Aislin Mac Gearailt

Aislin Mac Gearailt

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender and slight, just a little over 5 feet tall with pure white hair down to her waist in loose waves, her litheness and fragility would recall those who have met the Kayal people (Fetchlings as others call them, much to the Kayal’s disgust).

Body Features

Her hands and arms have tattoos the color of her eyes on them that if you watch for very long seem to slightly shift on her skin. On her hands, her two index fingers and middle fingers have shifting vines wrapping around them, on her right wrist are two circlet tattoos that seem to turn slowly, while on her left is only one. Running up either of the undersides of her forearms from the circlets to her inner elbow are shifting tendrils of the tattoos that almost seem to mist up from her skin.

Facial Features

Aislin would be considered beautiful if it weren’t that she was uncomfortable to look at. Her skin is unnaturally white with a sheen of luminescence in the right light and her eyes are almost entirely filled with a glowing light turquoise color and has no pupil. At first glance some mistake her for being blind as her eyes seem to wander to unseen things but when they snap into focus on you, you are uncomfortably aware of being seen.

Identifying Characteristics

Turquoise, pupil-less eyes. Glowing turquoise tattoos on hands and arms.

Physical quirks

If watched for very long, she seems friendly, open to smile and say hello, though often seeming distracted if the conversation runs on too long, taking an apple out of her bag as if to eat, she becomes animated in a conversation with the wind and leaves the apple on a fence post without taking a bite, continuing to wander sometimes without any apparent direction and at other times resolute. Her movements sometimes seem out of sync with the world and time, shifting and blurring, speeding up then slowing down, making it hard to follow her. Even in talking to her at times she seems younger or older then she might have been at the start of the conversation.

Apparel & Accessories

Barefoot, her clothes are neat, well taken care of but nothing fine, more of a long white shift then a dress, but over it she wears a leather coat that is clearly meant for a man much larger than herself, it hangs low to her calves. Around her neck is a delicate silver chain with a silver wrapped piece of broken mirror hanging from it. A loose bag rests on one hip, bits of plants poke out from the corners and various pockets are sewn on to accommodate random bits of paper, mushrooms, and more.

Specialized Equipment

Those who are tapped into magic sources can see that a tall man hovers nearby, ghostly and insubstantial, but at the same time feeling intensely present, with a bow strung on his back over a ghostly version of the leather coat on the woman. He keeps watch not just on her, but all around her, seeing much that she misses. He leans in and speaks to her now and again, sometimes pointing out an obstacle or shifting her out of the way of someone coming towards her and she nods and looks where he points or speaks back to him, confusing many that cannot see him standing there.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aislin doesn't know much about her parentage, she knows her mother's face, she has flashes of memories of loosing her, but most of her memories start in the graveyard she was raised in. Trained by a nearby Kayal wisewoman in the ways of medicine and elixir creation, she survived through foraging and occasional trips into town to sell what she foraged and the elixirs she created. As she got older she made money through creation of mundane and magical tattoos that she had learned how to do from one of the spirits that raised her. When she was 20 she stumbled on Jack in the woods, he was the most earthy and solid person she had ever met and he calmed her discordant connection with time and space in ways no one ever had. Married a year or so later, they took up residence in her teachers old cabin after she had passed away, but of course was never gone from Aislin's awareness or the cabin and gardens. They lived well, happy, long bursts of time tending the herbs, creating elixirs, roaming the deep forests with occasional trips into the towns for trading. Until it all came to an abrupt end.

Gender Identity



Married to Jack, he, as a person, is her one and only attraction.


Aislin had a varied education cobbled together from the various spirits in the graveyard, and more direct education from Ishe'al on foraging, herb crafting and elixir making, and a more direct education on forest craft from Jack.


Creating and selling elixirs, creating and selling mundane and magical tattoos--especially known for her ancestral tattoos.

Failures & Embarrassments

Not seeing the future thread where Jack didn't die.

Mental Trauma

Loss of mother, physical loss of Jack

Intellectual Characteristics

Bright, smart, logical, but so disconnected from the stream of "now" and the concreteness of existing in one place that she can appear scattered and like she isn't paying attention.

Morality & Philosophy

Her moral code is much more immediate, she always sees so many possible future that simply having to choose what, in any given moment, is the next right choice is as far as she worries about.


She would decide in the moment.

Personality Characteristics


She is motivated to find out what happened to her mother, but she really has so little to go on that she doesn't know how to go about it. She and Jack had tried to sort out where she might have actually been born, but also realize it could have been in the Ethereal or Shadow Planes.


Contacts & Relations

The spirits of Ishe'al, Jack, Mrs. Berty, Edith, all the spirits of The Corners

Wealth & Financial state

She can make a good living with her elixirs and tattoos.

Slender and slight, just a little over 5 feet tall with pure white hair down to her waist in loose waves, her litheness and fragility would recall those who have met the Kayal people (Fetchlings as others call them, much to the Kayal’s disgust).

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
The Far North (best guess)
Current Residence
Turquoise, only a hint of a pupil
Pure White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pure White
5' 2"
Known Languages
Common, Shadowtongue, Aklo

Figuring Things Out

We went back to the Inn that Cerviel recommended, I was really struggling to maintain a solid state in time or plane, I have had this happen in the past when I have done certain magics that tap into my reality of time and space, this was minor, not at all like what happened after the battle and Jack’s death, but I don’t want to think about that right now as I am just starting to feel “here”. I am at Cerviel’s apartment at the university and it is so strange to think about people just living their lives following one stream, going day by day through living life as if it is solid and dependable. I wonder if I could have ever had a life like this, meeting friends, going to school, people liking me and not being afraid of me or uncomfortable around me. But truthfully, I don’t think such a life is for me, I was raised by amazing people with all kinds of interesting lives and skills to teach me. What people describe, and Cerviel has been so lovely to try and explain what it is that she sees, as “normal” might be nice for a little while, but it also seems very strange to me and I’m not sure if I would like it.   Anyway, we have gotten to know Al and Eks, Luxanna and Valrick a bit more as the day progressed. Al is a sweet young man and I do owe Mr. Eks an apology, my littlest self doesn’t seem to understand that she shouldn’t share memories with people without asking their permission first and I am not sure how to make her understand. He lost his whole family and I am very saddened for him as I understand how that feels, at least with Jack he is not gone, but my little self feels the loss of our mother very strongly. Luxanna was beautiful and terrifying in battle, she was so confident in her skills, it was quite amazing to see, though intimidating, but she actually seems to be very gracious and kind outside of that situation. Valrick is interesting, his puppet has my littlest self’s attention and I worry that I will have a harder time not slipping back around him, but as that is already an issue with Cerviel, I’ll just have to try and work on it. He makes interesting things and I want to talk to him about his recipes and maybe share what I have.   We also met some very interesting people, their leader’s name was Callista and they seem to be all people who are outside of acceptable society working together to take care of each other. I feel like maybe that is a place that I could fit in and I wonder if they would allow me to stay there if I’m never able to find my way home again. I do not want Cerviel to feel responsible for my well being, I know Jack asked her to watch out for me when I was in my little form and he couldn’t stay any longer, but it is not her job to do so and I will have to caution him on making her feel as if she needs to. But these people, they didn’t seem to mind me and I was able to ease some of their aches and pains and maybe I could have a place there to help them and feel like I belong. Their home seems to be in the shadows and I am most at home in the shadows, something to think about and talk to Jack once this business is done.

Unexpected Battle

BSo far it has been a very strange day and I have to say that some of it is a bit fuzzy as I’m very tired from a battle that took place. I was sitting in the marketplace this morning and nothing seemed out of place to me, Jack was playing with the new sign that I traded with the woodworker that has a stall in the Marketplace as well that says, “Tattoos: Magic and Mundane” when he suddenly went “still,” is the best way I can describe it when all of his senses seem to be on alert. He told me to start packing up now and because I knew that Cerviel was taking a class at the center of the Marketplace, I messaged her to start to pack up as well, that Jack had noticed something, so we both started to put things into our bags and get ready to go when a loud noise went off and screaming that had started before the bang started to go through the Marketplace as fire broke out near where Cerviel was!! Unfortunately, I think because this was the first battle since Jack was killed and because Cerviel was in danger, I started slipping very quickly back to my little self—she does know that Cerviel isn’t our mother but I think she still feels strongly about her and likes her and feels safe around her, just my guess I suppose. She ran straight towards Cerviel then used our magic to literally pull her towards us, she even tried to pull a young man that seemed to have been injured but he shrugged it off—I can’t say I blame him as it must have been a strange sight and feeling!   Cervial seemed to be rather nervous about everything, not surprising, I can’t imagine she has seen too much of fighting, I will have to check and see how she is doing, but despite her feeling nervous, she really stood strong, using her magic to bolster up everyone around her and she even picked up a rock and flung it at one of the creatures! Briros ([Spirits]( used to always tell me to use the way I am not tethered in time or space to throw others off if I ever get into a fight, little me seemed to remember that and threw one of the creatures backwards in time, he didn’t handle it very well and couldn’t seem to function well with the time flux. It is hard to understand the way that people experience time and space, I felt it, maybe, a little bit in those years with Jack, was rooted more into this world and while I still slipped through time, it was more easily controlled. But I still don’t really understand, maybe it’s like trying to explain color to blind person, it seems a little frightening to think of being so rooted at the same time that it might be a relief. Regardless, when she did that, the kick back was definitely there and I’m feeling weak. We are waiting for some of the strangers to come from the bathhouse while I am writing this, maybe we can get something to eat.   So yes, we met some strangers today, “met” is not really the best way I can put it as it seems more that we were thrown into the same sphere of time, this always fascinates me when you see all of these convergences of time coalesce into a moment that binds people irrevocably in that moment. The weapon fires, Cerviel is frightened and fire breaks out, I see it, little me slips out and runs towards her, yanking her to us, Cerviel uses her magic, gaining the further attention of the creatures, fighting breaks out on the creatures from other people and in that moment all of these lines in time converge together. Afterwards, questions and the need for answers continues to bind us but I don’t remember that too strongly, Jack was very upset and wanted to be very clear why these people had attacked the students in the street, and whether they were aiming at Cerviel. He has grown fond of her, he appreciates, I think, her kindnesses to me and that she has grace for little me, I think he has some trust for her and did not like her walking up to these strangers exposing herself to further danger. I was tired from manipulating time and so he came fully out to find out some answers, we won’t see him again until I can get some sleep. By the time we had gotten where Cerviel was leading us, I at least was back to my current self, I’m going to stop writing now and make sure she is okay.   Oh, about the strangers, there is a funny little gnome who was talking to a puppet on his hand, I think he was an Alchemist like Ronuh ([Spirits]( as I recognized an elixir that he threw at a lovely… and quite passionate, red haired woman, I think she said her name was Luxanna, his name was Valrick, though he said some other kind of a name before that one. The two at the center of everything were a young man named Alyn and a…. little me thinks he is a little dragon but I don’t think that is what he is… I didn’t catch his name if he said it to Jack, he said that they were trying to get ahold of the people who they were fighting because they worked for an evil dragon named Tyranx, hopefully we will get more information once everyone meets up. Jack isn’t here now, but what I gather he cares about is finding out whether or not these creatures that were killed were trying to attack Cerviel as one of them got away, little me saw it run off across the Marketplace square.egin writing your story here...

A New Friend

I met a lovely young lady named Cerviel today, I really made a huge mistake because when I saw her performing, she looked for a moment so much like my mother, there was such an overwhelming amount of emotions that I am afraid my littlest self came forward. But that wasn’t the worst of it, she very kindly came down on my level and leaned her face in close and not understanding what an intrusion it was, little me put her forehead to hers and shared our memory of mother. I, of course, know that this is wrong on many levels and I wouldn’t force that on anyone, but littlest me—she just didn’t understand. Poor Jack tried to quickly take me aside and Cerviel very graciously just went with the flow, took my hand and brought me back to my things. Jack thinks it was too busy and too many people were watching Cerviel’s performance to notice anything.   Cerviel’s performance was amazing, by the by, Ialtil would have loved her performance, she was so alive and so present in the moment and in the emotions of the poetry she had written, it was quite beautiful to see, I need to ask Cerviel if she ever chooses to talk to me again if she will give me a copy of the poem.   It was funny to speak with her after, I used to see girls in the village now and again, groups of them all clinging together and laughing and holding hands and talking animatedly about the strangest of things. They didn’t seem to really see the world and they didn’t ever seem to see me, other than to whisper and hurry away. Cerviel seemed to see me and not be afraid but to even be interested, if that can be believed! There is a fire in her that I wonder if she realizes is so very strong. We’ll see if she comes around again, Jack says I need to stay near the city for a little bit and sell some things, he doesn’t want me to try to head back towards home until I have restocked and maybe found a place to sell me a magical bag. He said I’ve come further then usual and it isn’t safe for me to just head out, so I’ll sell some elixirs, forage outside of the city, sell some magical tattoos perhaps and try to find a small magical shop.   I hate that I worried Jack today, but I’m very glad to have met Cerviel, she doesn’t look exactly like mother at all, it was just startling at first, and there was such a fire in her when she performed it lit her up and … well, she was beautiful like mother. I should share the song Ialtil used to sing to me when I was little if we meet again, I think she would like it.


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