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The Endbringers

Suggested reading CW: Depictions of Paranoia:

The Presence of Demons in the Central Domain: An Examination of the Role of Endbringers in Historical Conflicts
Document | Jan 30, 2023

Archfiends, Harbingers and Lesser Demons

Demons, also known as Endbringers, are powerful supernatural beings that are said to originate from a realm beyond the Central Domain. They are known for their insatiable hunger for the suffering of mortals and fey, which they feed upon to gain power. The Central Domain, the realm where mortal races reside, is plagued by their presence and many cultures have their own myths and legends about these enigmatic entities.   The most powerful of the demons are known as the Archfiends of the Apocalypse. These beings are said to possess immense power and are responsible for the most destructive and catastrophic events in the Central Domain. The Archfiends are:
  • War, who's domain is the destruction and chaos caused by armed conflict between nations or groups;
  • Pestilence, who's domain is the spread of deadly diseases and illnesses that ravage communities;
  • Death , who's domain is the end of life and the finality of human existence; and
  • Famine , who's domain is the scarcity of food and resources that leads to starvation and suffering.
  In addition to the Archfiends, there are also the Harbingers of the End. These demons are not as powerful as the Archfiends, but they are still a force to be reckoned with. Many of the Harbingers will form temporary allegiances with the Archfiends, who are rarely to be trusted. The Harbingers are:
  • Indifference, who's domain is the lack of concern or engagement in important issues;
  • Solitude, who's domain is the loss of connection and community;
  • Squalor, who's domain is the economic disparity and lack of resources;
  • Oblivion, who's domain is the lack of knowledge and education;
  • Hypocrisy, who's domain is the disconnect between words and actions, especially in those in positions of power;
  • Deceit, who's domain is the act of deceiving and betraying the trust of others;
  • Prejudice, who's domain is the discrimination and bias against certain groups based on race, religion, etc.;
  • Atrophy, who's domain is the gradual wearing away of society's foundations and values; and
  • Egoism, who's domain is the prioritization of self-interest over the needs of others.
While the Archfiends and Harbingers are defined by their ubiquity, typically having the pronouns it/its. Other demons such as Kathaan and lesser demons are distinct for having a personal identity. It would often be inaccurate to refer to them as such. While many theories exist, it's unknown for certain why such a distinction exists.  

Relation to Mortals and Fey

  Demons are said to be highly intelligent and possess vast knowledge of the Central Domain and its inhabitants. They are unique amongst the Astral Factions for existing in the Central Domain without mention of a major portal being recorded. They are also known to be highly manipulative, often using deceit and trickery to achieve their goals. They are also known to often come into conflict over their conflicting goals. Most notably Death and Pestilence are often known to scheme against one another.   The fey, who reside in the Central Domain and The Domain of Nature, are known to be bitter enemies of the demons. They often engage in battles with the demonic entities invading the Faewild, using their own magical powers to fight back against the Endbringers.   Despite the fear and dread that demons inspire in mortals and fey alike, there are also those who seek to make deals with them. Some mortals believe that by offering sacrifices or performing certain rituals, they can appease the demons and gain their favor. However, it is important to note that making deals with demons is highly dangerous and can result in dire consequences.   Overall, demons are powerful and malevolent entities that pose a constant threat to the inhabitants of the Central Domain. They are driven by their insatiable hunger for suffering and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. It is important for mortals and fey alike to be aware of their presence and to take caution when dealing with them.


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