Nightgaunts - Tickling Dream Devils

Curious devils that resided in the Dreamlands. These creatures are hardly a bother to anyone who is aware of them. While they can eviscerate their unaware prey with ease, Nightgaunts are rather easy to dispatch. Either sever their spinal nerve – the easiest method to accomplish this is to behead these devils—or by killing the witch or warlock that summed them. Doing as such should end the spell that brough them to the waking world and send them back to the dreamland.


The real danger with Nightgaunts is if they are encountered within the Dreamlands. Nigh impossible to kill, they travel in large packs through out all dreams. It is said in older texts we have discovered these devils were birthed from the first nightmare before the forming of our world—children of pure wickedness. Obviously there is no way for us to confirmed this as any witch or warlock that claims to have such knowledge is clinically insane or dead.

Note: Not every Nightgaunt encountered within the waking world is here because it was summoned. While rare, they are capable of making the journey through the veil themselves. It is not entirely known why they might make such a journey.