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Arcane Attic

The Arcane Attic in Whiteharbor is a mystical emporium of marvels and enchantments, tucked away in a dimly lit alleyway in the city. Its entrance is hidden in plain sight, accessible only through a rickety old ladder that leads up to the attic of an unassuming building. Once inside, you will find yourself surrounded by a labyrinth of shelves and clutter, each one brimming with wondrous items and curiosities from all corners of the realm.   Madam Celestina Starweaver, the enigmatic owner of the Arcane Attic, is a formidable figure despite her diminutive size. Her frail frame belies the immense magical power that courses through her veins. She spends her days flitting around the shop, tinkering with various contraptions and brewing strange potions in the cauldron that bubbles away in the corner.   The shop is a treasure trove of rare and unusual magical artifacts. Alongside shimmering amulets that imbue their wearer with supernatural abilities, there are phials of glowing elixirs that can turn a person into a giant, or shrink them down to the size of a mouse. Within the shelves, one can find an arsenal of legendary weapons, like the sword of fire that can cut through stone, and cloaks that bestow the wearer with the ability to walk on air. One can also find a menagerie of magical creatures, from tiny flying fairies to mischivous imps, and even a rather peculiar enchanted cat named Mr Nim, who darts about the shop with surprising agility.  



Staff of Strong Roots, 2500gp

  (requires attunement)
  This staff can be used as a quarterstaff. When you hit a creature with this weapon, that creature's movement speed is reduced by 10 feet until the end of their next turn. This effect can stack with subsequent hits in the same time.

  In addition, if you do not move on your turn, you have advantage on all saving throws and ability checks to avoid being knocked prone, and you cannot be moved by force. Finally, as an action you can plant the staff in the ground, which then acts like an activated immovable rod, until you use an action to uproot it.

Troll Amulet, 3000gp

(requires attunement)
  This amulet contains the crystallised form of a troll heart preserved in tar. While wearing and attuned to this amulet, you may spend an action to activate it. For the next minute, you regain 10 hit points at the start of your turn so long as you haven't taken acid or fire damage since the end of your last turn and so long as you start your turn with at least 1 hit point.
  Once you have used this ability once, you cannot use it again until the next dawn.    

Staff of Mockery, 50gp

This gnarled staff possesses a fully functioning mouth set into its head and starts with 1d4 charges. While holding this staff, you may use your action and 1 charge to target a humanoid you can see within 10 feet of you. If you do so, this staff repeats everything that humanoid says in an offputting, mocking voice. This voice changes every time you target a new humanoid with this staff. This staff continues copying that humanoid's words until that humanoid moves more than 10 feet away from the staff, 10 minutes pass, or you use your action to deactivate it. This staff regains all expended charges at dawn.  

Coil of Strength Storing, 450gp

(requires attunement)
  This metallic coil is usually worn on an arm or leg. While attuned to it, whenever you make a melee weapon attack against a hostile creature that exceeds the target's AC by 5 or more, the coil gains 1 stored charge. It can hold up to 5 charges at a time.
  When you make an attack with a melee weapon, you can expend any number of stored charges to gain a bonus on the attack roll equal to the number of charges expended. You can wait until after you roll the d20 before deciding to expend charges, but must decide before the GM says whether the attack hits or misses. Unused charges disappear 1 minute after being stored.  

Folding Ladder, 200gp

  This item appears as two short wooden rods, 12 inches long and 1 inch in diameter, connected side by side. It weighs four pounds. It has three command words.
  When you speak the ladder's first command word, it expands into a ladder, 2 feet wide and 20 feet long. If you speak the second command word, it extends into a freestanding stepladder, 30 feet high with a base that is 5 feet by 10 feet. The third command word causes the ladder to collapse back into its folded form.
  The ladder can support 500 pounds of weight in either of its extended configurations.  

Portal Chalk (Blue), 2500gp

Each of these two pieces of chalk radiate a different luminescent aura: one orange, the other blue. Each piece of chalk has 3 uses. The chalk replenishes each dawn by 1 use. As an action, you can expend one use of a piece of chalk to draw a circular or rectangular portal on a solid stone surface large enough for a Medium creature. This portal instantly becomes linked to the most recent portal drawn with the other color of chalk, unlinking any portals created by these pieces of chalk other than these two. A linked portal is a glowing ring or rectangle filled with opaque mist; an unlinked portal is simply mundane chalk. A pair of linked portals acts as a magical gate. Any creature or object entering a linked portal exits from the other portal as if the two were adjacent to each other.  

Shield of the Dolmenwood Tree, 2500gp

(requires attunement)
You have a +1 modifier to your armor class while wielding this shield. In addition, you have resistance to one type of damage of your choice.
  As a reaction to being hit by and attack, or to failing a save to avoid or reduce damage, you may change the damage type you are resistant to. Once you use this feature you may not use it again until you finish a short rest.

Warning Scarf, 400gp

While you wear this feather covered scarf, you receive a slight tingling sensation in your neck whenever a hostile creature within 30 feet is looking directly at you. A creature that is aware of this scarf's property may make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw to not trigger this scarf's ability when they look at you. If they succeed, they do not trigger the scarf's ability, and they are immune to this scarf's effect for the next 24 hours.
  While wearing this scarf, you also gain the ability to twist your head around 180 degrees around without injuring yourself.  

Trained Die Mimic, 500gp

This tiny cube appears to be made of mahogany wood, with black concave pips on each face numbering 1 through 6.
  Occasionally, one of the pips will open to reveal an eye, which will glance around before closing. Stroking the die on its "6" face causes it to vibrate gently, as if purring. In reality, this die is an infant mimic, trained to hide in its owner's pockets and feed on lint and bugs.
  As an action, you can throw the mimic up to 30 feet away. Roll an actual d6 to see what face the mimic lands on. When the mimic comes to a stop, it opens all the eyes on that face and fires a beam of energy out of each eye at the nearest creature within 15 feet. Each beam is a ranged attack with a +5 bonus to hit that deals 1d6 force damage.
  After landing and firing its beams, the mimic skitters back to you, crawls into your pocket, and falls asleep until the next dawn. However, if it lands on a 1, it instead flees after making its beam attack, hiding in the nearest dark corner. Finding it requires a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check.

Wand of Illegal Tender, 400gp

  This wand is a cylinder, seemingly forged of solid gold. However, the paint has chipped in several places, revealing low-quality iron underneath.
  Once per day, you may wave this wand over up to ten coins, reciting the command phrase: "He who controls the fools' gold, controls the fools." They become indistinguishable from platinum pieces for one hour, after which they return to their original appearance.  

Staff of Fire, 8000gp

(requires attunement)
You have resistance to fire damage while you hold this staff.
  The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: burning hands (1 charge), fireball (3 charges), or wall of fire (4 charges).
  The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff blackens, crumbles into cinders, and is destroyed.

Scroll of Duplication, 50gp

  This blank scroll is imbued with enchantments that enable it to copy text from another source. As an action, you can touch the scroll of duplication to an object that contains writing. The scroll instantaneously copies up to 500 consecutive words from the source material (you can choose which section if the source material is longer than this), creating a perfect duplicate of the original text. The scroll only copies nonmagical text, not illustrations or magical writings (such as the contents of a spellbook or a glyph of warding). If the source contains a mixture of magical writing, illustrations, and nonmagical text, only the nonmagical text is copied, leaving blank space where illustrations and magical writing would be expected. Using the scroll doesn't activate magical traps that trigger upon reading the source material.
Shop, Magic
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Articles under Arcane Attic


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