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Reyliera, the Divine Strength

She is the goddess of strength and pride. She is the patron of warriors, gladiators, and good or neutral dragons. Her colors are blue and bronze. Reyliera’s Head Church is within Castilerone, in Tiera del Reist, on Weladred. This church is called the Pillar of Strength. Their leader is called the Paragon of Strength, and their current leader is Paragon Kordan Fargo, a silver dragonborn woman in her late 50s, with long curving horns. Reyliera is a gigantic bronze dragon, and as such possesses a strong sense of justice and does not tolerate any form of cruelty. She does have a humanoid form, in which she turns into a bronze dragonborn with large horns that stream back, along with dread-like hair. She wears a wrapping blue dress that is streamed with bronze dust. She also has bronze armor on top of her dress. She is very lawful, and is very prideful. She is not a part of Yullke’s Mortal Restriction, but tends to avoid mortal contact.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her colors are blue and bronze and her symbol is three claws with a shield behind them.

Tenets of Faith

  • Strength prevails but all else. Inner or outer, strength empowers you to be a better self.
  • Pride allows you to view yourself. Feeling pride makes you stronger.
  • Strength and pride together should equal justice. Those who believe they deserve more than others because of it are performing an injustice.


Reyliera’s holy day is the 6th of the Moon of Heat. This day celebrates Reyliera's ascension to godhood. It is called Reyliera’s Ascension.
Dark green, deep
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bronze, scaled


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