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The War of Deities

Era beginning/end

1 Divine - 3039 Divine

With this war starting, Krackle earned himself a few allies. Kalphier, always believing that the mortals should have harsher punishments for their bad actions, joined his side. Krackle convinced Petrophase to join him by promising to end his eternal hunger. Felvana, who up until this point lived in her sister’s shadow and understood Krackle’s dissatisfaction with the other deities, also joined his side. And lastly Mierka, who saw Krackle’s increasing power and wanted to consume it, joined his side. Against them stood Vezphier, Servana, Savarena, Ophaelis, Aro’Medas, Memoria, Reyliera, Lialth, Hantrea, Odalof, Kela’Van, and Menamentos. Through the war, Krackle would kill Odalof, Kela’Van and Menamentos, and allow Petrophase, Mierka, and himself to absorb their essence. Eventually, Lialth would come up with a plan that would secure them victory. With Aro’Medas wounded and unable to continue to fight, she asked Kirval to create a cage great enough to imprison Krackle. While he created it, Kirval was almost killed by Felvana when Nirfeya, a mortal human, ascended to protect Kirval and all the other gods. Lilitha then promised Arconum as much of her knowledge as he would like to enchant the prison. He agreed, and enchanted it. She and the remaining gods then imprisoned Krackle, and his allies surrendered and retreated in fear because their leader was lost. At the end of this war, Yullke made their first mistake. The creator god decided that if they died, it would be catastrophic. So they wished for true immortality and invulnerability as a way for them to live forever. But by doing this, they accidentally created reincarnation instead. Now, instead of staying dead, they are reincarnated in different bodies whenever they die.

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