Cathedris Themesong

City of Night and Shade


City of Night
and Shade

This city is almost perpetually shaded; over 70% of it exists in endless darkness. The massive cliff face that Degrunda's Capital city is nestled against provides ample protection against the sun; so much so that some may consider the city to be quite dreary and depressing. However, the citizens don't seem to mind.
here to turn the post card over and read more.

Degrunda's dark capital

  In the winter months of endless dark, and the summer months of a never setting sun, this city remains mostly the same; protected under the cover of darkness. A massive behemoth of a cliff stretches along the southern half of the City of Night and Shade, called the Great Embrace -- it stands nearly 1,000m tall and cantilevers out a full 100m away from its almost vertical base, enshrouding the city in a great and awe-inspiring shadow. The already dark stone foundations of Degrunda's capital city are painted an even deeper shade of black, and obsidian glass detailing glints in the sparkling artificial lights that emblazon the street corners. Steam, smoke, and fog billow in as a luscious weighted blanket, comforting and quieting this secluded urban center.   Long ago, some time after The Seven Day War, Degrundans were forced into the dark -- through illness and crop failure, fate demanded the people of Cathedris's north find a new home, far from the now harsh and unforgiving sun. Within the welcoming dark arms of the Great Embrace, life in the frigid mountains restarted again, and a new northern hub of civilization grew strong. The name for it, perhaps overly descriptive when compared to other settlements in the region, came from the endless darkness this home provided -- night during the winter, and shade during the summer.   The city these days has become one of the world's foremost "University cities", thanks to the notorious Veiled Academy being located somewhere within its urban heart. The population skews to the younger side, thanks to all the students that call the city home, and overall it has become an innovative hub for research and technology. Thanks to close proximity to countless coal, copper, iron, and other metallurgical mines, many industrial startups begin here, manufacturing new inventions almost before they're even done being designed. All of this combines to of course make the City of Night and Shade one of the wealthiest settlements as well -- though the majority of that wealth is hoarded by a select few, living within Night's Grasp.

Articles under City of Night and Shade

Cover image: by Xavier Balderas Cejudo


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Aug 5, 2024 15:07 by Han

I bet there's a buuuunch of cool late night bars for all the young here.

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 21, 2024 21:46 by Stormbril

The nightlife never ends when there's no end to the dark [sunglasses emoji]

Aug 5, 2024 19:27 by Aster Blackwell

I'd just be nervous that the cliff would collapse on us O_O

Aug 21, 2024 21:47 by Stormbril

It's stood for that long, suuuuuuuuurely it'll keep standing for longer!

Aug 13, 2024 18:45 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is probably not what I am meant to take from this, but WHY ARE THERE SCARY SMILEY FACES?

Aug 21, 2024 21:47 by Stormbril

:)   . . .   >:)

Aug 18, 2024 18:42 by Alan Byers

Extremely cool as always Stormbril! I'd very much like to explore here.

Aug 21, 2024 21:48 by Stormbril

Thank you so much! :D

Aug 18, 2024 23:16 by Pandora 9

Fantastic presentation as always, and top notch content as well. I love the vibrant descriptions of the physical locations, etc. It says a lot in few words.

Crimson Court: Dark Isekai Fantasy focusing on Court Intrigue, Politics and Complicated Relationships. And Also Wars. Still Under Construction, beware the pits.

Aug 21, 2024 21:48 by Stormbril

Thank you Pandora! :D It was fun to limit myself to just over 300 words for these.

Aug 30, 2024 05:58 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there! Just letting you know that I featured your article as a main in my Reading Challenge. Thanks again for sharing! God bless. <3  

CSS wizard Stormbril strikes again! The interactive elements, lighting effects, overlain graphics, and smooth animations of Cathedris never cease to amaze me! In addition to all the visual goodness, I do often find it a challenge to properly define settlements, so this simpler take on A SETTLEMENT CONSIDERED A REFUGE was inspiring in more ways than one. It is not necessary to overthink things. This simple postcard provided nice imagery but also a brief description of a curiously creepy place in which it is perpetually night. The spookiness not only stems from the lack of light, but also the large terrifying cliff that is providing the shade. This article included many phrases that made me curious and a couple of links to encourage further reading. This reinforced the fact that css is pretty cool and, someday (maybe), I might finally find the talent and time to implement it at least half as well as Stormbril.

Sep 1, 2024 18:28 by Stormbril

Omg thank you so much!! What you wrote is incredibly kind, and I'm so glad you liked the article :D

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