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Bengion (Ben-Neon)

Bengion is the oldest surviving empire in Celasper, having survived over 4000 years of heroism, turmoil and trepidation. Bengion has shaped in the history of three continents throughout its history, producing great heroes, strong emperorers, and and imperium that spanned more influence at it's zenith than any other domain in history.   Yet the empire is a shadow of what it once was. Gone are the days of dominion and destiny. The empires colonies and territories have begun to fracture at a faster and faster rate over the last two centuries. The silence of the Gods and the presumed death of Pharasma are what many believe to be the final death knell in the empires exponential decline.   While many feel that the collapse of the empire is inevitable, Bengion has endured through tough trials before. Even in it's most weakened state, one would be foolish to assume that one of the strongest regional powers in the world will go down without a fight.


Bengion has been ruled by an imperial leader since the foundation of the empire in year zero. Emperor Bengion and his sister Azurum ruled jointly for well over a century until the death of Azurum in 114 P.C.R and the death of Emperor Bengion less than three days later. Since that time the rule of the imperium has passed down from Emperor to Emperor, though the individual dynasties have changed.   Today a chosen emperor requires approval from the imperial senate, a process that is increasingly less of a formality. There are a number of archaeic rules related to who can or cannot be Emperor of Bengion, most strangely that a person who has been resurrected is unfit to hold the office. Notably the title is independent of gender. There have been a number of female emperors of Bengion, with the spouse of the emperor being granted the title of Emperess.   Below the Emperor is the Imperial Senate. At any point in time there are 300 seats available within the senate, though many are often vacant due to death, lack of an heir, scandal or simple absence. Most are appointed from the nobility, and many seats are passed down from generation to generation.    Below the imperial senate are a series of bureaucratic entities that run most of the actual organization of Bengion politics. Despite continuous codifications and simplifications of the legal code run intermittently throughout the empires history, the laws of Bengion ensure that the bureaucratic agencies possess extreme overlap, contradicting instructions, and a lack of clear autonomy between centralized government agencies. Aids, and lawyers are commonplace and necessary to interpret the labyrinth of Bengion's structure, and corruption dealings are accepted as the only reasonable way to accomplish anything resembling progress.    Bengion uses a landed nobility to provide order on the local level, and the majority of these dukes happily bypass imperial law to govern their own provinces, for better or worse. The imperium largely allows this strategy as long as taxation is collected from the local populace and stability is upheld. While the dukedoms vary in size and scope, there are currently 12 dukes who wield significant political influence, commonly referred to as  each possessing a number of senators from their noble families. These are referred to colloquially as the Duke Princeps or the Grand Dukes of the Imperium. At any point in time there are between 45 to 55 dukes of significantly less power, usually holding small pieces of territory, or appointed to the noble title as a political favor or a sign of good works. They are referred to as the Dukes Secundo or the Nominal Dukes of the Imperium  Below the Magnus Dukes are the Rector Provinciae or the Regional Governors. This includes Rector Illyria, Rector Ibris, Rector Ferox, and Rector Suvasa. These figures are charged with the rule of law in several of Bengion's vassals and regional holdings. Several other governorships used to exist, but the regions of Sardis, Allons, Brevoy and Alba have fractured and left the empire over the last few hundred years. Each of these Governor's territories will possess their own senators and nobilities with varying degrees of power within the heart of the imperium.    Below the Governors are varying degrees of nobility charged with large estates or territories, presented here in descending order:    Marchio: Owners of border regions or regional estates. More likely to provide army militia.    Marchio Secundo: Technically nobility, these people generally own small borderland areas that are otherwise unpopulated.    Patrician Princeps: Owners of large tracks of land and people. The equivalent of a count.    Patricians: Owners of towns and communities of perhaps a hundred people. Many people hold honorary Patricianships within large cities due to existing family history.    Ordo Equester: Ranked knights within the imperium. While anyone could buy a knighthood with sufficient funds, the rank of Ordo Equester was only allowed for those who had proven themselves in some capacity.    Equites: The lowest rank among the nobility, this title could be bought from a Patrician Princeps or awarded on hard working members of the Plebian society.


The culture of Bengion begins and ends with the venerations of it's heroes and the telling of their stories. Many noble lines can be traced back to these heroes who gained glory and wealth in the age of heroes. Some of these nobles create mausoleaums and mask rooms that rival nations and kings from outside of the imperium. The veneration of the dead and the legacies of the great people of history are of crucial importance to the imperial mindset. As a result, even in the empire's decline, it's people are prideful in the history of the nation and the superiority of Bengion as a whole.    Many of the Patricians and members of the Equites maintain unique cultures within the larger sphere of the empire's influence. While all hold honor and glory for the Emperor, they retain regional identities about what is important to them, the resources in their region, or the heroes they descend from. Increasingly, these nobles fear the plebs, the landless commoners of the empire, who are increasingly creating cultures independent from the national identity of Bengion. As a result many fear a populist revolt.    The Lion is the national animal of Bengion. It is said that the first emperor was granted their divine mantle from a mysterious 3 headed lion. Many aspiring knights have quested for the beast, but, only to find strange chimera's in turn. Indeed the story of the questing beast refers to the fact that the divine spirit of Bengion will pick it's own successor, not the other way around. Still, the hunting of a Goldmane Lion is considered a valiant effort by many aspiring Equesters and heroes, and it is common law that the delivery of a pelt to a Patrician must be rewarded with it's weight in gold, or a noble title in the service of the imperium.    Second only to lion as the symbol of Bengion is the Horse. Both Bengion and Illyria are two of the best horse breeding cultures on earth, and the horse is a symbol of national pride across the vastness of imperial territory.    Sports in Bengion include Water Polo, Chariot Races, Jousting, Dueling, and mock Navel Battles. Gladiators are commonplace and considered an easy way for aspiring soldiers to attract a crowd for fame and glory in a time of peace. Most settlments of even minor size will contain a Hippodrome or Colluseum to allow for these sporting events.   More exotic sports include Hrazhak, a full touch version of rugby played in large wooden terrains with two teams trying to steal each other's idols to their own goal lines. Within the capital, and in several magical universities of the imperium Sky Jousts are common, involving summoned magical beasts or magical means of flight as part of the experience.    Illegal but still popular is the "Test of Stone". Gamblers will bet upon a series of contestants left alone in an area with a cockatrice. The last person not turned to stone wins.    More than any nation save perhaps for Alba, adventuring is an accepted and respected profession. The Pathfinder Society has free reign within Bengion and most cities will have a lodge dedicated to their service. Rival adventuring guilds also exist, including the Poisoner's Lodge, the Highrisers guild in the capital, and their hated rivals the Death's Head Guild. 

Public Agenda

Bengion's current public agenda is it's desire for longevity and stability. Intense debate is occurring relating to the matter of succession of the heirless Julianus IV. Sardis is threatening invasion against it's former motherland, the Ferox Colonies have little to no oversight, Illyria is in desperate need of men, and Ibris has all but succeeded from the imperium.   A number of factions exist within Bengion with conflicting goals. Including:   Criminal Factions: Canal mobs, Bandits, Broken Spine Pirates, to say nothing of the remnants of the Cult of the Nameless One.   The Aurum: openly appearing as a philanthropic society, a shadow council exists among the landed elite, determined to overthrow the Emperor or bend them to their will, and create a mercantile state. They first appeared as an emergent middle class of tax collector's centuries ago but have expanded. they are reluctant to include grand dukes, but many senators and minor nobles are among it's members.   The Chamber: Ancient sorcery created the orbs of dragonkin before the founding of Bengion. Early in the history of the empire a cabal of sorcerer's gathered 5 of the ten orbs on the central continent together to bind the dragons of Bengion to their will. The Dragonscar Plague was the result. While the cabal is long dead, the chamber now belongs to a secret society of chromatic dragons operating together for mutual power and benefit within the empire.   The Emerald Throne: There is a reason that those who have died must remain dead. Emperor Evaristus I rose again as a lich, last of the true bloodline of Bengion, or so the legends go. His reign was terrible, but it is far from finished. Empress Thassalina proved to be a necromancer of some skill, and it is said she still compels all who die within the imperium to the true ruling court to reign again.


The history of Bengion is vast and spans millenia. Much of the history has been lost to time as individual records and transcripts have been lost, and record has become myth. The stories of the empire and it's heroes have largely taken on a life of their own, with the myths in turn becoming considered truth within the popular eyes of the populace. While the history of the era is myriad and complex, it is broken down here by era to provide a rough history of major events.    Age of Wonders: 
  • Bengion was unpopulated within the age of wonders, and it is believe that the people of the first city of Aon'Dour stayed within their mountainous homes.
  • In their absence Dragons, and Giants among other magical beings ruled what would be considered the countryside of Bengion.
Age of Night
  • Earthfall occurs, night descends upon Celasper. Aon'Dour falls to races of the Underdark, who largely enslave mortal kind. 
  • Rebellions and wars occur within the Underdark against their dark masters. Many flee towards the surface and discover the coastline of Bengion.
  • Slowly but surely with the assistance of Dwarves and Elves native to the area the tide turns. Individual city states are formed, including the mythical city of Niswah
  • Bengion and Azorum are born towards the tail end of the Age of Night. They unify the nation of Bengion, and found the mythic city of Azorum
Age of Inheritance 
  • Year Zero P.C.R. in the modern calendar marks the coronation of Bengion as the first Emperor of a country named after himself. He and his sister reign for 114 years, before dying within 3 months of each other. 
  • Bengion famously outlives his children, and so adopts his grandchild Consul of the Senate to be his legal heir. He takes the name Carinus I, and begins the Carianian Dynasty
  • The Carianian Dynasty engages in war against the forces of Underdark for centuries in efforts to consolidate their holdings, ending in the Treaty of Kolphinar with the Underdark forces assembled. 
  • The Emerald Crisis: The Carianian Dynasty comes to an abrupt end with the death of Emperor Evaristus I. The royal family is wiped out in a horrifying plague that sweeps through Azorum. Emperor Evaristus I however rises again as an Lich, and begins a despotic rule over the empire. The crisis paralyzes the early church of Abadar, who sanctioned the Emperor's resurrection without knowing he would return as an undead abomination. Years pass as the Emerald Emperor syphons power from the land to fuel his ambition and hold the other side at bay. Eventually he is over thrown by a valorous niece of the senatorial consul, who crowns herself Emperor Megarus I, thus ending the original imperial bloodline. 
  • Empress Thassalina, wife of the Emperor Evaristus I, continues practicing necromancy in secret, founding the Emerald Order well past her natural death. 
  • The Megarun Dynasty reigns without incident for nearly eight hundred years. 
  • Bengion in a brilliant military campaign conquers most of what is modern day Illyria, securing the Phoenix Throne and adding the upland people as valuable citizens of the empire. 
  • The God Aroden blesses Azorum upon a visit to the city, and raises the Starstone from the ocean to be placed within a sacred cathedral there. 
  • Cayden Cailean passes the test of the Starstone and ascends to Godhood. 
  • The Tarrasque emerges from beneath Azorum, destroying the city, absorbing part or all of the Starstone, and beginning a cataclysmic apocalypse for the people of Bengion. 
Age of Heroes
  • The rampages of the Tarrasque lead to civil war between a number of the cities states of Bengion. 
  • The Tarrasque is vanquished by a series of Heroes, but does not die. Instead the son of Rovagog burrows into the earth, and begins a rampage northward. 
  • Azorum is rebuilt as Nova Creo Emerita. The lake where the Tarrasque emerged is remade into the city harbor. 
  • A massive rebuilding effort occurs thoughout the empire. Newly discovered Skystones excavated from the shattered mountains of the Tarrasques wake fuel technological advancement. 
  • The Province of Sardis is annexed by Bengion, as heroes fight of the Tarrasque and the army begins an expedition into the north. 
  • Several exploratory armies begin exploring the new continent. Their conquests will become the foundation for modern day New Allons, Brevoy and Nabidra
  • Two legions are famously lost to the north of the modern day River Kingdoms in an area known as the Stolen Land. Brevoy's imperial influence wanes, and informally declares independence within a century. 
  • An army of the empire expands westward, into modern day Ibris, conquering the state. 
  • Wars occur off and on with the Princedoms of Nephysis for most of the Age of Heroes. 
  • The Dragon Plague: Orbs of Dragonkind are collected by a cabal of sorcerers known as The Chamber. They attempt to gain control of the empire through an army of metallic dragon. The plan backfires, and the dragons of Bengion are driven mad. Heroes kill the dragons in their rampage, and the cabal of sorcerers is killed, though the orbs themselves are never recovered. 
  • Emperor Theodus I, called the Earthshaker upends racial segregation in Bengion through the forced migration of populations in his vassal states. 
  • To rebuild the destroyed roads, canals and railway lines are constructed across the empire using Skystone technology. 
  • The Remayaed Ascendancy begins a series of wars with Bengion over naval access to the east, and the use of the Wall of Heaven. While little territory changes hands, the Bengion navy is victorious in securing a trade route towards Long Wa
  • Karlsguard is discovered, and Emperor Leo VI begins the noble tradition of using it's mercenaries as imperial bodyguards. 
  • A series of raids into the Underdark bring of influx of slaves into the imperium, and this slave labor builds the empire. 
  • Wars in Ferox end, and the Ferox Colonies are absorbed. 
  • Emperor Atris I is assassinated by unknown forces beginning a succession crisis. 
  • Nova Creo Emerita suffers a devastating earthquake, a large amount of infrastructure is damaged or destroyed. 
Age of Whispers 
  • The god Aroden dies of unknown causes. His body is buried in Nova Creo Emerita.
  • The Days of Thunder: Storm giants descend from the step and rock the east of the empire. The storm giant king is killed by a host of Illyrian soldiers in a great and terrible cavalry charge. 
  • Wars in Osirion end in imperial victory. Osirion soon collapses. 
  • The imperial army faces a disaster in the Forgotten Lands, attempting to find a land route around Nephysis. The legions are lost without explanation. 
  • A Lamia named Razia the Seductress enthralls and later impersonates the Emperor Probina III for a period of ten years, before a member of the Imperial Guard finally puts the Lamia down. 
  • The death of Aroden leads to imperial upheaval in New Allons, forcing imperial armies to withdraw. They do not return. 
  • A group of Derro rebel in Casimir, creating a series of sympathy slave revolts across the empire. 
  • Emperor Arrestees VIII slays Hurgok the Relentless atop the World's End mountains in one on one combat, bringing peace with the Steppe for the first time in history. 
  • War with the Masacali Consolate ends in stalemate after the Nephesian princes end their pact of neutrality.
  • Sardis takes steps to develop its economy indpendently in an alliance with the The Remayaed Ascendancy.
  • Sardis secedes from the empire after the rise of Asher the Immortal.
The Age of Upheavel.
  • The Silence occurs, leaving all prophecies to fail. A series of freak weather patterns destroy must of the northern coastline. 
  • Nabidra is destroyed in a holocaust of profane energy. Mos Forma blames the Nabidrian rulership. Emperor Julianus II is killed in the blast. 
  • Much of the Imperial fleet is destroyed in the civil war with Sardis, leading to a humiliating peace. 
  • A crisis in Brevoy sees much of the imperial fleet destroyed in preventing a Planar Cataclysm, mass economic turmoil follows from Bengion's decision to aid the humanitarian effort. 
  • The Day of Masks: Changlings are discovered in Bengion in key government positions. Many claim to suffer memory loss, most are shown to have committed grave and illegal acts of esponioge and conspiracy. A purge of Changlings begins. 
  • Ibris offers shelter to any Changlings being purged by the imperial crown, putting it at conflict. Ibris uses the position to negotiate its status as an independent nation in vassalage to Bengion.

Demography and Population

Bengion is less than a quarter of it's former size. Even still, it contains a truly massive population. More than 300,000 people live in the capital of Nova Creo Azorum alone, and the number of people across the empire number in the millions. Under the reign of Emperor Theodus I, called the Earthshaker, it was ordered that families from across the empire would be forcibly removed from their land and displaced across the empire to cultivate new land. This horrid act ensured that all citizens would be imperial first and formost before their previous race or nationality, an act that still persists into the present day.   The western half of Bengion is significantly more populated than the more arid eastern half of the imperium, and the majority of citizens live near the coastline.


Bengion's military order is ancient, and has undergone a number of revisions and restructuring throughout the centuries. The current organization and structure of the Imperial Military is shown below.   Leadership   Leadership of the Imperial military ultimately fell to the emperor. However, most emperors voluntarily ceded this responsibility to a group of 12 advisors, known as the Seals of Bengion. The seals have no specific requirements for their elevation, other than the Emperor's blessing. However since the reign of Emperor Zoe II, the Seals have been primarily chosen from powerful arcanists from across the empire. Currently, only 5 of the Seal positions are filled by the Emperor.   Each seal possesses the military rank of Strategos Optimari, and may take command of a Theme as they so choose. They are responsible for dealing with primarily magical threats, and will often operate private spy networks, arcane apprentices, and spheres of influence related to magical realms relevant to the survival of the empire.   The 12 Seals of Magical Influence   1. The Dragon Seal 2. The Chariot Seal 3. The Cage Seal 4. The Colossus Seal 5. The Lion Seal 6. The World Seal 7. The Sibylline Seal 8. The Compass Seal 9. The Hourglass Seal 10. The Rune Seal 11. The Fortune Seal 12. The Cypress Seal   The Imperial Army   The armies of Bengion areled by Legates (Generals) , with the overall army being overseen by the Legate Imperialis, appointed directly by the Emperor. Each Legate led a Theme, an army core of several thousand men or more. Themes were in turn divided into Tagmas, signifying groups of 500 men. Other senior officers are presented below.    Tribunus Laticlavius: Typically a Legate's second in command, often acting as a government liason. Typically given to existing noble.    Praefectus Castorum: Camp prefect, typically a veteran soldier, and third in command of a given army. Typically given to an existing noble.    Centurion Primus: The first centurion. The highest rank that a common soldier could typically hope to attain, the first centurian was guaranteed a title of nobility upon retirement and the associated land of at least a baron in rank. They often served as a field commander.    Midlevel officers included Centurions. Depending on the size of the Theme, an army could expect to have 50 centurions or more. Centurians are broken down into ranks between 1 and 6, with the first rank being the Centurion Primus. The backbone of the imperial army, each was expected to command a hundred or more soldiers.    Each Centurion possesses one Optio, or the first cohort, a lieutenant and second in command for a given Centurion.    Low level officers consisted of the Principal officers, presented below:    Aquilifier: The standard bearer of a given theme. Typically a spellcaster, charged with designating army positions and typically acting as a messenger.    Signifier: Typically the quartermaster of a given squad, an army could possess multiple signifiers. Often members of the clergy would pursue a signifiers rank.    Cornicen: Heralds, hornblowers, emissaries, and musicians for the imperial army.    Labourisioi: Banner Holders. The equivalent of a squad captain, each would command ten men at any point in time.    Rank and File Soldiers are presented below by type. Each has three ranks, from conscript, to soldier, to distinguished soldier. Many in the Bengion army were career soldiers, granted land and often knightly title in exchange for service.    Cataphract: Elite cavalry, usually heavy armored, often of equine orders. The hammer of Bengion's armies. To become a Cataphracet, you had to be of at least second rank, and had to be wealthy enough to own a horse.    Optimatoi: Literally "the best" in the imperial tongue, they served as logistical and supplying units for the army. Many magic users are placed here as well to assist with suppling, engineering, and scouting.    Noumeroi: "The Numbers" serve as the bulk of the infantry of Bengion's forces. Most conscripts are Noumeroi, though they possess their own disinguished soldiers and warriors often referred to as Hikanatoi or "Able Ones".    Skoutaroi: "The Shield Bearers" serve as the heavy infantry of the army, and are often heavily armored.    Mandatores: "Messengers" many small children often serve as messengers, delivering messages from officers. A number of spellcasters served in this role as well, and many would be recruited from this class for officer positions.    Vigla: The Vigla served as spies, rogues, sabatours, and seige operators. Magic users are common among their ranks, and many serve the Fifth Seal of Bengion directly. ''   Hetaireia: Meaning companions, they serve as mercenaries not officially associated with the imperial military structure. They are often paid for by local lords who are not able to conscript enough men to service, though some adventuring parties, spellcasting cabals, or other opportunists will serve as Hetaireia to advance other agendas.    Guard Forces   The military of Bengion does not consist purely of an army and navy. Guard forces familiar with local cities are used to keep the peace within the empire itself. The majority of guards fall into the first two ranks:    Domestikos: Serve as chiefs of guards and police forces. Oftentimes spellcasters, they are trained to deal with multiple circles.   Excubitors: literally meaning "those out of bed", they are the sentinels, the city guards of towns and cities, and act as the police forces of towns.   Skald Singulares Equites: Often referred to as the Imperial Guard, the Skald Singulares Equites serve as the body guards to the Emperor. They are typically recruited from the harsh environment of Karlsguard as a foreign mercenary force, as to avoid possibility of corruption or favoritism in Bengion politics. As part of their 10 years service, the Skald Singulares Equites are granted an armful of gold from the imperial treasury.    Imperial Navy   Bengion at one time possessed the largest navy in the world, but consistent losses against the majority of it's neighbors, and a large amount of territory to possess has spread the empire thin. The structure of the imperial navy is far simpler than than of the army, but due to the importance of the navy for Bengion's peace and security, a naval officer of equal rank to an army officer will be considered to have seniority within the chain of command. Unique positions within the imperial navy include:    Strategos Optimari: a grand admiral of the fleet or "Turma", this position technically belongs only to the Emperor or one of his Seals.    Strategos: An admiral of the fleet. They will often command entire naval campaigns.    Tourmarchai: Vice admirals and seconds in command should a STrategos fall in battle.    Droungarioi: Rear admirals, and commanders of potentially 10 individual ships.    Kentarchos: Captains of individual naval vessels.

Technological Level

Bengion was at one point in time the most advanced nation in the world. While much of it's technological innovation is still present and used within the imperium, the means of recreating this technology has largely been lost to time, incompetence, and sabotage. Buildings within the empire are maintained by operators who have no idea how the structures work, and have no means of repairing the incredible infrastructure built by their forefathers. Below are a list of a few of the technological achievements of the empire. that can still be produced.     Airships: Still in construction, but incredibly expensive are airships made with incredibly rare sky-stones. The expense of operating these dirigibles rarely justifies the cost, and as a result most are either used by the nobility of Bengion, or held in reserve as a last desperate vanguard for the empire's last stand against Sardis.    Rail Travel: Train services utilizing elemental geomancy runs from one one of the empire to the other, allowing for a journey that would once take months to take mere days.   Flood Control: Flood controls exist across the empire to allow for regulated farming and irrigation controls.    Canal Routes: Canal routes run from one side of the empire to the other to allow for water transport of goods, services, and people.


There were considered three primary deities within the Bengion pantheon: Abadar, Pharasma, and the Morrigan. With the presumed death of Pharasma, many have elevated Shelyn into a place of provenance. Also relevant is the deity Cayden Cailean, who is believed to have been a mortal citizen of the empire. It is believed that the nameless god of changelings is the national enemy of the empire, and Urgathoa is similarly hated due to her opposition to Pharasma as goddess of fate. Gorum is similarly reviled within the empire for his place in Bengion's creation myth, though many still venerate the Lord of War.   The Triumvirate:   Pharasma: Goddess of Fate, Prophecy, and the Transition of Life into Death: The fated council of was located in the city of Oceanus to the north of the Imperium. With the council's disbandment however, most of the temples of Pharasma have been abandoned, or converted to another dieties worship.   Abadar: God of Cities, Trade, and Wealth: A great temple to Abadar is located in Nova Creo Azorum, which also serves as the national bank of Bengion. Abadar's worship has been consistent since almost the foundation of the empire, and a bank devoted to the god of wealth can be found in every major settlement in the nation.   The Morrigan: Goddess of The Moon, Crossroads, and Tactics: A triple-diety of war and travel, the morrigan's standard is commonly seen on the shields of the Imperium's military. It is believed through her battle prowess that soldiers will be proven as heroes and led to their proper destiny. Many curse their enemies in her name.   Other Deities:   Cayden Cailean: God of Adventurers, Drunks, and Bravery: It is believed that Cayden Cailean managed to locate the mythical Starstone within the first city, and ascend godhood as part of a drunken bet. Whatever the truth of this story, evidence shows he lived in Nova Creo Azorum millenia ago, making him a national hero.   Shelyn: Goddess of Beauty, Art, and Music: Shelyn is considered by most to be the newest de-facto member of the Triumvirate with Pharasma's sundering. Nobility love her as a patron of the arts, and her beauty is recognized across the empire in every monument, ode, and testament to the empire's greatness.   Enemies of the Empire   The Nameless God: God of Secrets, Murder and Concealment: The patron of Changelings is believed to have had a cult undermining the reign of the imperium for millenia, a conspiracy only recently exposed by a group of adventurers from Brevoy.   Urgathoa: Goddess of Undeath, Gluttony, and Disease: As the sworn enemy of Pharasma, worship of the Pallid Princess is strictly forbidden within the empire.   Gorum: God of War, Violence, and Rage: Gorum's rancor and undisciplined approach to warfare has little value in the highly disciplined imperial military. His role within the origin story of Bengion is a damning strike against him, and as a result few give heed to the god of war over the Morrigan.

Foreign Relations

  • Illyria: The vassal nation of Bengion is famed for it's strong military. They guard the Eastern half of the empire. 
  • Ibris: The vassal nation of Ibris provides a vital gateway into trade with the west and across the infinite desert to the seven cities of Nephesys, Zir, and Ri'am. 
  • Alba: The former vassal state may now be free and independent, but still serves as a vital naval ally to the empire in it's conflicts with Sardis. 
  • Long-Wa: The empire to the far east is a frequent trade partner with Bengion, with the imperium acting as a gateway to the Tijaran Sea.
  • New-Allons: The former vassal to the west remains a friendly trade partner with Bengion, and a religious ally in their love of Shelyn. 
  • The Ferox Colonies: Those parts of the colony not in rebellion are friendly to the empire, providing a vital buffer with the Consulate. 
  • The Eptamistis Confederacy: Bengion has retained warm relations with the city states to the east, though trade has dampened in recent years due to Sardasian interference. 
  • Sardis: Bengion is in a hostile peace with it's former vassals to the north, and both sides believe another war is imminent. Bengion lost the previous war 20 years ago in a humiliating defeat that left 50,000 soldiers to rot in Sardasian prisons. 
  • The Remayaed Ascendancy: The rival empire of the east is facing it's own recent upheaval, and this fact alone has prevented another large scale conflict. 
  • The Masacali Consulate: The Consulate is on the rise economically, asserting its authority in wealth and naval warfare over it's trade partner to the north. 
  • The Steppe: At any point in time the imperium is considered to be at war with at least half of the nomadic tribes of the Steppe, who can smell the empire's weakness. 
  • Nephysis: While not a threat militarily, the Princes of Nephysis have been exerting pressure on the Ferox colonies to rebel against their vassalage and join the seven cities. 
  • The Broken Spine: Piracy is a constant problem for the empire, and no amount of naval supremacy seems sufficient to curb the seafarer's ambitions. 
  • Mos Forma: Bengion has been in a state of cold war with the Lich Queen of Mos Forma since the silence began, and has refused all attempts at peace. 
  • Ri'am: The trade partner to the west has little interest in Bengion outside of trade. 
  • Zir: The rival dragonborn empire to the west has little to gain or lose from Bengion's collapse and regards this trading partner with ambivalence. 
  • Suvasa: No emissaries have reached the Suvasan settlements in close to 60 years, and most feel confident that the colony is doomed. 
  • Karlsguard: It is common knowledge that the Emperor recruits bodyguards exclusively from the skald mercenary clans to the north, but there is little official ambassadorship between both nations. 
  • Brevoy: Despite helping to save it's former colony from the machinations of Abaddon, relations with Brevoy remain cold. 

Agriculture & Industry

The vast amount of the imperial heartland is farmland, maintained by a complex series of canal networks and floodgates to ensure the proper irrigation of farmland.    Mining is critical for Bengions's trade, and is exported by train and canal to key ports for export and manufacturing.


Amongst the nobility, education is of critical importance, and the aristocracy of the empire is one of the best educated on Celasper. For the plebs however it is a different story, with education requiring fees that are not regularly possessed by most common people. Only a course of basic education and mathematics is covered by the state, and even then, only in exchange for a period of two years of serfdom.    This does not stop private schools and universities from being commonplace throughout the empire, and many due scout out competent plebs to offer education through the use of private loans and agreements to serve the educational providers for a period of years post-graduation. Engineering colleges are commonplace within this model, training students on how to utilize the great machines that allow Bengion's population to survive.    Uniquely however within Bengion are a number of magical academies within it's borders. The great academy of the arts located on it's own island north of Niswah especially is considered the greatest magical academy in the world.

Divine Origins

Bengion was originally an unoccupied territory. It is believed that a great exodus occurred from the legendary city of Aon'Dour sometime during the Age of Night. The location of the city is lost to time, but some speculate it may be over the world's end mountains in the modern-day Steppe, or perhaps in the Mountains of Ibris or Illyria. Over the course of centuries during the Age of Night kingdoms are said to have risen and fallen to both the hands of men and the terrors of the Underdark. One of these city states was named Niswah, and it is there that Bengion and Azorum were born.   Shortly after their birth, it is believed that the King of Niswah exiled his son and daughter, believing that they were the children of the war god Gorum. If true, the king would have been proven a cuckold, which he could not allow. He ordered them drowned. They were saved from this drowning by a miraculous changing in the wind, bringing the children to shore. The children grew in the wild for some time before being recognized by a passing shepherd for their noble bearings and taken in. The two lived in seclusion for some years, growing in strength and using their skills to kill great beasts and protect their farmland.   Eventually a great drought came and forced them to relocate towards the sea. It was then that Azorum was granted a vision from a being called the Morrigan, who explained that the drought was being caused by a terrible purple ring wyrm named EldenScar. She ordered the children to kill the beast and claim it's territory for their own. Azorum shared her vision with Bengion, and the two led their village towards the great purple wyrm's territory. After many trials they were successful in slaying the terrible beast at Wyrmfall.   As their notoriety grew, people flocked towards the young leader's banner, for many had been hit hard by the drought. Bengion decided to unite the land and to bring prosperity, and so petitioned the Morrigan for a sign. The goddess of war approved the right to conquer and delivered onto him the Primogen Shield, for as long as it protected the people, his nation would endure. Bengion's stepfather, the shepherd, then told his children of their noble birth, proclaiming them as the heirs to the throne of Niswah. Bengion raised a banner to conquest, gathering allies and conquering neighboring kingdoms over several epic tales. Eventually Niswah, greatest of kingdoms, would be the last one standing.   In the meantime, the avatar of Abadar appeared before Azorum. The princess had stayed behind to cultivate a city for her people in the spot where EldenScar had fallen. The avatar delivered onto her the Sibylline, a series of laws and codes describing the tenants of rulership. Abadar warned that a war without purpose would destroy their kingdom in it's infancy. Azorum received the revelation and knew what must be done. Travelling into the worlds end mountains with nothing but the code of laws Abadar had given her, the child came across a being known as the Regalis, the true Questing Beast. Azorum invoked justice, and the Beast obliged, noting that the rule of the true ruler would be just. The True Beast bestowed upon her the Sword of Gorum, noting that the blade would not harm the god of war, or his kin.   Bengion and Azorum reunited, and petioned to speak to the King of Niswah. Bengion declared that despite their conflict, he would elect to show mercy. He offered to spare the king and his forces and put aside his vengeance. The King of Niswah was shocked, why had Bengion come here if not for the right of conquest? The Right of Fate, Bengion explained, the kingdom was his by birthright. Bengion challenged the King to a duel, for the people of Niswah were known for their brave and powerful warriors. The King of Niswah in turn told him that his claim was illegitimate. He was the son of Gorum, meant to sow ruin. Azorum held up the Sibylline, explaining that justice would reveal the truth. As was custom, weapons were given to each opponent to prevent poison from being used on weaponry. The King named the warrior Acestes to represent him as champion, Bengion chose to duel himself. Azorum handed Acestes the Sword of Gorum, and the First Blade of Niswah was offered to Bengion in exchange. The two warriors came to blows.   An intense duel ensued, but one that Bengion lost, as the Sword of Gorum did not hesitate to kill him. With his dying breath, Bengion exclaimed that he was his father's son. So moved was the King of Niswah at Bengion's sacrifice that he called on the goddess Pharasma to take him instead. Pharasma agreed, sparing Bengion and taking the King of Niswah in acknowledgement of the King's act of mercy and redemption. Acestes kneeled on the spot to Azorum and Bengion, swearing to serve ones so honorable until his death. Azorum knighted him the first Kings-Guard. It is said that Abadar, Pharasam, and the Morrigan blessed the country, and the plot of Gorum to spread doubt and war through the kingdom was put to rest. Thus the empire began and would reign four thousand years.

Fas Principatus (Destined Dominion)

Founding Date
0 P.C.R.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Terra Heroum (Land of Heroes)
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
The Empire mints its own coins for each new Emperor, but otherwise follows a standard distribution of Copper, Silver, Gold, and Platinum pieces.
Major Exports
Food, Minerals, Horses, Ships, Iron, Copper, Chromium, Mercury, Gold, Limestone, Marble, Perlite, Sulfer, Clay, Silk, Furs, Ivory, Tobacco, Cotton, Olives, Salt, Truffles, Education, Elemental Stones, Finished Manufactured Goods
Major Imports
Spices, Wood, Horses, Grain, Dyes, Cinnamon, Citris, Cocoa, Coffee, Sugar, Wine (from Illyria), Jade, Truffles, Diamonds, Tea
Legislative Body
The imperial senate governs the creation of laws and the execution of the will of the Emperor. It is common for the Emperor to dictate policy, and for the senate to create laws matching the Emperor's decree. There are 300 seats within the senate, though it is rarely at fully occupancy "K", meaning 151 within the imperial writing system votes are needed to codify a law, though the Emperor may veto a law at any time for any reason. The Emperor also possesses the ability to circumvent or bypass local appointments of new senators to fill in senatorial positions, though this right has been used only sparingly.    The senate elected two leaders at any point in time from within their own body to serve as the speakers for the senate, known as the Consuls of the senate. Also noteworthy are the 10 Tribunes of the Plebs, who may present dictates from the common citizens in local assemblies for consideration and voting into direct law, though the Emperor may still veto any such decree. The Tribunes are not allowed to members of any class of the nobility by imperial decree, though this does not stop them from indulging in rampant corruption.
Judicial Body
The empire uses elected Magistrates to act as judges, and other decision makers. Those elected hold their position for 5 years before being forced to run again. In smaller regions and communities, the local nobility will act as arbiters and judges, though in theory any decision they make may be appealed to the nearest Magistrate in a larger community. Because the judiciary is filled primarily with members of the nobility, the positions are considered openly corrupt and culpable to influence from outside parties.    The legal system of Bengion is oppressively complex. Emperor Azor II famously codified 2000 years of legal precedent into "The Imperial Codices", commonly referred to as "The Azorum Code". This document has been updated no less than 600 times over the course of the empires history, and many legal professionals desperately wish for a simplified code to be passed by their incompetent counterparts in the senate.
Executive Body
The Emperor reigns supreme and eternal. The position is held by divine mandate, and there is no checks upon imperial authority.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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