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The Great River Runway

The Great River Runway contains one third of the largest continuous jungle on Celasper, and is also the single largest area in Mana Jalqabaa in terms over overall mileage, stretching from the Gulf of Minara to The Broken Spine.   The region gets its name for the vast system of rivers that move from east to west across its dense jungle terrain. However the terrain does become more hospitable at both edges by the coastline, containing flatter regions perfect for farming. The interior of the runway is dotted by lakes of various sizes, and tree types that vary just as greatly. Red mountains dot the northern and southern edges of parts of the runway, and the jungle itself stretches further north into the Infinite Green and Joto Rainforest beyond.   Despite the relatively uninviting terrain, the River Runway is host to a number of different and vibrant cultures. Orc Tribes control the center of the runway, operating from their twin fortresses of Matakali,Winali, and Spiro Spero and offering sanctums of calm from the hostile and wet environs. BloodCove and Port Freedom serve as centers of commerce on the opposite ends of the coast for those wishing to enter and pass through the runway to get from one side to the other, and there is reason to do so.   With the rise of the Kraken to the south of Mana Jalqabaa, travel around the Ofundan Ocean has become far more dangerous than it already was. Those wishing to reach Sihir, Bartsama, or Susa to engage with trade are increasingly reliant on the river runways routes to reach the Broken Spine with which to trade with the Masacali Consulate. The only alternative is to go around for thousands of miles off the hazardous Licidian Ocean pass through the Great Tijaran Sea and Osiorion Sea, and travel the full length of the Spine southwards. In short: a fool's errand.   The Rivers of the runway are often deep enough for smaller ships to simply sail through, and many do so, bringing well-armed crews to cross the runway on their caravan missions. Pirates from the Broken Spine, and navigators from Bloodcove or Port Freedom are often happy to act as guides for trade vessels to avoid the dangers that lurk within the vast jungle.   The largest of these threats by far are the Demonic baboon like creatures known as the Charau-Ka. Said to have been blessed or cursed by the demonic taint of Angazhan that flows through the runway, these demon-touched monstrosities have a habit of raiding any ships they come across, and taking any survivors they capture back to the unholy city of Usaro, where they are never heard from again. Other dangers within the Runway include ferocious hippos, hydras, dragons, curses, boggards, serpentfolk, crocodile-fey and wurms. Forces from Susa and Matakali do their best to keep these dangers in check, but runners take a risk travelling into the great river system. The rewards for doing so can be numerous, and certainly hundreds each year brave the journey regardless.


Bloodcove: A merchant port and haven to refugees, pirates, and unscrupulous merchants. The city of Bloodcove was a part of Geweer before the fracturing of much of Geweer as a nation, and now serves as an independent port and haven to all those interested in trade and plunder. The "Freeport of the West" as it is sometimes known is ruled by a secret pirate syndicate and a openly serving "grand admiral" who acts as the military commander for the pirate Navy of Bloodcove. Their favorite targets are Geweer, Bartsama, Zir, Sihir, and Qut Hyksos, though they are careful not to "shit where they eat" and ignore direct harassment of the Kingdom of Susa. Some of the more daring pirates will even attempt to raid Kraken vessels, though this has been far less successful. Despite the unruly lot who call Bloodcove home, it is a legitimate free city with it's own unique culture. It maintains laws, preventing pirates from doing as they please blatantly while in port. It possesses holidays, such as celebrating the "grand admiral's" birthday. The population of Bloodcove is diverse, with humans from the runway and north from the Infinite Green, orcs from inland, halflings from Lakay Se, and even Giff from Susa. The Aspis Consortium maintains a large lodge in the city, and often funds venture capital enterprises for those wishing to explore the Runway on their behalf. The population of Bloodcove is roughly 8,000 and its current Grand Admiral is Harthwik Barzoni, a cutthroat "retired" corsair who enjoys tending to Mangrove trees that blossom around Bloodcove.   Lakay Se: The home of the Song'o, a group of halfling nomads who travel and farm to the west of the Runway. The Song'o were once more urban legend then known fact, as the halflings of Mana Jalqabaa only recently allowed themselves to be seen outside of the laughing jungle where they once resided. The Song'o are often silent moving through the jungles of the Runway, and even the orcs of Matakali attest that there are no better trackers or scouts alive. Lakay Se represents the only true halfling settlement in the runway known about to outsiders, but it is suggested their population is far larger than the town would indicate. Surrounded by fields of beans, maize, and yams, the town is most famous for the Kana Fete feast held seasonally, an event that draws in significant draw from Susa, Bloodcove, and the surrounding area. Lakay Se is also famous for the production of tea, and fermented beer highly coveted by traders.   Soogidda Lake: A large lake famous for possessing volcanic gases that push towards its north and east. Most travelers go around the lake entirely by Kiutu and Spiro Spero to avoid taking any unnecessary risks.   Egregzia: Sitting on the shores of the Soogidda lake, Egregzia is an abandoned city considered dangerous to explore due to the poisonous air coming from the nearby lake. Legends have claimed that a number of pirates from the Spine and Bloodcove have used Egregzia for years to store hidden treasures to hot for resale, but the veracity of these rumors is untrue. What is known is that ancient ruins of the Cyclopian civilization of Gol-Ghan have been found in the area, an oddity given how far way the area is removed from the Broken Spine.   Bloodsalt: Opposite Egregzia on the Soogidda Lake is the ruined city of bloodsalt. The city is so called because of the lairs of red silt that cover much of the earth. The volcanic gas that poisoned the nearby lake has caused strange properties in bloodsalt, and some who survive the poisoning occasionally develop strange powers, or even grow wings, leading some to assume that the land may be of holy importance to Magma Dragons.   Kiutu: A small village primarily occupied by a mixture of Dwarven explorers and Bonuwat humans famous for fishing and water basket weaving. Some in Susa consider it a lovely place to retire. The Dwarven explorers of Kiutu are primarily interested in the exploration of the nearby Mt. Gaara, where they suspect a forgotten Tiag entrance may be located.   Spiro Spero: One of the three large Orc cities of the Runway, SPiro Spero was built on a religious epiphany by the orc warlord Gold Beetle, who discovered the ancient cyclopian fortress and converted it into a shrine to her gods. The worship of Tagrath and Korggon are common here, and the fortress acts a waystation for those venturing through the runway. Spiro Spero contains a decent sized Gnoll population, who venerate here in the hopes of liberating their people too from the yoke of Lamashtu.   Nemshenzu: A city carved from hummocks of vegetation, built of glass and fossilized dinosaur bones, a masterpiece of Veles-Wrede construction. The Lizardfolk who rule Nemshenzu are technically not part of Veles-Wrede, but certainly share more in common with them than with their counterparts to the north, acting as an independent buffer city state. Mergataulk, the Lizardfolk king of the city, is not friendly towards outsiders, but is the enemy of Usaru. He will often ally with orcs of Spiro Spero to repel their attacks over the water, but has done little to press any attack on the city itself. Nemshenzu is famous for the harvesting of waterlife from Lake Lootuu. Many of its residents feel that Nemshenzu should play a larger role in the dictation of policy within the Runway, but for now it's leadership remains unmoved.   Old Man's Well: Hidden deep in the laughing jungle, this cursed spot within one of the river routes is said to drag people from boats, and into deep waters in hidden holes deep into the underbelly of the runway. Some whisper that those dragged beneath are turned into animals, while some say they are simply killed by the vengeful spirit of the old man who haunts the well. The exact location of the well is uncertain, and sailors have presented conflicting reports, leading some to believe in terror that the haunt has the ability to move where it wishes along the riverway.   Saruhk: Just off the borders of Susa past their alien tree lines lies the Pyramid of Saruhk, a long dead civilization. Besides from the ruins of the people of Dokaren, Saruhk is famous for the imprisonment or perhaps voluntary exile of the herald of the Archon-Lord Winlas. Anwigasi, the mosquito like herald of the Archon descended from heaven to welcome Aroden before the prophet's death, and is now seemingly unable to return. While the herald does not allow in anyone to the interior of the pyramid, that has not stopped him from becoming a teacher and protector for those who come to his shrine. Several scholars from Alagaa have offered to aid the exiled archon herald, but for now he seems content to teach many of the young clergy of Susa who travel through the alien forest to meet with him.   The Fountain of Tabis: Somewhere deep within the Runway, some scholars and fools speculate is a fountain of youth. If this is true, none of the inhabitants of the runway are aware of it, and more than one Orc chieftain would be eager possess it. Why these rumors perpetuate and who started them is unclear, but if the Fountain of Tabis does exist, perhaps there is good reason it has not been found.   The Lair of the Grootslang: Elephant Graveyards an are occasional sight within the runway, but nowhere are they more hazardous then on the shores of Lake Bidiruu. Here, one or perhaps multiple Grootslangs guard the remains of their fallen kin, friendly to Elephant kind, but a nightmare for all others. Possessing the heads of Elephants and the bodies of serpents, they stand at close to 20 feet tall, with skin like plated armor, and possessing six massive tusks with which to maim their victims. Those who encounter these creatures are often hunted to the ends of the earth, and even the demons of Usaru stay far away from them.   Lake Bidiruu: Located centrally within the Runway, it is perhaps the most dangerous place within it. Many buried ships lie below the surface of the water, either unable to deal with the local wildlife, avoid the jagged rocks within the lake, or killed by the demonic forces of the Charau-Ka. Buried treasure certainly nests beneath the surface for those who dare to pass. Perhaps just as tantilizing, Nettllefruit, a delicacy among certain noble groups only grows around the lake, but it's harvesting is a time consuming and dangerous process from which many do not return.   Usaro: The Anarchy of Usaro is what gives the Great River Runway it's reputation as a dangerous and hostile place unsuitable for travelers, or those who live within the city to begin with. Unfortunately the wrath of Usaro almost single handedly makes that reputation a cold reality. Charau-ka in the tens of thousands roam the area around the Laughing Jungle, and cultists of Anghazan, Awakened Great Apes, the Cult of the White Ape, and demons themselves make their home within the dead walls of Usaro. The ruler of Usaro is a mighty overlord known as the Gorilla King. There is always a Gorilla King by the grace of Angazhan, and when one dies, another is reincarnated from amongst the chosen to replace him. A past gorilla king destroyed the Bengion colony within the Runway, stole a powerful artifact from the imperial army, and wiped out an expeditionary force at the height of it's power. These relics still remain, and the strength of Bengions imperial engineering still shows in the mighty walls around Usaro. Shosenbe, first of the Chosen stands next in line to receive the blessing of the Altar of Angazhan should the Gorilla King fall, and handles most of the day to day raiding of the Charau-ka. Were that not enough, Demons sometimes find their way into Usaro through the unstable elfgates within the region, supplementing the already deadly warriors of Usaro with unholy fury. Society exists in Usaro in a chaotic anarchy, but those who have visited the city and lived tell that some of the Charau-ka are fond of games of chance, gladiatorial matches, and religious study. The only holiday in Usaro is the "Day of Death", when those captured throughout the year by the Charau-ka raiders are sacrificed en masse to the altar of Angazhen, only to be reborn the following day on the "Day of Reincarnation" as new Charau-ka servants to the demon lord.   The Spire of Destiny: A mysterious white rock jutting from the center of Lake Bidiruu surrounded at most times by fog. It stands at close to 300 feet high, and is presumed to be hollow somewhere along its surface. Attempts to study the spire have largely been unsuccessful due to the presence of Usaro, and the natural dangers of the laughing jungle.   Matakali: The Orcs of the river runway, or the Matanji as they call themselves, are a group of warriors originating from and perhaps the original inhabitants of the river runway. For thousands of years the Matakali have fought against the forces that would undermine their society, their jungle, and their homes. They are the enemies of the Charau-Ka, the enemies of Lamashtu, of Angazhen. They protect the runway, with ferocity and blood if needed. However the Matanji are also skilled in the arts of politics, orchestrating political marriages and alliances between different Orc factions, or with the Lizardfolk of Veles-Wrede, or the people of Susa themselves. Matanji emissaries live in Kaz-Medeem and Port Freedom, soliciting services and brokering trades with local travelers to pass into the runway. Unlike most of their Orcish brethren, the Matenji are patient, more so than perhaps any living beings, waiting for the right moment to strike, the right moment to speak, the right moment to act. The capital of Matakali is run by a council of elders, and this tradition applies to most of the Runway. Settlements are formed with a purpose of mind, to allow for like-minded Matenji to unify into coalitions united by common purpose.   Matakali itself is known as the city of Nine Walls. It is the hub of Matanji politics, where its wealthiest residents reside, and it's highest ranking officials continue the never-ending war against Usaro. War veterans live within the innermost wall, also called Matakali as a reward for their service. Ukuja serves as the outermost wall of the city, and acts as the first line of defense for Matakali's warriors. In between are settlements and populations that serve as training grounds, inner walled farms, religious centers, manors and hubs for Matanji soceity. Tattooist practice their trades here, families bond, philosphers speak of the role of rage in the life of the Matanji, and the history of their people and the elves of the Joto Rainforest. They host demonstrations of the Magical Academy of Nantambi and participate in open markets. Of luxury goods, strong alcohol is perhaps the greatest export of the Matanji. Most Matanji possess natural resistence to poison or demonic taint, and as a result require incredible amounts of alcohol to feel the effect, something their brewmasters have long since perfected.   Winali: A city populated primarily by half-orcs, in alignment with the Matenji tradition to align settlements by common purpose. They live outside of the safety of the nine walls by choice, serving instead to create a buffer state to pin in the Charau-ka around Lake Bidiruu. Winali is known for scholarly pursuits in addition to its warrior tradition, with the Rainkin Academy serving as a center of learning within the great river runway, and often as a competitor to the magical academy of Nantambi.   Pakaren: A great tree to the north of Winali is said to lure people towards it with music and song haunting and taunting any who go to close. The Matanji attest that a town once existed there at the shores of the runway, until it was lost and usurped by the siren song, which they call "the song of extinction". The tree that grows there is all that remains of the settlement, and orcs will often bring their young ones to the tree as a reminder that sometimes evil does not come in screaming, it comes in singing.   Tulluu Irratti: The red stones of Tulluu Irratti divide the river runway from the southern fringes of the Kraken Coast. Old tombs, packed soil, empty pits and abandon mines dot this mountain range, and the undead are more present here than anywhere else in the runway. Finding game here is difficult at best, and most try to plan ahead for the passage.   The Deep Treasure Mining Company: Founded by a venture capitalist out of Kaz-Medeem, this mine once provided high yield gemstones to dwarves in search of quality materials. However, hobgoblins from Kabout Ral have recently seized the mining operation, displacing the dwarves non-violently as to not provoke too much backlash. However, rather than beginning their own operation, they have destroyed much of the mining equipment, and instead began bringing in researchers to study the remains of the cave system.   Tobazan: A group of giants said to live in the mountain pass of Tulluu Irratti known as the Tobazan have scattered settlements across the mountain range. They are not inherently hostile towards those passing through, but are quick to revoke this hospitality at the first sign of aggression.   The trail of Burnt Souls: The pass between Tulluu Irratti and Mount Nakyuk is known as the trail of burnt souls, so called because of the shallow graves that litter the mountains base. Few dare to disturb these graves as reports of undead are commonplace. The majority of the dead are from the Kraken Coast who attempted to flee during the incursion of the plane of water, and some believe agents of the Kraken guard this pass to ensure none escape.   Mount NakYuk: the largest mountain in the river runway is home to ghouls, a few mines from Port Freedom and Winali, and a large supply of fossils. The paths to the peaks are largely eroded, and some believe that they have seen a tower in the distance at the mountains pinnacle.   The Shimmering Rocks: Off the shores of Lake Du'A are six slab like boulders, unevenly stacked. They glow with colors of the rainbow to onlookers. While they present a welcome waystation to travelers and a beautiful sight to behold, scholars note that the rocks sit upon a magical leyline. Anyone who stands atop the rocks will be teleported randomly elsewhere in Mana Jalqabaa. The leylines may work both directions, and occasionally confused animals will be found wondering how it is they got to the River Runway.   Lair of the Maliadi: While hippos are relatively common in the Runway, the Maliadi are far rarer if not unique. They appear as Hippos with a ring of fire around their necks and have been known to trample through large stretches of forest or river on the way to their next meal. Sightings of them have been seen to the southwest of Lake Du'a, though they have been spotted elsewhere along the Runway.   Arzikal: Due North of Mount Abidda lies the city of Arzikal, the City of Hungry Spires. Where once a metropolis may have existed, there is now little more than a skeletal city where one can hear the lonely wind of each building and tower within. The earth has gauged and jutted upward, destroying whatever life may have once existed within. Alarmingly, the city appears to be growing, absorbing in life from the nearby area and bringing it into the hungry spire's domain. Jagged hands are seen with seven fingers imprinted upon the walls of the city, and gaping jaws can be seen out of the corner of ones eyes passing through the mountain's waking.   Darkreach: Near the end of the Vanji river northeast of Mount Abidda is a statue with the inscription "I point the way to Zurakai, never there to return". A few miles from the statue are the charred ruins of the town of Darkreach, a village founded mere decades ago where hopeful pilgrims hoping to study the statue and find the lost city of Zurakai simply vanished. The trading outpost is now a ghost town, with scorched shadows over buildings serving as the only proof of the lives that disappeared into the jungle.   The Statis fields: At the peaks of the Mana Hidhaa Range is the entrance to an underground prison complex of unknown origin. Efforts to open the prison's doors have so far been unsuccessful, but joint efforts from both Hurricane's Crown and Port Freedom are confident that eventually, the secret of who the prisoners are and why they were placed here will be uncovered.   The Ruins of Kembe: Less a sight of horror than an oddity, a series of rings of stone growing smaller and smaller as they move towards the center lay in an open field within the eastern laughing jungle. The oddity of these crafts has never been fully explained, but it is a vital landmark for navigation through the often mist filled and rain filled jungles of the Runway. Ibris and other exotic birds sometimes congregate in the area.   The Bulette Graveyard: East of the City of Zaphyrie sits a strange graveyard filled with dead or dying Bulettes, leaving their valuable armor-plated carcasses behind. The priests of Zaphyrie know ways to safely remove the armor from the dead creatures without disturbing or desecrating the burial grounds, but outsiders attempting to do so often discover that the dead do not like the profaning of their sacred site, and attack any who trespass without respect.   The Valley of Ghosts: If myths are to be believed, the city of Kho or one of the other sky cities may once have rested within this valley. Whatever the truth, the valley is now used for trade between Zaphyrie, Kaz-Medeem, Port Freedom and the elves of the Emerald City. Thick fog runs through this low humid valley, and while many report that they are being followed, few "ghosts" are actually seen. Sudden drops and deadly predators are far more likely to attack traders upon the riverway. One known ghost, called "the Drummer" can be seen by traders on occasion, a friendly and cheerful spirit of enormous heft who has been known to lead lost travelers from out of the valley, though he himself does not leave. The Drummer has been known to teach music to those who ask however, playing the drums with the butt of his spear.   The Colossus of Sebanji: This small village southeast of Jawwee's Lake is famous for one thing, a giant statue of a man in the middle of otherwise crowded jungle. It's origins are unknown, but local children of the village like to climb it, and it provides a vital waystop for travelers through the runway. Supposedly a slab of metal has been seen by locals underneath the giant statue, but no visible signs of an entrance or underground structure have been found.   Port Freedom: Known as Anthusis to people who live there, and by Port Freedom by pirates in the Broken Spine by reputation, Port Freedom recently changed hands to remove it's previous tyrannical overlords. The Former Governor of Anthusis, a man named Grallus, was assassinated by his own followers after the governor made the decision to no longer pay kickbacks to the Hurricane King. The sweeping revolution that followed saw the undoing of the Grallus government and the institutionalization of representative democracy across Port Freedom. The flags of the old Bengion government were thrown down, replaced instead with that of a Phoenix, rising from the ashes. Today port freedom is a haven for livestock, alcohol, fruits, vegetables, grains, seafood, textiles and guides through the runway. While it has no official leaders, influential members on the city council include Gbemisola Mambi of the farmers union, Mandla Dube of the church of Sarenrae, and Merredin from the Port Freedom Harbor League. Those attempting to cross the runway either choose Port Freedom or Hurricane's Crown as their port of entry, and the rivermen's guild of Port Freedom are known to be expert navigators worth their weight in gold.


There are two routes through the river runway considered to be the safest.   The Northern Route: Beginning in Port Freedom, Travel Northwest to the Colossus of Sebanji, past the Shimmering Rocks and northwest again towards Lake Muka. The most dangerous part of this journey is passing by the city of Elokolobha, controlled by fey crocodile peoples. From Lake Muka, make your way southwest past Matakali before sharply turning north towards the Alien Forest and the Pyramid of Saruhk. Turn sharply south and travel along the river to Lakay Se, before fore turning North towards Senghor and entering out into the Gulf of Minara.   The Southern Route: Begin in Hurricane's Crown (King's Port) and travel towards Rivers Ege. From there travel Northwest towards Darkreach and press onward following the edge of the Mana Hidhaa Ranges. The most dangerous part of this journey involves pressing against the mountain range, for while you avoid most of the water based the dangers, the mountains are not safe. Press onward towards Lake Lootuu and Nemshenzu, before turning straight north towards Spiro Spero. Travel Southwestward from there near Kiutu before exiting out near Mount Gaara and Bloodcove.   Far more dangerous but by far the fastest is the Direct Route, not advised by any river guildsman in King's Port or Free Captain in Hurricane's Crown.   The Direct Route: From Port Freedom, travel due west past the circles of Kembe and the lair of the Maliadi. Press onward to Winali and resupply. Continue northwest from here just past Usaro and pray. Enter into Lake Bidiruu and pray again. Continue westward towards Soogidda Lake and pray a third time. Exit out towards bloodcove and drink. This route shaves potentially weeks off of travel time, but is only taken by the truly desperate.
Alternative Name(s)
The Heart of Mana Jalqabaa
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