The Ragnarsson Minor Deity Curse

It is commonly known throughout the kingdom of Cadax that the direct heir of the Ragnarsson royal family have always passed away relatively early in their life. According to the official statements made by the family, there is no direct connection between the deaths and they were all a result of unfortunate circumstances. Despite this, many citizens of Cadax and beyond have speculated on any shared connection and drawn their own conclusions. One of the most popular theories surrounding their odd pattern of death revolves around a minor deity cursing the family as revenge for their brutal takeover in 1984 TCE.


The myth goes that the Gillimon Family’s former court mage, Elgar, has been watching over the Ragnarsson family since his death sometime around 2010 TRE. He curses whomever is the current ruling family member is so that they die early in their life, as revenge for slaughtering his king and family.

Historical Basis

When Foloraous Ragnarsson overthrew the Gillimon royal family in 1984 TCE, he ordered every member of the Gillimon family and their court to be executed. In the family, this included King Varnae Gillimont, Queen Chare Gillimont, the 12-year-old prince Varnae Gillimont II, his 5-year-old sister Kati Gillimont, and Chare’s sister who was several months pregnant. Having ordered the execution of the current court in addition to the family, the total count of direct executions is estimated to be around 15-25 people. Not among that number, however, was the Gillimont’s court Mage, Elgar, who fled Cadax shortly after the defeat. Many at the time believed this to be the actions of a man too scared to face his own death and, in the midst of the political fallout that transpired after the takeover, no one paid it much mind or made effort to find him.   In 2013 TRE, the current ruling Ragnarsson, Henrietta Ragnarsson, mysteriously passed away shortly after the birth of her son despite having no other known illnesses. This was shortly after news that Elgars body had been found locked away in a tower in north Zorminia, with a significant amount of powerful tomes and magic items in his possession. It was because of these two events transpiring so closely together that many tried to make the connection that Elgar purposefully became a Minor Deity in order to curse the Ragnarsson family, ensuring that none of their heirs live long lives.