Queen Éyela Eglantine-Camden Ragnarsson (Ay-ella)


  Princess Éyela was born on the 11th of Sturots in the year 420 of The Glory Era during the reign of her father, King Phillip Heret Ragnarsson III. Her mother, Queen Lucilla Sanoria-Fellent Ragnarsson, took ill for a year after Éyela's birth. This led to King Phillip secluding himself as well, and an emergency team of representatives mainly governed Cadax during this time. Éyela herself was mostly cared for by various different nannies and maids, which cycled out frequently. Queen Lucilla never returned to full health, though King Phillip and herself were eventually able to re-take the throne when Éyela was about five years old (though Queen Lucilla's involvement from here on was sporadic at best). Éyela was cared for full-time by a private governess and kept her public appearances to a minimum until she was around 8 years old.   In 422 of The Glory Era, Princess Ophelia Von Seiat of Aclon was born, making it the first time in nearly 500 years that two monarchs from separate countries were born within 3 years of each other. This carried significant weight to the projected future of both Aclon and Cadax, as the two princesses were expected to maintain a close relationship to strengthen the precarious relationship between the two countries. To achieve this, the two were brought up closely together, with both frequently making trips to each other's respective countries. The efforts of those facilitating this friendship paid off, as both Éyela and Ophelia remain close to this day.   In 431 of The Glory Era, when Éyela was 11,The Equalizing Outbreak hit Cadax and the royal family was strictly quartered in an undisclosed location outside of Filiross. They remained separate from society for nearly 5 years, only returning when the number of those infected fell significantly in Filiross. Unfortunately, a second wave hit the city in late 435 TGE. The family was preparing to evacuate once more when Queen Lucilla fell ill with the disease and quickly developed severe and untreatable symptoms. King Phillip decided to remain at his wife's side and sent Éyela away with a small amount of staff before eventually showing symptoms himself. Queen Lucilla succumbed to her illness on the 2nd of Pranur, 436 TGE and King Phillip followed closely behind on the 4th of Pranur 436 TGE.   The aforementioned emergency representative team took up power until Éyela turned 18 (438 TGE) and assumed the throne. Her early coronation was highly controversial in Cadax, as 18 is not considered an adult by elven standards. Despite the public's apprehension, the nobility took to her quickly (if for no other reason than their disdain for the emergency representatives) and the working class mostly saw her in a neutral light.   While many saw her as a fair and kind ruler, many in the lower classes held a grudge against her for her perceived favor of the upper class (something her parents had proved to be true of themselves time and time again). This perception was only compounded when she announced her first major Royal Decree in 443 TGE: The Nobility Dignity Act. Put briefly, this law makes it so those in noble and aristocratic families are exempt from lawful interrogation or punishment that deliberately causes physical pain (a method that is still widely used in Cadax despite the country's otherwise progressive nature). Those in the working class did not take to this law kindly, seeing it as just another harsh reminder of the deep societal divide.   In stark contrast, Queen Éyela later passed the "Civilized Working Conditions Act" in 469 TGE that made it unlawful for those employing domestic workers to give them inadequate work/living conditions. Those in the upper echelon were either sympathetic to workers' rights and therefore loved her attempt at reform, while others detested her involvement in their "private business affairs". The working-class citizens were equally mixed about it, as some praised her for doing what her parents and grandparents would not, and others said that it wasn't nearly enough to improve the standard of living for (frequently-mistreated) domestic workers.   Currently, Queen Éyela is seen as favorable if not overly neutral in the eyes of her people, as she has done relatively little in her time on the throne thus far. She is currently unmarried and has made no indication of a potential courtship, worrying many in the royal court about the future of their country. Queen Éyela may be very young, but her family has a grim history of early deaths and she has no siblings nor cousins. It is seen as highly disrespectful to speculate, but there are many silently wondering who exactly will lead their country should Éyela fail to produce an heir.  

Personality & Rule

  Queen Éyela has been described as both quiet & modest as well as blunt & haughty, depending on the time in her life. She wasn't seen by the public much as a child, though those that did know her reported her to be reserved and otherwise unengaged with what was happening around her. As a teenager, she was known to only speak to a select few people (commonly her head maids, her governess, her advisor, and Queen Ophelia) and use them to speak to those outside of her circle, which also included her parents. Case in point, she notably (and controversially) appeared to show little grief at her parent's funeral or during her mourning period, instead displaying her infamous apathy.   In her twenties, shortly after her coronation, she seemed to have a significant change in personality. Her social circle increased to others in the upper echelon and she began attending galas on her own and in good spirits. She maintained her more cheery and boisterous demeanor until her mid-50s (around 476 TGE) when she seemed to return to her former stature somewhat. Éyela began becoming more reserved and poised, mirroring the more traditional monarchs and leaders from the countries around her. Her demeanor softened and her piety grew, as she enlisted the former high priest of the Filiross Vestus Temple to serve on her advisory board.   Today, she is known to be reserved but confident. She cares deeply for her country and has begun to show more empathy towards those less fortunate; Starting numerous charity organizations and social programs. Éyela has also continued to steer Cadax in the same direction as her parents, as she has put a high priority on bringing Cadax up to the best level of modern technology & medicine available.
Crowned in 438 TGE
Current Status
Queen of Cadax
Date of Birth
11th of Sturots, 420 TGE
Filiross, Cadax
Light Brown, Long, Curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation