Command Plants

Enables the caster to control and manipulate plants, causing them to take on semi-sentient life. This spell may be used to cause vines to wrap around a target, branches to grasp at a target, roots to entangle feet, etc. The plants affected cannot actually move from their rooted ground. The spell costs 2 magic points per square yard of plant material to be controlled. The plants must be within the spellcaster’s sight, for the caster must point at them while intoning the spell. The Keeper should decide the STR and hit points of the plants in combat-type situations (corn stalks perhaps having 5 STR and 1 hit point each, thick tree roots having 50+ STR and 5 hit points each, etc.)
Alternative names: Burden of Growth, Bend Limb and Leaf to thy Will.
  • Cost: 2+ magic points; 1D6 Sanity points
  • Time: 1 round