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The Abandoned Peaks

The Taralu dwarves of the abandoned peaks possess a reputation as mediators. A spiritual, and nomadic people with brightly colored hair that illuminates the foggy mists of the Great River Runway. However, what is most known about them is that they abandoned the hills and the mountains beyond, the peaks of Mt. Ipbai. The reason why delves into the the history of the sixteen clans, and the wars of the Dwarven people. In the time of the four stags, within the heart of the earth, the Dwarves of Mt. Ipbai found themselves in conflict not just with one another, but with their brethren the Duargar and the Derro. If one of the Four Stags could be driven mad, if kin could slay kin, how was there hope for this world? From their stronghold peak at the top of Mt Ipbai, a crash came just outside of the entrance to the Underdark, close to where a battle and debate was raging between the 16 clans on how to slay their kin, on who among each other were traitors. Their debate on Dwalin's nature came to a halt. The sixteen leaders grabbed 16 daggers, and went towards the sound of crashing thunder, assuming a trap, intent on a fight against one another to the death. Instead, they found an ancient dragon, their scales of Crystal. Their body covered in deep magical scars. The Dragon warned of ancient conflicts below the surface from which it had not survived. It spoke of years of wandering, of useless fighting. The prideful wyrm begged with it's dying breath to be returned beneath the fog of the jungle lowlands where it had been hatched, in a place where the fog gave cover of night as easily as the stone.   The Dwarven councilmembers stared at the dying dragon, remembering their bitter arguments of which side to take in war. One by one each of the clan leaders took their dagger and swore an oath on their own births to honor the dragon's dying wish. Collecting their clans, the now solemn and determined leaders presented their oaths to their people, and thus swayed, descended down the mountain with the dragon's hide to bury it within the lowlands it had originated. The wyrm was buried and the sixteen clans swore a new oath. No longer would the clans squabble and war without cause. No longer would they fight brother against brother. The Taralu would become a people of patience, waiting for the fog to roll in, for prey to fall into traps, for wounds to heal. On the Dragon's resting place the Dwarves built a mausoleum called Taninshroud, which has become an enduring symbol of their vow, and the end of the pilgrim's path that many of Taralu now undertake as a right of passage.   Since those days, the Dwarves of the Abandoned peaks have become mediators, interceding as warriors in magical conflicts where the cause is just, or where contracts have failed.


Council of 16 Clan Leaders


The Tarralu group themselves into 16 large clans, each descended from a distant ancestor related to a mineral they once mined. The clans will not allow new clans to form, as they will refuse to become any further divided as a matter of purpose. Most of the current clan leaders are practicing spellcasters, and preferably divine clerics. Taralu defer to whoever has the most experience within a given situation, and so their leaders are often jacks of all trades able to speak from authority on many different matters.   Patience, trust and oaths matter more to the Taralu than anything. If someone does something, the question is what is the good of that deed for the community. The act of going against community or clan is considered a grave insult and offense. Despite this, the Taralu are not an insular people, believing in their role as unbiased mediators and diplomats. Through patience and trust they argue, any problems may be solved.   Taralu are generally friendly, with calm demeanors, smiles within the night sky. Curious, and possessing a wanderlust to accompany their semi-nomadic lifestyle. Many Taralu dye their hair when they come of age, though often the more time they spend near dragon burial grounds, the more that their hair will begin to glow with magical properties. The shades of a Taralu's hair or beard often reflects his personality, and people will choose colors to reflect the attitude they wish to convey. Indeed, the dying games are held yearly to allow for competition to see who has the best hair in the Abandoned peaks.   Taralu are fond of snacks, and often carry extras on their person in case someone needs an extra bite. Many more like to cook elaborate meals for entire communities to celebrate major events.   Many Taralu, especially diplomats are multilingual, and like to pick up pockets of other languages as they hear them.   More than almost any clan of Dwarves, The Taralu respect dragonkind. Many will adapt mannerisms of specific types of dragons, and others will even develop draconic sorcerer bloodlines as a sign of their devotion. The Taralu are famous for mediating disputes between rival dragons, and it is highly believed that several dragons live among their people. Dragon clans, especially crystal or cloud dragons, will head to taninshould when their time has come to allow for a proper burial by the Taralu people.


Taninshroud: The Mausoleum of Dragonkind and hall of the 16 clan founders. A pilgrims path leads through the lowlands to Taninshroud that many clergy and scholars and clan leaders will undertake to pay their respect to the founders of their people. It is a holy sight for both dwarves and dragons, and few have been foolish enough to try anything to disrupt that harmony. Many disputes will also be settled at Taninshroud, as the Dwarves believe that the taboo against weapons in the holy site is a natural deterant against hot heads and instigators.   Zaphyrie: A recent settlement, previously in possession to the cult of the White Ape, until they were expelled by Taralu magisters. Zaphyrie is less than 50 years old but is already the largest Dwarven settlement in the lowlands. Much of the city has been built on stilts due to flooding in the area, and certainly rain and fog are extremely common. The Pathfinder society hosts a presence in Zaphyrie, as do multiple clerics of several pantheons for matters of mediation. An Academy of learning, language, archiving, debate, and philosophy was built in Zaphrie to teach students the arts of mediation. Trackers, wanderers, and scouts often gather at the Sahiba, an explorers and hunters coalition, though some suspect it doubles as a training ground for spies among the Taralus diplomats.


The Taralu differ from most Dwarven Tribes in that they revere the dragon deities of Bahamut and Tiamat above even the Four Stags or Torag. This reverence has earned the suspicion and occassional hostility of their brothers in Kaz-Medeem.

So Below as Above

Alternative Names
The Taralu

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