Mason’s Revolution Military Conflict in Cat Wars Galaxy | World Anvil
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Mason’s Revolution

This was a war where the Fed Army and other rebels were trying to overthrow the Catopia royal family and establish a new government. It was also the Revolution in which Mason and the Meow Order took power. Many people were unhappy with the situation in Catopia and the Guepaw Royal Family. The country at this time was at an economic downturn due to trade interruptions in the Nintendo Sector and problems in the colonies.   The Catopian Kingdom used many trade routes with favorable economic agreements in the sector. This meant when the InterNintendo War erupted, it severely impacted trade between Catopia and its holdings in the east. The Government responded by joining the war and sending troops to support the democratic Nintendo countries. They thought the war could be won shortly and also didn't want to anger LBF by joining the Imperial Powers. However, it only worsened the problem when the Imperial Powers made huge gains and the Republic of Kirby along with the D.K States capitulated. The Imperial powers started frequently attacking Catopian ships and blocking them, worsening the crisis.   Catopia had been developing holdings and economic influence in parts of the outer rim, but instability plagued these regions, especially with the trade disruptions and less military presence. This made the economic situation bad as businesses started pulling out due to instability and trade disruptions. A major economic crisis developed in the Northeast Colonies. Food shortages became common in the colonies due to the trade disruptions and less investment in the region. Internally, the Catopian Kingdom suffered social and economic inequalities that only worsened.   The people had enough of it. Mason and the Meow Order movement was gaining momentum. It attracted many people to its cause: abolish the monarchy and bring prosperity and stability to Catopia. Still, many people had their doubts about the Meow Order Movement’s true nature and radical ideas. Many of them also believed the existing government could be fixed. After all, much of the suffering in the country were side effects of the failed intervention in the Nintendo Sector. Also, some groups supported the removal of the monarchy, but not the Meow Order. Two opposing groups ended up forming: the loyalists, and the rebel Anti-Monarchists, or Masonians. Revolution had begun.   At first, both sides were making gains and losses. However, much of the colonies and Ayoshima were under rebel control. After a few months, the Fed Army and the Masonians started winning battle after battle. By this point, the Loyalists lost almost all control in the colonies and much of Catopia proper. Eventually, the Fed Army won the war when the capital of Catopolis was captured on Octobries 5th 2000. The Catopian Royal Army officially surrendered on the tenth. The Catopia royal family fled into exile with other members of the government. the rest of the Catopia royal army surrendered or fled. The rebellion had succeeded and installed the new Meow Order government.

The Conflict


This rebellion was fought through mostly asymmetric means. In the outer rim especially, rebel Masonians used the harsher terrain on many underdeveloped worlds to their advantage. Many mass uprisings also characterized the rebellion.


The Fed Army won the war and the Catopia royal family fled. The Meow Order was established as the new government of Catopia.


After the war, the Catopian Empire was formed. The empire initially gave prosperity and economic relief. They expanded their grip in the meow order expansion. Although the Catopia royal family was gone, the Meow Order was worse as the following years unfolded. Cats started to locally rebel against the Meow Order.

Historical Significance

Technological Advancement

Many new military technologies arose from Mason’s Revolution. This made the Meow Order very powerful.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The Fed won the war and the Catopia royal family fled.


Fed Army

Led by

Catopia Royal Army


The Fed Army had many followers and had built up an army. Their large following was unexpected as the loyalists didn't think the rebels would unite under a more extreme group. The surprise was an advantage against the Catopia royal army. The Royal Army was also weakened due to the Catopian ongoing involvement and losses in the InterNintendo War. Another advantage was the rebels had strong, loyal leaders.
The Catopia royal army had been well trained and established. The military was very large and formidable force. They also had many citizens willing to defend their government. The Catopia royal army had been around for a very long time. Many of the personnel in the Catopian Royal Army had gained experience after withdrawing from the InterNintendo War.


The Fed Army only had 2,300,000 casualties compared to the defeated Catopia royal army’s 3,600,000 casualties.
The Catopia royal army had many more casualties than the Fed army. They had about 3,600,000.


The fed Army wanted to overthrow the Catopia royal family and establish a new government. They also wanted to get out of the InterNintendo War and make peace to get the economy back in shape.
The army’s objective was to defend the Catopian royal family and defend the kingdom from complete collapse. The royal family also intended to introduce new reforms to calm things down. However, it was to late once the rebellion began.

Cover image: by AI generated


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Nov 16, 2023 04:54

I definitely want to know more about the InterNintendo War.