Thea Darkdraft Character in Cassur | World Anvil

Thea Darkdraft

Fathoms Port Naval Protectorate, Merchant Marine, 1st Fleet, The Cossack, The Vega, Lieutenant, Thea Darkdraft

Thea Darkdraft is a 32 year old female human sailor.   She has long, red mohawk and brown eyes.   She has smooth white skin.   She stands 172cm (5'7") tall and has a lean build.   She has a triangular, unremarkable face.   She has a high-pitched voice.   She frequently squints.   She doesn't worship any god.   She is a very good diplomat and always works towards resolution of conflict.   She is not very obstinate.   She always knows where to hide.   She doesn't like listening to jokes.   Sister of Commodore Gavin Darkdraft
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Fathoms Port
Current Residence
Fathoms Port
Aligned Organization

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