Cathedris Themesong

The Relentless Advancement of the Veiled Academy

Knowledge yet limited only by thine own cowardice

veiled academy curtains.webp
Through an onslaught of academia, our foundational knowledge shall reach depths untold. Take a deep breath now; we're all in over our heads.
— The Bastard
  Corridors weave and twist through the dark urban core of the City of Night and Shade as this Academy hides itself in plain sight. Like some not-quite-symbiotic parasite, it worms its way into every nook and cranny the city provides, sprouting laboratories and classrooms like grotesque architectural growths of geometric mass and ornamentation. This institution is behind every locked door and every abandoned hallway; it's liminal space that cannot be ignored, yet goes without notice.   If rumours are to be believed, the very limits of humanity are being eroded within this school's maze-like layout. Brilliant students are being academically sacrificed in the pursuit of untold knowledge... in mind, body, and soul.   Of course that's just the reputation that this school commands -- one of extreme mystery and the utmost academic talent. It's known as the premier academy for medicine, engineering, and math; graduates from the Veiled Academy, the gifted and the ambitious, go on to shape the world.  
He's not actually called 'The Bastard' you know. Though he's certainly earned that "nickname". I honestly think he likes it.
here for bonus info
— Helen Craigg

An Architecture of Secrecy

It's hard to properly perceive the black-stone and obsidian-brick campus as it sprawls through the umbral core of the historic City of Night and Shade. This is entirely due to the natural environment the City finds itself in; perpetual darkness, shadowed by the massive cliff-face known as the Great Embrace, and full of old abandoned buildings for the Academy to swell within.


The Veiled Campus

Great halls, office complexes, labs, and lecture halls make up large portions of the Veiled Academy's labyrinthine campus. It's vaguely broken up into three separate faculties of Math, Medicine, and Engineering, with auxiliary spaces for things like Academic court, Legion Offices, or the student-frequented and ever-changing Penumbral Hall.

Campus Libraries
Two libraries exist on campus; a main, and secondary library. While the main library is huge and actively used, the secondary is harder to find, much smaller, and mainly comprised of strange and very specific biologic research documentation.
University Hospital
One of the few public-facing buildings within the Academy, used to treat the injuries and teach students, while aiding general populace living around the school. A premier location for surgery, it has its fair share of Shimmer Worm-enhanced surgeons on staff.
Engineering Building
"The Dread Halls" as students like to say; home to the most grueling classes on all of Cathedris. It actually spans 3 different buildings connected through underground passages, each with a myriad of dark and windowless classrooms.
Main Hall
The core of the Veiled Academy. This ancient black-stone church to the forge god Codod has countless hallways and "escape shafts" leading out to almost every other faculty within the academy. It has the single greatest occupancy limit of the entire academy.

None but the Upper Faculty know the true extent of the campus. Like a vast web of devious mycelium, the Academy reaches into the depths of the City in order to feed and connect the growing rooms above. Support space, auxiliary rooms, and kilometers of cold-storage all find themselves worked into the inorganic organism of this school.   Almost every single day at the Veiled Academy, there's another rumour; a new closet discovered that leads into a mysterious passage, a strange room that feels like it was the place of something terrible, or the sudden lack of a door that they always swore was right there.

Edited image by Stormbril, original by Darran Shen

The Dedicated Academics

Ah but you are a fortunate one, aren't you? Now that the Academy has re-opened applications... I'm sure you'll be of great use within these hallowed halls.   Do be sure and register, lest you miss this... opportunity.
— The Sleaze, Head of Political Research and Legion Liaison.
  The Veiled Academy has a very specific subset of qualities it looks for in prospective students, with the most important factor being ambition. Of course raw intelligence, academic merit, and aptitude matter as well; yet any combination of those without sufficient ambition will result in a student that simply cannot survive the unique environment of the Veiled Academy. On top of this, the Academy only rarely ever opens up applications -- it waits, sometimes over 5 years, until the admissions department feels there is a critical mass of ambitious and intelligent young adults within Cathedris to invite to apply.  

The Price of Ambition


It's frankly dehumanizing, how much they prioritize number over name with these.
— Viola Amarant

Click the tabs to review four "randomly selected" student IDs.

  Once admitted, new students subjected to most difficult 4 (or more) years of their life. The Academy is set up in such a way as to push students to their absolute limit; separating the academic stock into two groups: those who have the drive to struggle on, and those who don't. The second group in this situation usually ends up dropping out.   Usually.   There are no prerequisites at the Veiled Academy; you can take any class you like, so long as you pass the minimum requirements of your specific program. This means if a class fits into your schedule, you can take it -- with the only limit being time. As a result, class sizes are huge, as there's never a wait list and the class never closes. This includes lab time as well; if you truly wanted to run those experiments, then you'd have showed up earlier to claim a free lab table. A strong competitive spirit in all things goes a long way at the Academy.   For those that can handle it, this institution gives them more than anyone could ever ask for. Should your star shine truly bright, you might even catch the attention of the Faculty of Upper Research and gain yourself a private mentorship or research assistantship role. With them, nothing is off limits; gods, monsters, humans, all may be found under their knife of academic research.  
Edited image by Stormbril, original by Darran Shen

The Faculty of Upper Research

Six permanent members make up core of the Faculty of Upper Research; every single one of them wields enormous power over the Academy, guiding it, twisting it, pushing it towards their vision of the future. They each lead their own personally directed research project, while also acting as lead instructors within other faculties.



Real Name
Anita King
Head of: The Admissions Department
  Frustrated students say Anita has been with the Academy since it first opened; while those are just angry rumours, Anita has spent her the majority of her life at the institution. She ensures that only the perfect, on time, and properly notarized applications even get close to the admissions counsel inbox -- in many ways, she is the admissions.
I swear, she's the one good person here. She's the only one that keeps people out of this place.
— Jeremy

The Aloof

Real Name
Dr. Frank Abersmith
Mid 40's
Head of: Linguistics, Literary studies, Historical Research
  Frank genuinely does not perceive the world the same way as the rest of us. In his early 20's he entered The Comprilith... when he exited 10 years later, he emerged an entirely different man. It takes upwards of 30 seconds to elicit any sort of response from him, and when he responds, it's always with a strange and uncomfortable insight into the current situation.
Oh, he doesn't give a Rendling's ass if any of us live or die.
— Viola

The Arrogant

Real Name
Hetherford Adams
Mid 50's
Head of: Mathematics and Engineering
  Exceptionally unsympathetic and incredibly demanding. Hetherford teaches not because he enjoys it, but because he thinks true greatness is born out of overwhelming strife. He's been known to push students so hard that they go into shock; often sending them straight to Dr. Cline, the Medicinal Head at the Academy.
I don't always see the same students coming out of the hospital as I see Hetherford send in. I think some have gone missing.
— Helen

The Bastard

Real Name
Dr. Cline Beechwood
Mid 60's
Head of: Medicine and Science
  Cline is known most by how uncomfortable he makes those around him feel; he has a light and jovial nature about him that hides something twisted and rotten. His abhorrently large and toothy grin flashes too easily, and lets loose words that are agonizingly tender, sending disquieting chills up the spine of anyone nearby. He likes to comfort upset or overwhelmed students, telling them, "It's okay. There's no better lesson than utter failure", while grinning his too-wide smile.
He's hiding more than anyone truly understands.
— Anabelle


Real Name
Jennison Tailings
Mid 40's
Head of: Unknown
  Jennison hosts no lectures, nor leads any (publicly known) research. They know much, but not like their colleagues; somehow, Jennison's knowledge of events feels insidious. Dangerous. They're sometimes known as the Caretaker, for the way they always seem to be everywhere, silently guiding the Academy.
The Dean is a figurehead. We all know who's in charge.
— Helen

The Sleaze

Real Name
Alice Aniski
Mid 30's
Head of: Political Research, Legion Liason
  Military to the core and yet seems to enjoy keeping one foot in academics. Alice is always trying to advance her own career and take credit for other people's work; unfortunately, she's devilishly clever and generally succeeds at this. She maintains the patronage between the Legion and the Veiled Academy, ensuring tuition is free for all students, and that the Legion gets first shot at hiring new graduates.
Never, ever let her see your work first.
— Viola
Like six sides of a damn cursed die. Every one of them is poison.   Best start building a tolerance.
Anabelle Evingston at the Veiled Academy


Connections in the Dark


There's something wrong here. Worse than the unsustainable workload. The strange off-limits storage rooms, the rate at which students "drop out", and whatever the hell is going on with the Bastard. Plus, the Legion doesn't just give money away for free. They're getting something out of this. I can feel it.
— Helen Craigg.
    Horrific experimentation goes on in the Veiled Academy; in rooms darker than the sunless city sprawled above, in the deepest corners of abandoned tunnel networks. Strange and powerful benefactors for many years have been funneling money into the institution, ensuring that morals are slowly eroded in the name of unrestrained scientific advancement. Most egregious of all is the human experimentation going on under the voracious grin of Dr. Cline Beechwood; for his secret research project has him wading knee-deep through an ocean of human blood.   These accusations have never been directly proven, only whispered about in the most private corners of the Penumbral Hall; yet the student's rumours have a core of terrible truth to them. Cline, Hetherford, possibly the whole rotten lot of them, have indeed been working together to kick-start a project aimed at shifting the course of human development forever.   Together they wield the blasphemous knife of "Veiled Academia". It was with their combined influence that the worlds first study into Ichor was conducted.   It was with their merciless pens that directives on monstrous and groundbreaking human-ichor experimentation were sent out.   And finally, it was with their joyless smiles that the worlds first steps towards Catalurgy were ever taken -- though, not before a mountain of bodies began to pile up.   It's a good thing the Veiled Academy maintains so much cold-storage.

That wasn't a "Rendling-event" lockdown. I don't care what the Legion says. Rendlings don't scream with human voices.
— Helen Craigg

Cover image: Drawn over by Stormbril, base image by Nicolas Hernandez


Author's Notes

Admissions background by Clint McKoy   Aloof background by Peter Herrmann   Arrogant background by Ries Bosch   Bastard background by Peter Herrmann   Caretaker background by Anna Mircea   Sleaze background by Stefan Steinbauer  

Curious about the advent of Catalurgy? Read a scene with Anabelle and the Bastard during one of the early Catalurgical experiments inside Dr. Anabelle Evingston's article above.

  I'd love to know what you think, what your favourite parts were, or what you think needs clarification or perhaps more information on!

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Sep 14, 2024 08:35 by Dimitris Havlidis

Well that was rather unexpected and very nicely written bud - well done

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
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“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop


Sep 14, 2024 08:47 by Stormbril

Thank you Dimi! <3 First time writing a long-form article since I think like... SummerCamp 2023, haha. Whoops!

Sep 14, 2024 10:35

What an incredible article, so well-written and the formatting! Immediately sets the tone. Everything here is fantastic, but this dice... I don't even understand how you managed to make that work. Are you sure you're not one of these dark researchers with unfathomable power?

Hoo~ Hoo
Sep 14, 2024 19:46 by Stormbril

Thank you so much Rumengol! :D   Shhh, it's supposed to be a seeeeecrettttt

Sep 14, 2024 11:45 by Keon Croucher

Oh this is everything I hoped it would be when I heard your intentions were to bring this facility you gave us a teaser of in SC this year to life for this challenge. And yet so much more. Its creepy, intriguing, exciting, more than a little morbid, and its just...its great, I like it a lot and its awesome to see the idea given life and depth :)

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization
Sep 14, 2024 19:48 by Stormbril

That makes me SO HAPPY to hear! >:D That is perfect, thank you so much <3

Sep 14, 2024 11:45 by CoolG

You, once again, succeeded in sending shivers down my spine. What a horrible place....

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Sep 14, 2024 11:45 by CoolG

You, once again, succeeded in sending shivers down my spine. What a horrible place....

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Sep 14, 2024 19:49 by Stormbril

Wonderful, I'm happy to hear that >:)

Sep 14, 2024 16:00 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

What a last line.   I lov all the doodles/notes everywhere. Fills the whole article with a sense of dread, honestly. :O :O   I'm not going to apply for this academy. Nope nope nope.

Sep 14, 2024 19:50 by Stormbril

Thank youuuuuu :D It was so fun getting the vibe just right with them all >:)   Also, but how can you say no to an invitation letter from the world's best Academy? :o :o   (I'd say no, too)

Sep 15, 2024 12:39 by Tris (necromancertris)

Which architecture class scarred you this much?? xD An absolutely stunning article, it was a twisted joy to read.

Sep 15, 2024 16:38 by Stormbril

ALL OF THE ABOVE   xD   Thank you so much Tris! <3

Sep 15, 2024 19:04

Who'd've thought the mysterious academy inside the sunless city would be so shady?   (Sorry - I had to)   I love this. The bittersweet comments (hello Helen), the Backrooms urbex of the Academy's halls, the writeups of the Faculty members with their own unique brands of poison, the horrors hinted at in the last paragraph and the utter hell that is student life here. I hope Degrunda has coffee.   On a slightly lighter note, how do you think non-Degrundan students deal with the whole no-sunlight-for-four-years thing?

Sep 15, 2024 19:36 by Stormbril

Hah! Good one, haha.   That is a fantastic question, actually! I so wish I had more words remaining within the cap (I'm at 1,990 out of 2,000 allowed words) to give an entire section on that, but it's made me realize I can go back through and add some flavourful tooltips to highlight things like that...   On the topic though, non-Degrundan student really suffer for the first year of their program. If a student drops out, it's usually during this period -- but once they get used to it, and used to the diet that supplements their vitamin D, then they're generally okay, if not overly determined to stick it out.   Thank you for the comment, glad you enjoyed it! :D

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