The Society of the Verdant Rune




The founding words of our Society. First laid out by our founders in 1497, a decade after the Great Discovery, it is still the foundation upon which we function and the structure of each House. While they all function separately it is when the Houses work in unison that our Society can do the work it must to further humanity within the aether before and all that is beyond the veil.

The Guardian House of Renouf

The Scholar House of Everett

The Keeper House of Rowley

The function of the Guardian House is to protect the secrecy of the Society, protect humanity from that beyond the veil, and act as executioners as needed by their first two duties. Founded by Vassal Jeaun Renouf of Rouen, his family was the first to come together and begin their duties during the Epoch of Decision. Through the hard work of the Guardian’s the Society has been able to progress forward in secrecy from the masses that need not know what lies outside their comprehension.

The Guardian's Structure

  • Knight Commander – Head of House
  • Bannerets – Second in command
  • Knights - The highest rank for those within the house who are not for command
  • Squires - Those in training
  • Page - Initiates into the Guardian house (this is also the level that all transfers start at no matter what level they were in previously)
  • The Scholar house has one singular purpose within the Society; to increase the knowledge that the Society holds. Founded by Marquess Goetgen Evreart of Antwerp, this house gains knowledge from transcribing, translating, studying what comes from the veil, or through observation. It is their duty to enlighten and gather all knowledge that would be helpful to the Society. It is through the Scholar's hard work that we have the understanding we need to educate ourselves and progress further.

    The Scholar's Structure

  • Head Chair – Head of House
  • Professor – Second in command
  • Associate - The highest rank for those within the house who are not for command
  • Assistant - Those in training
  • Student - Initiates into the Scholar house (this is also the level that all transfers start at no matter what level they were in previously)
  • The Keepers act as both guardian and scholar to the artifacts of the Society. It is this house that stores all that the Society is. Founded by Barron Esmound Rowlett of Mansfeild, this house serves as caretakers to the artifacts that the Society has found, the knowledge bound in books, and cartography. It is also responsible for creating the tool, and even magic, that the Society uses. It is through the Keeper’s hard work that the Society and all Houses have the tools they need.

    The Keeper's Structure

  • Doctor – Head of House
  • Fellows – Second in command
  • Resident - The highest rank for those within the house who are not for command
  • Junior - Those in training
  • Intern - Initiates into the Scholar house (this is also the level that all transfers start at no matter what level they were in previously)

  • All house's have Scribes, which are not apart of the normal hierarchy, but their level is decide on a case by case bases.