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Demetrius Theophilos

Demetrius Theophilos, brother of Chyrssa Theophilos, was one of the three founders of Kytheros. His field of expertese lay in negotiations, leadership, maritime and terrestrial survival skills, and construction knowledge. With his aid, the city of Kytheros featured architecture and city planning that would serve it well as a trade hub. He lead explorations into the new world and contributed greatly to the taming of the new continent. His political interests aligned with intercontinental trade and conservation efforts. He would later join the Council of Ninety Nine along with his sister. Similarly, he too founded a guild: The Breeze Guild. Their goals of promoting regional exploration and conservation stemmed directly from his wishes.
Current Status
1512 1685 173 years old
Blind in right eye, blue on left
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements


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