This late 10th century cult was once one thought of as completely disbanded entirely until a Scholar Scout was able to uncover a sect of the cult. While this Scout did lose their ears, it is believed they were quite happy with their choice for the rest of their life. What little is known about the cult is described below to the best of our knowledge.  
  • Lord Lawrence Rowley, Head of the Keepers

  • The Children of Tr̈arawsa is a large cult whose "goddess" is classified as an Elder One. Previous classified as a Great Traveler. This cult is predominantly made up of women who are born human but are fundamentally altered though an assumed ritual at a young age. There are some men within the cult who seem to be kept for the purpose of reproduction or as a servant for the cult.


    While very secretive and closed off from humanity as a whole, these cultist have effortlessly weaved themselves into everyday society in such way there is no telling exactly how large this cult is. What little we do know if from texts written by other cults and a single letter sent by Scholar Scout Samuel Noke. The letter rambled on and seemed to have blood smears on it, there were a few things we were able to learn.


    Childhood ritual: The children (all female) are given something to eat (unknown possible meat), and those that survive are aloud entry into the cult while those that die are buried in sand. The survivors are “reborn” and there body undergoes a perilous transformation.


    Marriage ritual: This is preformed on those not born within the cult and are accepted into it. For the men it seems to require a form of bodily mutilation and the removal of their ears. For any woman that is allowed to join she is only required to remove her tongue. Somewhat disproportionate costs , yet it should illuminate how the cult values women for their progenitive nature in the cycle of life.


    There is a third ritual we have no name for, but Scout Noke felt the need to include it. It seems every century an elder of this Cult is “chosen” by their “goddess”. We are not sure what that means, if this Elder is killed or sent somewhere else. This seems to be the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a member of the cult.


    After we receive this letter, no one heard from Scout Noke or knew what the outcome of his joining to the cult was for quite a long time. The last thing that was ever heard of him, was an obituary page what detailed how he left behind a wife a three daughters. Perhaps it was a kindness from the cult to allow us to find out about his passing, or a mere accident.

    Addendum: My Fathers' introduction is not exactly incorrect, but I do believe we have been too hasty is writing what is or is not attributed to the Children of Tr̈arawsa. For one I do believe now have further research this cult is far old than we thought before; most likely dating back to around 2500 BCE. If such speculation is true, this would classify this cult not as one from the █████ █████████ but as one of the ██████ ████. The specific classification as either one at The Cradle or one of The Court is indeterminable without being able to speak with one of these Children firsthand. I have made the necessary adjustments below with the updated information.  
  • Lord Cecil Rowley, Head of the Keepers