Zlalaob’u (/zlaˈlaɔˌɓu/)

Zlalaob’u is a curious entity. While most listed in this book have contested origins or have had countless hours spent arguing on what they are, Zlalaob’u's origin and identity is very clear cut. The first recorded instance of this entity is during the Plague of Athens. Since then, it seems to always come to earth on the heals of whatever epidemic is currently affecting humans. On rare occasions it visits when there is threat of nations going to war. Oddly enough, Zlalaob’u is govern by a strange logic of balance and rules. It takes all deals genuinely and literally. Many a mage or aspiring warlock have reached out to this entity for its vast wealth of knowledge.


There are a few handful of times, like near all of the entities here, that Zlalaob’u will reach out to a human and choose it to make a deal. The reasons why it will pick this human is unknown. Perhaps they are tainted by death, have suffered a great illness, or – on one recorded occasion – Zlalaob’u wanted to take the human away from another entity. In all instances Zlalaob’u is quite honest and upfront with the human’s it chooses to interact with – choosing to inflict it’s own sort of madness with the brutal truth of the universe. Once this entity has interest in a human, the only way to break it’s hold is by invoking a powerful binding spell or for the human to catch the interest of a stronger entity.
