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The Spice Coast

The Spice Coast is a vast tropical region filled with a series of unaffiliated towns and cities all attempting to cultivate and procure the area's abundant supply of spices. Cloves, pepper, ginger, nutmeg, laos, cinnamon, kluwek nuts, and asam gelugur are just a few of the local delicacies harvested within the dense jungles and forested of the coastal region. These forests contain mangos, rubber trees, papaya, weeping figs, orleander, almonds, jackfruits and guava among the local flora in demand by much of the nearby Broken Spine and Celasper at large.    Three dense forests and two large mountain ranges seperate the main coastline from the interior of the domain, and seperate the different cultures that call the region home. By far the most dominant power in the area, centered from the vast emerald lake in the center of the spice coast is the Emerald City. The emerald city is an Elven city state with history stretching back thousands of years to the first civilizations of Mana Jacalba. Despite these ancient origins, the Ezel of today are a dramatically different group of individuals from their ancestors, with a culling and civil war amongst the elvish peoples close to eight hundred years prior leading to today's Ezel population being tyrannical in their approach to the sale of spices. The Elves of the Emerald City have largely enslaved their kin, as well as fey, tengu, lizardfolk, and others from the surrounding settlements and have put them to work harvesting the cash crops while they pursue more diabolical undertakings. Many of the leaders of the Emerald City are known clergy of the dukes of hell, and it is believe their order currently pays homage to the lord of the 8th, Mephistopholes  Elsewhere within the region lies the Sapphire Palace, sometimes known as the Palace of Water, home to an extremely dangerous overlord known as the Sapphire Raja. Originally from the Masacali Consulate, the Sapphire Raja is a Rakshasa of some power, who fled him homeland to establish a base of operations far from the eyes of the Masacali military. Here on the opposite shore of the Broken Spine, the Raja made overtures over a century ago with the Elves of the Emerald City, and came away with a peaceful settlement to build his great palace near the shore of the Southern Tijaran Sea. Here the ancient evil practices necromancy, conjuration, and sorcerous rituals to further his own deadly influence, and to cause political upheavel within the consulate beyond. He has taken many slaves from the surrounding area to work his lands and provide him with a tidy prophet to further build his despotic dominion.    The final great power of the Spice Coast is the pirate city of Malphet. Built in reaction to the increase in slavery seen in both Nephysis and the Spice Coast, the pirates of Malphet maintain a strict policty that anyone who enters the city of Malphet is considered free regardless of past deeds. The group is led by Captain Fatima, commander of the Sea Drake's Bane among twelve other pirate vessels loyal to the cause. The Southern Raiders as they call themselves specialize in plundering anyone and anything they can get their hands on. Several attempts have been made to seize malphet, but so far the small city has held firm against assault. It is rumored that one of the great cities of Nephysis provides financial backing to Malphets endeavors in the hope they will destabalize Katapesh and the Spice Coast beyond.    Notably the region is also known to perhaps the largest Tengu population west of Tian Xia. The Tengus of the spice coast claim that the region is their homeland, and a group of freedom fighters and liberaters are said to maintain a large settlement somewhere in the Behemoth ranges  A number of minor villages dot the coastline of the spice coast, though none are of political significance, serving one of the various masters of the region and acting as intermediares in the profitable spice trade. The swampy coastline of the region makes deep water ports difficult and to date the only port of significance in the region is Malphet. Traders of spice often travel north to Nephysis or south to Kaz-Medeem or the River Runway to deliver their goods into larger harbors.


Carrion Hill: A small village dedicated to minor farming efforts, said to have been founded as a religious settlement by those seeking freedom from persecution. The land does not support a large population, and the village here has been rebuilt multiple times.   Zinj Karcan: Dedicated to the Sapphire Raja, the villagers here are largely under his thrall to mine the spice fields he possesses.    Zinj Gandan: Dedicated to the Sapphire Raja, the villagers here are largely under his thrall to mine the spice fields he possesses.   Usken: A tiny coastal village of independent farmers not affiliated with any major power in the region. Through the exporting of bananas and other cash crops, they maintain a healthy agreement with traders from the Emerald City who do not inflict punishment upon them in exchange for manning a river waystation for them.    Thornmarsh: A small town not affiliated with any major powers that acts as a minor port for pirates in the broken spine.    Saltmarsh: A small town burdened by problems with Sahuagin in the region. They are not affiliated with any major powers or settlements, and are a free port of harbor of meager trade to vessels passing through.    The Webwork Caverns: Considered to be one of the entrances to the abandoned lands, the caverns are said to be home to vast populations of ettins, phase spiders and far more dangerous arachnid creatures. Rumors persist that at least one dragon calls the network home, though none have been spotted in centuries.    Nev-Lie: The forest of Nev-Lie is avoided by outsiders, believed to have been cursed by fey tricksters to alter the perception of those who step within. More than one member of a trade  caravan has been lured into the forest by charming voices never to be heard from again.    The Court of Jackfruit: It was not only Elves who participated in the kinslaying that led to the rise of the Emerald City. The Court of Jackfruit is the demse of the group of Summer Fey who turned upon their winter counterparts and abandoned the fey wilde in exchange for dominion over elves and fey-kin alike. It is said that their rules have rejected Titania's summons and now answer to the ArchDevil Belial.    The Saheer Scrublands: A vast savannah filled with loose amounts of tradable flora and light game in the form of Jaguars, Leapords, and Displaser Beasts among other quadrapeds. The road to Saheer is considered safe, becoming more and more hostile the further east one travels on the road.    The Cinnamon Forest: The Cinnamon forest is the largest distributor of Cinnamon in the known world, and is also incredibly haunted. The people of Carrion Hill make it their duty to harvest the lucrative substance, even as specters and other incorporeal undead haunt the marshy fields.    Arpo-Malos: Abundant with pepper and relatively safe, more than one group of bandits calls the Pepper Forest home, containing groups of people considered too dangerous even for Malphet. A number of logs are made from this forest into lumber for use in the construction of pirate ships for the Sea-Drake's fleet.    The Behemoth Peaks: A series of mountain ranges are said to be home to the largest group of Tengus west of Tian Xia. The Tengu population as a whole has been displaced due to years of aggression on all sides by pirates, rakshasa and elven slavers, leaving the remaining remnants to turn largely to defensive brigandry. Within Mount Kwan they maintain a large settlement high among the clouds, where it is said their ancestors once flew on high. Indeed, if rumors are to be believed, above mount Lai is said to be the remains of the great Tengu titan, hidden high amongst the clouds, available to only the bravest Tengu. The Tengue of the behemoth peaks are considered to be excellent in the arts of the sword, and it is said that a number of swordmasters teach the skill to those who would fight of the defense of all birds.    The Weeping: Known for it's weeping fig plants and other exotic fruits, the weeping is home to a number of sentient plants that have largely been dispersed from their homelands westward, they are neutral to the nearby Tengu but hostile to all others who visit the area. Supposedly, tracks of the Beast of the Land can be found within the forest, showing its track across the spine.    The Forest of Hell: The Kinslaying of large amounts of the Elven people occurred within this forest, and the act of betrayal has scarred the land. Fey were bound here agains their will and forced to fight their fellow first worlders, elves were sacrificed to the nine in profane rituals. By far the most horrifying acts occurred during a series of mass polymorph spells, turning many elves into sentient and insane animals, immortal by elven lineage and eager to kill. It is said that prisoners and enemies of the Emerald City are thrown into the forest of hell to be ripped apart by wild animals, or worse, to join them.    hi Vala-Ango: Literally "here be dragons" in the elven tongue, the forest is home to at least one draconic matriarch Tamatla the Spore Queen. However, it is rumored that the ancient green dragon has recently gone missing, leading her children to move towards open hostility with the Emerald City. Jakurax the Spindled Spine has said to have traveled northeast towards Malphet, while Tamatla's daughterr Kaithrax the Pursuer is said to have taken elven form to locate her mother in the emerald city. The eldest of their number Kurnax Wide-Jaw remains, tending to the forest, and their nearby Tengu allies, plotting their next move.    The Mango Forest: As much a hunting ground as a mango farm, the Mango Forest is used by the Sapphire Raja to hunt malcontents and fools. Most animal life is now extinct within this domain, save for the mosquiitos and those who are flung into the forest by the Rakshasa overlord can expect a swift death.    The Court of Peacocks: A group of Hags have made their home here, servicing the winter court and acting as a neutral ground between the Rakshasa and the Emerald City. The hags of this forest are said to grant boones, so long as it serves their interest, and they have served as intermediares between the evil parties of the Spice Coast on more than one occassion. Rumors persist that they seek their own agenda, one that would throw the spice coast into chaos, though more rumors persist that at least one member of their coven seeks to end the current arrangement, and seek new opportunities elsewhere.    The Emerald Mountains: Home to vast emerald mines, limestone, and other rare stones, the mines are used extensively by the Emerald City. They are also said to contain multiple entrances to the underdark, and allow for swift passage from the Emerald City to the Sapphire Palace by those brave and insane enough to make the journey.   Mount Ezel: A sacred mountain to the Elvish people, it has become a profane series of shrines to the archdevil patrons of the Ezel, with a shrine to Mephistopholes supposedly near it's peak. The old monuments to the ancestral dead of the Elven people have been thrown down, leading to multiple caverns said to be haunted with the legions of disquiet dead.    The Emerald Lake: The Emerald Lake is a beautiful waterway around which the Emerald City resides. Waystations, planar gateways, and ancient eleven portals allow for quick access around the settlement, and it is said that a number of secure elven compounds extend into the lakes depths.    Ancel-Malos: Meaning the Burnt Forest in Elvish, the Ancel-Malos was once home to a large treant population. These ancient woodland beings have since been enslaved, forced to work by their Elvish masters to create and then harvest spices and other materials for the good of the Emerald City. Many young Elven arcanists practice their craft here on the dead trees, using them as kindling to learn the art of immolation.    Lake Pala: A small lake feeding from the Emerald Lake, the waters of Lake Pala are filled with refuse and runoff from their elven overlords. The lake hosts a large population of slaves working the spice fields, and is heavily patrolled by the Ezel as a result.    Rauco-Ohta: Known as the Demon Battlefields, it is here that the forces of Mephistopholes fought against the forces of Lamashtu for dominion of the Spice Coast and mana Jacalba beyond. Many demons are still imprisoned within the demon tower located in the center of the battlefield, and a number of infernal and abyssal remnants remain upon the dead fields.    Racuo-Malos: The Demon Forests are said to contain holdouts of Lamashtu's children, descrating and defiling the lands within to create their foul brood. A number of Lamashtu's faithful visit the forest in pilgrimage, and a few of her clergy have even joined the slave camps voluntarily to serve as midwifes for the slaves imprisoned, and to foment their rebellion against their mutual enemy in the hells.    The Devil Lakes: Devils and fiends openly patrol the devil lakes acting as a vanguard against he southern border, guarding the trade routes to Kaz-Medeem, and using the area as a hunting ground for bound devils and their summoners. Lizardfolk are said to have once lived in the area, pushed eastward into the Jaguar forest, though their villages remain across the lakes, along with elven towns destroyed in the kinslaying.    The Jaguar Forest: A vast and untamed wilderness filled with spices, lizardfolk tribes, and jaguars. The region is considered too swampy for use in any meaningful way, but boats do patrol the river here to connect with Saltmash and Thornmarsh for minimal actions via trade.    Leuca-Malos: The Serpents Forest is filled snakes of all kinds in addition to swampy terrain, bananas, and spices. Supposedly a Medusa has made her domain home here, but none have seen trace of her in decades to verify these rumors.


The climate of the spice coast is humid and warm, with average temperatures in the 80 degree range year round. Rain falls often in the area and storms are common, especially along the coastline.
Alternative Name(s)
The Emerald Lands
Included Organizations
Additional Rulers/Owners

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