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The Forgotten Lands

The Forgotten Lands are a vast region defined by monuments, mountains, fields that are larger than life compared to the domains of other nations. The region for this is simple, the forgotten lands were larger then life. The antediluvian of many of the modern day species that call Celasper home, the great titans, once roamed the land.   In the beginning of time, before the modern empires, before the first races, before the elves, before serpents, before the flying cities was the city of Gaia. The remnants of the vast city are still visible from the fields of flat lands surrounding the first city. Here the giants of giants reigned, and it is rumored, here it is where some of them remain, the first ones, buried, yet sleeping.


1. Titan's Hive: Not only titans roam the Forgotten Lands, monsters of extraordinary size roam the wasteland for hundreds of miles on the mere approach towards Gaia. Within the heart of their land lay desert hydras and wurms of incredible size, primordials in their own right. The remains of several expeditions lie in the heart of Titan's Hive, who failed to get off the ground.   2. Polilai: Some groups of people have attempted to live in the Forgotten Lands since the age of titans, though no settlements have survived. The desolation of Polilai, a village of unknown origin and race came when an Ancient Wasteland Dragon named Teskhal the devouring ransacked the town, making it's lair amongst the ruins. It still remains there, bargaining with the few visitors it finds to trade valuables for more time in their precious lives.   3. Mafri Treehomes: The Mafri are a tribe Serpentfolk separated from their main clans within the great river runway and broken spine. These serpentfolk keep the old ways, worshipping Ydersius as a god. They have adopted to being able to crime from tree to tree, rarely using the ground any longer and making their villages at the tops of the large canopy’s. They dwindle in number, and some close to the borders of Qut are peaceful, but the tribes become progressively more hostile the further in to the forgotten lands one trends. The wreck of the Eva lies within the forest's center, an ancient sky city from where the Serpentfolk first emerged. The Mafri guard it closely, and prevent any outsiders from entering into their domain.   4. Thakathi: This ancient district of a long dead floating city is said to have encountered the void and embraced madness. Cultists of the second world and the plane of negative energy call Thakathi home, looking to summon forth the outer gods into a place of unbridled power. The goal of their work is simple, raise the crashed domain out of the titan settlement, and travel into the void beyond.   5. Ammal'Sine: The planar rift of Ammal'Sine contains a gateway to the Plane of Water, or at least it did. With the destruction of the Beast of the Sea, the gateway is locked, and the Marid's who guarded mad with grief. Recently with the coming of the Kraken the gateways within Ammal'Sine have reopened, and the Marids have received new orders.   6. Munayo: The Village beneath the water, a floating village in Lake Uumama, one of the largest lakes on Celapser is home to a village of merfolk acting as wardens and traders in the forgotten lands. The merfolk of Munayo claim to be descended from their original titan, but it is impossible to verify. Travelers to the Forgotten Lands often take the southern path through the infinite green towards Lake Uumama, as it is considered the safest entrance into it's territory.   7. Sele: The domed underwater palace is the remains of part of a floating skyship from the wars against Pazuzu, though the ship has crashed and can no longer fly, it still functions underneath the water. The ancient domed palace lost control of it's original denizens, and it's now ruled by the descendants of ancient Wyverns who long ago devoured the original overlords of the sky city.   8. Pazuzu's Folly: The original name of the titan stronghold has been lost to time after the demon lord Pazuzu claimed the fane as his own. Rumors persist that a portal to his lair of the abyss, but such rumors are unverified. Demoniacs from the world over have made the pilgrimage to lay eyes on the great lord, but none have returned.   9. Iocolos: One of the first cities from civilized society is said to have crashed in the Forgotten Lands atop a titan stronghold after the Panic in the Sky against the Demon Lord Pazuzu. The history of the city, it's contents, and whatever secrets it may hold are still within the ancient crater sight, waiting to be discovered by the brave and foolish.   10. The Cave of Broken Promises: Most knowledge of the Forgotten Lands comes from the Pathfinders stationed in a cavern network within the Broken Dunes. The demise of the pathfinder society was sudden, unexpected, and if the few survivors are to be believed, entirely of their own doing. For all the grand and extraordinary magic and events surrounding the Forgotten Lands, the sundering of the pathfinders camp was entirely mortal. Broken promises from supposed friends.   11. The Broken Dunes: The wasteland dividing Nephysis and Tamarem from the Forgotten Lands is home to ancient dragons, wurms the size of rivers, and the remains of several of the ancient flying cities. Tracking them is considered the first step to enter the forgotten lands from the east, and is considered a suicide mission by most of the pathfinder society.   12. Nmabi: The only "civilized" city in the Forgotten Lands is home to about 2,000 trolls who roam the vast plains harassing the tabaxi of Qut. Their leader claims to be a divine incarnation of the original troll titan, and his ability to control titan technology in the ancient fortress city add an unnerving amount of veracity to his claim.   13. The Ruby Spire: This 300 foot tall spire is visible from dozens of miles away within the planes of the forgotten lands. Within lies the domain of a titan known in the primordial tongue as "the traitor". There is no visible entrance into the ruby spire from the ground, though the interior can be seen at higher altitudes, for access via dimension door.   14. Khule: Meaning Opened in the tongues of Keldish, the settlement of Khule was one of the few dominated by the titans explored by Ri'am travelers making their way through the canyon pass. They found that they were not the only occupants, with caverns leading into the primoridal underdark deep within the earth, and the vaults beneath. The explorers did not delve deeper into the cities depths, for if the earth may have Titans, what of the underdark?   15. Gaia'Ikos: Meaning the earth asleep in primordial, the ancient city towers over any other upon Celasper, with towers two hundred feet or taller in height, and the grate conclave reaching close to a thousand. Evidence of the great madness can be found by those few who have returned from the city. While the great titans here sleep, lesser titans roam the city in mad packs, each one strong enough to sunder armies. The remnants of Pazuzu's army also roam the cities, for those foolish enough to think the sky would be safe where the ground means death. The treasure of ancients untold lies within the city for those who seek to rob the sleepers, or for those who wish to wake them.   16. Kinai Canyon:A few citizens of Tamarem live within Kinai Canyon, though few in the nation have contact with them. A small number of monasteries dot the landscape, carved into the high walls. Here dark cults of Pazuzu continue their masters work to achieve godhood and to sunder the titans. An ancient aqueduct runs through the canyon, that once delivered water to Gaia, and now forms Lake Sa'a, providing Tameram with fertile farmland.   17. The Twisting Tower: Supposedly in the ancient past a titan archmage separated from the remainder of Gaia, and went to build their own tower. While the titan of the tower now sleeps, the tower itself remains alive, and is reshaping to unknown whims.


The creatures of the Forgotten Lands are often as massive as the buildings or the titans themselves, the land surrounding the great valley is thankfully flat, the termperature of specific areas can fluctuate wildly from day to day. The animals that do live in the Forgotten Lands are almost entirely touched by wild magic, and fluctuate with intense elemental and abyssal energy as befits the season of the day.

Localized Phenomena

Magic does not work properly within the Forgotten Lands. Teleportation magic falters, sending spells do not function, and most magic from divine sources is subject to wild surges in power and functionality.   The roads in the Forgotten Lands, built for the ancient titans no longer present also function in strange ways, causing planar rifts through the forgotten lands into the abyss, or to the opposite side of the nation, or out of the forgotten lands entirely.


The Forgotten Lands is known for violent and sudden shifts in weather, going from intense heat to bitter cold to rainstorms within a matter of days from one another.
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