Vice Admiral, Fathoms Port Naval Protectorate Rank/Title in Cassur | World Anvil

Vice Admiral, Fathoms Port Naval Protectorate

Admiral is second in command of the Fathoms Port Naval Protectorate Admiralty. Overseeing all naval operations of the organization and serves as the military integree in Parliament during times of war. Geoffrey Keenseeker is the first to hold this office when it was formed by Aleida Serpentwind when she found the need for a second in command.


College educated, no less than lesser nobility.


Maintain good order and discipline and confidence in command of those under.


Must be selected from prior Admiral and be holding command of one of Fathoms Port Naval Forces.


Maintain naval strength and overall well-being of sailors and marines beneath.


Tracking and giving guidance in naval movements when needed.


Second highest military office, great public esteem and influence. Highly paid military member.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Opulent fully blue uniform except for all gold shoulder marks and golden embellishments on the trim of their coat.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A vote of no confidence from parliament with a proven case to support it or dismissal by the Fathoms Port Naval Protectorate Admiralty.


There have been no outstanding naval battles as of yet.

Cultural Significance

Vice Admiral is the second highest military office in all of Fathoms Port.

Notable Holders

Geoffrey Keenseeker
Nobility, Military
Still in full effect
Formed by Aleida Serpentwind when she found the need for a second in command.
Source of Authority
Fathoms Port Naval Protectorate Admiralty
Length of Term
Until relieved of command, voluntarily or otherwise.
First Holder
Current Holders
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Articles under Vice Admiral, Fathoms Port Naval Protectorate


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