Ta Usyi (/ta ˈusji/)

Kriretlimp ( /krɪˈrɛtlɪmp/), Nunya’Muwi (/ˈnuɲa ˈmuwi/) (a.k.a. Dark Mother, The Unclean, The Great Source)

There has never been a true encounter with the Traveler, just encounters with it's "offspring". If such an encounter has happened there are no records in any manor so we must only go off of what can be observed from these so called "offspring" of this Traveler. From what we have been able to piece together from the old text and runic carvings, Ta Usyi is abhorrent even by Travelers’ standards. While there is no way to describe what they look like in person, we can safely assume this Traveler is no more formed than it’s malformed children that bubble up from deep within the Earth.


It would be best to describe it as a living ichor of celestial flesh that has an insistent need to feed and consume. Those whose mind has been touched by this Traveler are filled with the same need, slowly transforming into something other to fulfill this new life goal of theirs. Alas there are only records of what happens when humans encounter these offspring of Ta Usyi it is fascinating to speculate what would happen if one was to meet the traveler in full.

Divine Classification
Sleeping Traveler
Current Status
Bound by Elder Magic
Circumstances of Birth
U'quol (This needs to be cross refferenced with the old text)
Current Residence