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Calem is a novice bodyguard hailing from Pikeston. Despite his lack of experience, he exudes an infectious enthusiasm and eagerness to prove himself. With his infectious smile, he looks like he's ready for anything. Calem is fiercely loyal to his newfound family, the TharrowThorn Company, and will stop at nothing to protect them. He wears well-worn leather armor and carries a sword and shield, which he wields with surprising proficiency. Though he is relatively naive about the dangers of the criminal underworld, Calem's positive outlook on life and can-do attitude make him a valuable asset to the team.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Calem was born into a family of bakers in Pikeston. His parents were convinced that he would take over the family business, but Calem had other ideas. When he was five years old, he snuck into a performance by the famous adventurer group, "The Daring Dozen," and was completely enamored by their daring exploits. From that moment on, he knew that he wanted to be an adventurer too.   He started practicing with sticks and rocks, pretending they were swords and axes. His parents were concerned about their son's new obsession, but Calem was determined. One day, he convinced his best friend, a stray cat he had taken in, to go on a grand adventure with him. They snuck out of the bakery and into the alleyway behind it, where they encountered a group of rats. Calem bravely charged forward, swinging his stick, but was quickly overwhelmed by the rats.   Luckily, a member of "The Daring Dozen," who happened to be passing by, saw the commotion and rushed to Calem's aid. The adventurer easily dispatched the rats and gave Calem a stern lecture about the dangers of adventuring without proper training. Calem was starstruck, and begged the adventurer to take him on as an apprentice.   The adventurer, amused by Calem's enthusiasm, agreed to teach him a few things. Over the years, Calem continued to pester the adventurer, showing up at every performance and asking to join the group. The adventurer eventually took pity on him and decided to give him a shot. Calem was ecstatic, and eagerly packed his bags to join the group on their next adventure.   Unfortunately, things didn't go quite as planned. Calem quickly discovered that adventuring was not as glamorous as he had imagined. He was constantly getting injured, and his lack of experience often put the entire group in danger. Eventually, the group had had enough, and Calem was unceremoniously fired.   Feeling dejected and alone, Calem wandered the streets of Pikeston, unsure of what to do next. He signed on with the Waterpike Company before Aresh assigned him to the keep watch over a single door. That's when he was stumbled upon by the TharrowThrorn Company. They were looking for a new recruit, and Calem jumped at the chance. Despite his lack of experience, the group saw something in him and decided to take a chance.   Now, Calem is determined to prove himself as a valuable member of the team. He knows he has a lot to learn, but he's ready to work hard and make his mark as an adventurer. Plus, he's pretty sure that he's a natural at fighting rats.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1615 21 Years old
Aligned Organization


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