BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Book 1, Chapter III: Initian Countryside Report

General Summary

Day 1 of Travel -
  • Nothing happened
Day 2 of Travel -
  • The Initian Landscape saw a heat wave today of 110 degrees Fahrenheit. The group luckily happened upon a fresh water basin at the end of a river off stream. The group spent most of the day here, letting the climate cool off before setting off again.
  • Hope & Dew had a conversation about Hope's armor and the party.
  • Watch 1 (2 Hours) - Dew, threw a single caltrop. 12 Perception. An Initian Guard stepped on it.
  • Watch 2 (2 Hours) - Hope, 11 Perception, Hero Point 22. Took helmet off and fed a wolf.
  • Watch 3 (2 Hours) - Pan, 23 Perception. Began the process of convincing the wolf pack to stay closer to them.
  • Watch 4 (2 Hours) - Noel, 18 Perception. Watched the sunrise, and people watched.
  • Watch 5 (2 Hours) - Iron Wall, 23 Perception. Saw people starting their travels.
Day 3 of Travel -
  • The party fought against 5 Wargs that were chasing a exhausted band of adventurers. Iron Wall and Pan went unconscious but the battle was won.
  • This adventuring group is part of a guild in Lancia known as: Bronze Hold. They are a smaller guild in the Southwest Community, and just came back from Trackia. They were on a mission to find an old tomb in the desert, and are exhausted. They gave the party 10 gold pieces as thank you.
  • The party also saw a lone house but decided to ignore it.
  • Watch 1 (2 Hours) - Dew, threw a single caltrop. Nat 20/24. Wolves have gotten closer.
  • Watch 2 (2 Hours) - Hope, 12 perception. Noticed tea leaves.
  • Watch 3 (2 Hours) - Pan, 9 perception. Played with wolves, and got a bit too loud, and woke Hope.
  • Watch 4 (2 Hours) - Noel, 22 perception. Noticed Pan sleeping closer to the wolves.
  • Watch 5 (2 Hours) - Iron Wall, 22 perception. People watched.
Day 4 of Traveling -
  • Uneventful. Found a small village, and a roadside inn.
  • The party rented a two-horse cart for 2 gold from the "Inn" on the roadside.
  • Hope and Noel had an argument about their methods.
The Falling Stars
Level .
Mildew Dusk
Iron Wall
Report Date
04 Mar 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters


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