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Tamarem is a predominantly agricultural settlement based between the forgotten lands to the west, the Tiv Sul Reaches to the north, the princedoms of Nephysis (and specifically the City of Lions to the East), and the Webwork Forest to the south. Despite being surrounded by extremely dangerous terrain, Tamarem is a place of relative calm and indeed of prosperity. The reason for this is twofold, the first is that Tamarem enjoys the protection not just of its own caravan guardians, but those of the City of Lions as well who patrol the road. The second is that the land itself protects the area of Tamarem, with the living titan of the Minotaur species residing within the Onyx and Ruby temple, sheltering the land with cultivation.   The rapid growth of agricultural products in Tamarem makes it the breadbasket of multiple nations, including Ri'am to the north, and Nephysis to the east. Plants grow in Tamarem in about a 4th of the time that they would elsewhere, ensuring bumper crops are always being harvested in the stretch of land near the Onyx and Ruby temple. However, the sacred soil of Tamarem comes with a cost. Buildings cannot exist in the farm lands, and those that are put up are overwhelmed by natural growth and soon returned to the earth.   Thus the people of Tamarem are nomadic herdsman, following the farm trails around Tamarem in a consistent pattern. The encampment of Enki-Hai is the closest that the region has to an actual city, and even this is little more than a large number of camps and caravans that travel together to provide for the need of Tamarem's farmers.   This is not to say that there is no organization in Tamarem. The nation is ruled by Malkia Makem, meaning queen of queens in the old Keldish tongue. Typically an elderly matron, the current Malkia Makem named Akueto Kibra has been ruling for close to 20 years in relative peace. Her mind is not what it used to be however, and many suspect that an abdication may soon be forthcoming to a new generation. Upon the death or abdication of a Malkia Makem, the leaders of the caravans, called the cattle queens, will gather together to elect one of their number to serve as a new Queen of Queens. The title carries the full weight of law, and it is said that they can commune with the great titan of the bull itself. Certainly they serve as a chief diplomat, and negotiate grain sale prices with allied nations who come to visit the agricultural community.   The warriors of Tamarem are known as Tramplers. Many non-minotaurs wear the marks of a bull into battle to show dominance. Their primary function is to protect the caravans from threats, fighting in unison against often far larger forces. Many are skilled in martial arts and unarmed combat, mimicking the charging styles of the Ankole, a bovine creature domesticated by the Tamarem long ago.

Demography and Population

A mixture of Humans and Minotaurs make up the bulk of the Tamarem population, with small populations of Anadi and Gnolls appearing from time to time on the caravan routes.


Enki-Hai: The "Capital" of Tamarem, a roving caravan of roughly 5,000 people at any point in time. It is part shop, part supply caravan, part legistlative body. Foreign traders will follow the roads to Enki-Hai to facilitate trade deals with the lesser Cattle Queens or the Queen of Queens herself.   Mazaber: A permanent settlement of roughly 4,000 people, specializing in Ankole leatthers, horns, and traditional Tamaren cloths, grains, ivory, ostrich feathers and other exotic goods.   Loon: Perhaps the finest horse ranch within 500 miles, with horses trained here that go on to perform major acts of service in Ri'am, Nephysis or Ibris.   BuuFata: A tiny farming community of less than a thousuand inhabitents serves as one of the last civilized stops before the Forgotten Lands.   The Webworks Forest: A vast forest filled with sentient ettercaps, phase spiders, and Anadi. The Anadi in particulare are considered to be friendly residents and make up the bulk of the population of the nearby settlement of Mondonai. This settlement of the friendly spider-people is perhaps one of the largest in the whole of celasper. The deeper one goes into the Webworks forest however, the more likely they are to encounter the Skittering Ones, those touched by the demon prince of spiders who cursed a rogue clan of Tamarem long ago to be his servents until the ivory web ceased to shimmer.


The people of Tamarem worship the titan Enkai, believed to be the progenitor of Minotaurs. If she still lives, it is within the temple at the heart of the farmlands. Her clergy revere her as the Onyx Goddess, representing the deepening of the earth and allowing it to grow. However, they warn that their goddess has a dual nature, a Ruby Goddess, formed from rage in her battle against a great and terrible demon that she battles even now within the temple. Some speculate that this demon is Pazuzu himself, though others speculate that it is a yet unnamed demon lord contained only by the will of Enkai.   Holy warriors guard the entrance to the Temple of Onyx and Ruby, preventing any from disturbing the goddesses rest, and even possessing the abilities of shapeshifting to prevent attacks on the sacred sight.

Growing Strong

Alternative Names
The Bounty Lands

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