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Atrophy is a Harbinger of the End, a demon that embodies the slow, insidious decay of all that is good and true.
  It preys on the foundations of society, gnawing away at the pillars of our institutions and values, until they crumble to dust. It whispers in the ears of the powerful and the weak alike, tempting them with promises of easy victories and quick gains, all the while leading them down a path of ruination. Atrophy is a creature of stealth and patience, striking when its victims are most vulnerable, and leaving them to wonder how they ever fell so far.
  Even other demons fear Atrophy, for it is a relentless force that can bring even the strongest civilizations to their knees. Those who make deals with Atrophy soon find themselves ensnared in a web of lies and deceit, unable to escape its grip.


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