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The Protest for Representation


The Protest for Representation was a three-day protest that took place outside the King's Parliament. While many of the protester's original demands were not met, they did gain true representation in parliament, which is where the protest got its name.

The protest was organized by members of the indigenous tribes of the kingdom. What started with a few organizers quickly became enormous. By mid-day of the 23rd, it encircled the King's Parliament trapping the members of parliament and nobles, including the royal family inside.   During the early morning of the 25th, the king called the leaders of the protesters inside the building to meet with him. For hours they discussed the group's demands and tried to work out solutions. While they started out with many demands, most of them were quickly shot down. At long last, the king agreed to allow each tribe to choose their own representative to come to the capital and work with him and the parliament for their respective tribe's needs. He also promised to make representation a requirement by the law. Even this took hours to iron out as many of the nobles who technically represented the tribes in parliament were angry by the suggestion that they were not doing their jobs. These nobles had been selected by the crown to represent certain regions of the country and the Isendreens living there but often disregarded or even actively harmed the indigenous peoples while doing this.   Once the meeting was over the leaders exited the parliament and announced to the protesters that they had won. This spread quickly. Celebrations broke out throughout the crowd and the city. Messengers were sent out with more specific details to the tribes and slowly these details spread through the crowd. This day is recognized as a holiday in many tribes as it was one of the first times they won recognition from the government and it was the first step in their journey to freedom.

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The History of the Kingdom of Isendree (article)
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