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Servana, The Life Giving

She is the goddess of rivers, lakes, coasts, and pools. She is the patron of some farmers, fishers, and some water dwellers.
Servana’s Head Church is within Stargazer, in the Tuskal-Thenes Union, on Weladred. This church is called the Giver’s Den. The leader is called the Life Provider, and the current leader is Provider Mateo Sokolow, a dragonkin man who is a member of the Windsor Saviors. He has brown hair, untanned skin, blue tail and horns, and is 34 years old.  Servana looks like a young woman in her 20s, with long blue hair, and a flowy white dress. She has sparkling blueish-green eyes that look like a river in the daylight. She is very caring, and calm. She is curious as well, and allows herself to sometimes go into high tide, to explore what she usually doesn’t. She is not a part of Yullke’s Mortal Restriction, and is the most involved of the gods.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her colors are blue, white, and green, and her symbol is a river, moving away from the perspective.

Tenets of Faith

  • Flow like a river. Don’t let yourself stagnate, and follow the flow of life.
  • Provide for those who cannot provide for themselves. Give to those who need it more than you.
  • Be Like Water. Let yourself take the form and shape of any encounter you’re put in. Adapt to it.


Servana’s holy day is the 12th of the Watching Moon. This marks the day that the rivers, pools, and coasts begin to freeze over, and in children's stories, Servana enters her winter slumber. It is called Servana’s Slumber.