Bind Enemy

Either by physical or magical attack, this spell renders the target unable to harm the caster for the next seven days. A variable number of magic points are sacrificed into a small effigy of the target—the caster must invest more magic points than the target possesses for the spell to work. For the spell to take effect the caster must win an opposed POW roll with the target. If the target wins, the spell fails.

It normally takes a day to gather the materials, construct the effigy, and chant the ritual that seals the magic points into the effigy. The effigy must contain a portion of the target (this could be a few hairs, nail clippings, blood, or something else of a personal nature).

The spell is broken if the caster attacks the target or if the effigy is destroyed.

Alternative names: Dispel Thy Enemy, The Darke Pact, Rite of Power.
  • Cost: Varible magic points; 1D4 Sanity points
  • Time: 1 day