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The Land of Initia

The Land of Initia is a country in Cavas, and was once part of Weladred.


The people of Initia are mostly human, however, it is a varied and diverse land. Most of the people who live here are hardworkers, either being farmers, or are a member of the service industry. Initia's economy lends to people being fairly 'pay-check to pay-check' in a sense. Most people aren't able to save up much money, and as such there is virtually no middle class. Guilds and mercenaries do tend to make a lot more money than other professions, but the job tends to be much more swingy and potentially dangerous.


The Land of Initia is a parliamentary monarchy, with delegates chosen from each populated areas. Each area gets delegates equaling 1 for every 100,000 citizens, with a minimum of 1. Because of this, most delegates are the nobles that own the land they represent. However, many rural areas have their elected or chosen mayors that represent them. Laws are left mostly up to the individual towns, or cities, but there are several laws that represent the entire country.


While Initia does have a small standing army, in times of need the Initian Crown can call upon the guilds to fight, or make resources, for them.

Industry & Trade

Initia is almost evenly split between urban and rural living, with large cities working as it's main source of income; guilds. Initia's web of guilds ranging from mercantile, mercenary, artisan, and more, are tasked with request from all across Cavas to assist in anything their benefactor might ask. While many of the rural areas focus on farming, even they aren't immune to the farmers unions, and the country-side mercenary troops.


Initia has very well blended technology and magic. Most of it's large settlements have trolley systems, as well as drawn magical lay lines that can be used to power shops, homes, or any other kind of establishment.


Initia appeared during one of the few peace times in Cavas, and immediately set out to making good relations with the lands around it. As a nation, it tends to avoid war, trying to resolve conflict diplomatically. Of course this didn't always work, and Initia has been involved in hundreds of battles, as well as 3 large-scale wars.


Initian architecture is known to be a bit of a blend, as the country sits in central Cavas. But the main architectural type would be considered "Queen Anne Style" in our earth, but in Cavas it would be considered "Queenie Style."


Initia's landscape is mostly grassy hills, with spots of forest. It's landscape is broken up by large settlements, with are connected by huge roads, large farming communities, as well as densely packed pockets of nature. Initia has no natural defenses. Many non-humanoid communities find Initia to be a safe place to live, in the fact that they can easily avoid notice by staying out of the way.


Initia tends to be a cool country, with a moderate-low amount of humidity. It does tend to get stormy, however.

Natural Resources

Initia's grassy fields, rolling hills, small forests, and access to the ocean allows it to be a very plentiful land. Water treament plants, woodmills, and lots of farming space allows to convert these natural resources to sell, or further the country.
Founding Date
315 Arcane
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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