmountable odds, and with the assistance of those they had rallied, the enemy force had been repelled. Achaean reinforcements arrived within a week, and the heroic Justicars of Thentauril were formed as they set out to push those who invaded Caphollia back through the gateways they came from.

  • 1037 AD

    2 /4 12:00
    1037 AD

    3 /15

    Fall of the Unified Loxodon Tribes
    Disaster / Destruction

    As the Unified Loxodon Tribes exited in a peaceful society founded on a basis of bountiful trade and plentiful commerce, they were completely overwhelmed as the beings of the gateways spilled out onto their streets. The proud cities of marble and gold that once stood as a testament to the culture of the Loxodons was quickly and relentlessly decimated. Many of the Loxodon tribes that possessed holdings on the edges of their territory gathered the refugees and artifacts they could and fled into the Carjol Desert to the north, seeking aid from the Aarakocran Kingdom. Just over a month after the gateways appeared, the grand cities of the Unified Loxodon Tribes were empty of all elephant-kind, and the streets were painted crimson with those who could do naught but perish as their civilization fell around them.

  • 1037 AD

    2 /4 13:00
    1037 AD

    9 /12

    Scorching of Tethmos
    Disaster / Destruction

    The gateway on Tethmos appeared on it's eastern coast, and due to the tribal and rural nature of the Leonin, initial casualties were limited. The soldiers of the gateway found little resistance from the scattered tribes, and quickly established a foothold on the island. With news of the invaders spreading between tribes and to the centralized government, warriors were gathered and armies were raised to stand against their enemy. Hardened veterans and sturdy warriors formed a defensive line across the dry grasslands of Tethmos, and little ground was lost as the line held. Taking back lost territory was found to be nearly impossible, as the plains were destroyed and burned, leaving a scorched earth behind with no resources for the Leonin to utilize. Every inch they lost was one they could not get back, and the resolve of the feline soldiers was hardened under the threat of total annihilation. Over half a year passed before the invaders turned their sights on new targets, and the large majority of the force was sent overseas to the mainland. Those who were left behind continued to press and hold the Leonin, effectively cutting them off from any chance of reinforcements or supplies.

  • 1037 AD

    9 /16

    Attempted Invasion of Morvashara
    Military action

    Setting their sights on the rich lands of the elves, some of the invading forces leaving Tethmos set sail to the south, sailing into the dense clouds that surround elven lands. The sea was silent as they approached the large island of Morvashara, and the invaders thought to land on the shores of the island and quickly move inward as to avoid the elven navy. As soon as they landed, the dark army forces found themselves completely isolated, as their transport ships were obliterated by unseen forces as soon as they anchored off the coast. Trapped and alone, the invaders panicked and moved inland, where they disappeared. This was the only time elven lands were touched by the invading forces, and no further attempts to penetrate the cloud barriers of Eyishara were recorded.

  • 1037 AD

    12 /18
    1038 AD

    4 /26

    Battle of Fulcrow
    Military action

    As the armies that had invaded the Unified Loxodon Tribes finished regrouping and gathering strength in the ruined cities they had previously destroyed, the Achaeans were moving forces westward in order to deal with the rumored threats that were appearing across the region. The Achaeans bolstered the defenses of the city of Fulcrow, the first Achaean colony in the west, and were continuing to move troops into the city. Arriving on the 18th of December, the dark armies approached the city of Fulcrow and engaged the Achaean troops stationed in local villages. Fighting erupted all across the countryside as Achaea defended their territory, but overwhelming numbers slowly pushed them back to the walled city. A three month siege continued, with the majority of the city being destroyed by fires and siege equipment. By the final weeks of the siege, the entire population of the city was made up of soldiers, and all civilians had either evacuated or been killed. Knowing the city was lost, a battalion of Achaean troops mounted a desperate assault on enemy forces as to delay them long enough for a full retreat for remaining human forces in the city. By the end of the months long battle the region was decimated and the city was lost, and humanity was forced to pull back to lick their wounds as they prepared for the enemy's march across the Carjol Desert.

  • 1038 AD

    1 /13

    Subjugation of Matamata
    Military action

    Defenseless and unprepared, the short-folk living in the villages of Matamata were surprised when invading armies arrived in their hilly homes. Knowing they posed no real danger, the dark armies instead subjugated the halfling, gnomes, and harengon that called Matamata home and forced them into labor. The populations were forced to create weapons, armor, siege equipment, food, and any other resources demanded by the invading armies.

  • 1042 AD

    Destruction of the Great Roost and Extinction of the Aarakocra

    As the war began to reach its full intensity, elements of the Dark Army began to march upon the Great Roost, targeting the Aarakocra due to their extensive participation in the destruction of significant Dark army forces. A surprise assault upon the Roost as well as cursed magics prevented the Aarakocra populous from escaping, and the overwhelming numbers wrecked havoc on the defenders. As the home of the Aarakocra put up a valiant defense, a curse was placed upon the land and the Aarakocra, poisoning every member of the species across the continent. Thorondor, the Aarakocran god, suddenly and inexplicably disappeared with the rest of his species in an event known as The Avian Rapture. While allied forces attempted to reach the Great Roost in order to relieve the siege, all they found when they arrived were empty mesas and blood soaked sand.

    Carjol Desert
  • 1046 AD

    5 /20

    Battle of Torinswell
    Military action

    The Battle of Torinswell began as allied forces started their assault on the occupied city, beginning the largest organized military action in recorded history. Allied forced numbered just over one million, while the Dark army was two million strong. After the sacrifice of Masthanistheros, a gold dragon and king of the drakes, allied forces successfully destroyed the occupying army, albeit with significant casualties. Casualties (Including civilians): 3,250,000~

  • 1046 AD

    5 /25

    Rebellion of the orcs
    Military action

    Orcish armies used by the demons of the gates suddenly turn and rebel against their overlords, putting the forces of hell still remaining on Caphollia into retreat. Facing defeat, the invaders begin to retreat back through the gateways, leaving the Orcs, as well as significant numbers of Goblinoids and other servant races behind. Reluctantly, a temporary truce is formed with the Orcs, and for the time being are included in the alliance of Caphollia.

  • 1046 AD

    6 /26

    Counter-Invasion of the Gates
    Military action

    Wanting to hit the dark armies before they could fully regroup and recover, the Justicars of Thentauril led a counter-invasion of the vortexes. The alliance forces moved into the gates, arriving in a hellish landscape. The world they arrived in had been ravaged by the elements and was utterly inhospitable, but the allied forces pushed on. They surveyed the surrounding area and found the origin of the portals: a dark citadel created by a being more powerful than that of any of the demon lords who the alliance had thought organized the invasion of Caphollia. The alliance forced waged one last desperate battle against the dark armies, assaulting the citadel and giving the Justicars a chance to destroy the being who had caused this war. As the battle raged on, the Justicars destroyed the entity, causing the citadel to begin deteriorating and collapsing, sending the dark armies into a panic. Alliance mages created portals for their forces to retreat through, and the remaining forces escaped back to Caphollia. There is little detail of what truly transpired within the Vortexes, and the Justicars refused to explain exactly what had happened within the citadel. All that is known is that as a result of the destruction of the citadel, all vortexes across Caphollia began to close, and the leadership of the dark armies collapsed.

  • 1046 AD

    6 /31

    End of the War for Caphollia
    Military action

    After the Alliance armies came back through the portals and the vortexes across the realm began to close, the people of Caphollia waited with bated breath, expecting another attack. However, no further attacks came, and the war was officially declared over by Alliance leadership. As the war came to an end the survivors were left bloodied and beaten. No city was untouched, and every family had felt the loss of a member. The war resulted in an decade of peace and the founding of the Cities of Silver, as well as the displacement of many populations of the invading force who were abandoned by their leaders. A period of rebuilding began, as countries began to rebuild their cities and citizens their families. Casualties: 11,000,000~

  • 1047 AD

    Forced Resettlement of Orcs to the Isle of Ghâsh
    Population Migration / Travel

    As Orcs made up a significant amount of the invading force, a significant population of them was left behind on Caphollia at the war's end. Fearing retaliation, raid, and destruction that could potentially be caused by various rogue orc groups, alliance agreed to send all orcs away to the geologically active island of fire, renamed the Isle of Ghâsh by the orcs sent to live there. While orcs are not forbidden to leave the island, they are not allowed to leave in large groups and they are not allowed to maintain any naval presence save for fishing vessels. Fort Melite was established by the Arcadians on the small island of Cypralta to the west of Ghâsh as a monitoring outpost to keep the orc populations in check and enforce the regulations imposed on them.

  • 1052 AD

    Confederation of Achaea and Arcadia
    Diplomatic action

    Beaten and bruised from the recent conflict, the two human nations of Achaea and Arcadia decide to confederate and join governments in an attempt to defend themselves from other threats that may threaten mankind. Achaea becomes the primary controller of this confederated nation, and King of Arcadia becomes the secondary ruler of his nation.

  • 1061 AD

    Creation of Cereyellion and End of the Achaean-Eyisharan Border Dispute
    Political event

    In an act of solidarity between Humanity and Elves as proof of their willingness to coexist, the nations of Eyishara and Achaea agreed to merge the settlements of Cerey and Yellion into Cereyellion, a City-State given a large amount of autonomy to further Human and Elvish relations. This event ended the Eyisharan-Achaean border dispute and opened Eyisharan borders to trade with Achaea.

  • 1061 AD

    Birth of Beiro Stormwind
    Life, Birth

    Beiro Stormwind is born in the forests surrounding Zolrey with the given name Beiro Amakiir to parents Julius Amakiir and Arwen Syltumal.

    More reading
    Beiro Stormwind
  • 1062 AD

    Establishment of the Cities of Silver

    Understanding that it no longer had the resources or manpower to adequately protect it's distant colonies, the Achaean Alliance pulls all of it's forces in the west to the cities of Achemar and Fulcrow, leaving the humans remaining in western Caphollia to fend for themselves against goblinoids, kobolds, and other creatures left behind after the end of the war. Seeing an opportunity for success and knowing the peoples of the region would need protection, Julius Amakiir was approached by Hadred with a proposition to gather the mercenary groups and form a new nation: The Cities of Silver. Julius left the Eyisharan lands and joined Hadred in this endeavor, and the two set out to unify the mercenary groups they could gather. After gathering those that they could, the two set out to the abandoned peoples of western Caphollia, and their new order was embraced as they established safety and protection against those who previously threatened the vulnerable populations.

  • 1065 AD

    Exile of Dragons from Achaea
    Political event

    Distrust of dragons grew to high levels in Achaean territories from the participation of dragons in the great war. Many people lost love ones, land, animals, and their livelihoods from the destruction wrought by dragons, and many did not distinguish the difference between metallic and chromatic dragons. Incidents involving metallic dragons who would eat a farmer's animal or trample crop fields became more common as the number of young and inexperienced dragons began to increase due to dragon repopulation efforts. Responding to the demands of the people, King Xyphar of Achaea enacted a ban on dragons in Achaean territories, and threatened violent removal of dragons who refused to leave. Not wanting to hurt the humanoids they had worked to protect, the dragons retreated from Achaean lands or hid themselves well, utilizing their ability to shapeshift to integrate into human settlements. Many fled to the west and north, where the less populated lands would be better suited to raising young.

  • 1070 AD

    Birth of Mildrend Magyar
    Life, Birth
  • 1073 AD

    12 /9
    1074 AD

    1 /6

    Achaean Civil War
    Military action

    Following the passing of several Arcadian exclusion laws and taxes solely for Arcadian citizens, King Vialus of Arcadia leads a brief and successful rebellion that brings about the separation of the Achaean Alliance and Arcadian Imperium. Casualties: 3,000

  • 1075 AD

    Birth of Kain
    Life, Birth
    More reading
  • 1078 AD

    Birth of Blaze
    Life, Birth
    More reading
  • 1080 AD

    3 /11

    Birth of Gorosk Skyborn
    Life, Birth

    Gorosk Skyborn, Paladin of Mithras is born to unknown parents in the lands surrounding the city of Imperiaste.

    More reading
    Gorosk Skyborne
  • 1080 AD

    8 /11

    Disappearance of Julius Amakiir
    Life, Relocation

    Julius Amakiir, hero of the great war and co-leader of the Black Wolf Company with Hadred, suddenly disappears from the public eye. Hadred declares that his old friend and partner had been killed during a raid on hobgoblin forces threatening the Cities of Silver. A month of mourning occurs across the Cities, and Hadred's rule over the Cities of Silver begins to tighten.

  • 1091 AD

    11 /19
    1092 AD

    3 /30

    Goblin Raids of Northern Caphollia
    Military action

    Suddenly and without warning, hordes of goblinoids emerged from the southern base of the Drumdir mountains, attacking everything in their path. Goblins had never been organized since the end of the war, and the attack was completely unexpected by the dwarven forces that patrolled the region. Overwhelmed and expecting death, the dwarves living in the region retreated south in order to get help from nearby dragonborn tribes under Clan Magyar that claimed the territory as their home. Hardened dragonborn forces fought goblin armies on multiple fronts, protecting the dwarves who desperately needed their help while defending their own home from the coordinated goblinoid forces. Fighting was brutal, but good tactics and strong resolve from Magyar's leaders broke the goblin leadership and the raids disbanded. As a result, Clan Magyar gained further renown among dragonborn tribes, and gained the respect of the Iron Helms for protecting their people, granting the dragonborn new weapons and armor.

  • 1098 AD

    Burning of the Gratuity, Institute of Magics Gym
    Disaster / Destruction

    The gymnasium and exercise hall of Gratuity, Institute of Magics suddenly and spontaneously catches on fire, destroying the building and singeing many nearby elder trees. The fire is later attributed to Blaze, a student at the institute who is expelled from the school and banned from Eyisharan lands out of fear of future burnings.

  • 1100 AD

    6 /1
    1101 AD

    1 /15

    The Changeling Crisis
    Military action

  • 1100 AD

    9 /8

    Second Achaean - Arcadian War
    Military action

    Tensions arising between Arcadia and Achaea over territory concerns come to a head as King Xyphar abandons negotiations and threatens Arcadia. Suggesting renewed talks, Achaean leadership invites Arcadian diplomats to the city of Milar to apologize and continue peaceful negotiation. As the diplomats from Arcadia arrive, Achaean armies make a surprise attack on the Arcadian city of Polos, catching the Arcadians off-guard. The city quickly falls to the overwhelming assault, and Achaean armies march north to siege the city of Imperiaste before Arcadian forces can organize. Eyishara and the Iron helms have condemned the actions of Achaea, and trade restrictions have been placed on the increasingly aggressive nation. The most recent event of the war has been the attack on Imperiaste, which is currently under siege as Achaean forces build siege equipment and await reinforcements from the south.

  • 1100 AD

    11 /9

    Sacking of the Temple of Mithras
    Disaster / Destruction

    Achaean special forces raid and sack the Temple of Mithras in Imperiaste, destroying over half of the Temple's order, but are routed in the process. At at the dawn of midnight, 300 Achaean commandos set fire to the main temple, and began a skirmish with the Temple Guards and the wounded Arcadian and Achaean soldiers being cared for at the Temple. The battle raged for two hours, and in the end less than half of the paladins and clerics that served the temple remained, and most others had fled or been killed. The leader of the Temple, Ray Skyborne, was killed, leaving the order leaderless.