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Humans, the versatile and transformational race, are a marvel of diversity, with each individual embracing their uniqueness and self-expression. Their vibrant culture is a product of their history, with their 13 Fiefdoms in the past leading to diverse cultural practices and beliefs. They possess a powerful drive for individuality, and their artistic and cultural expressions are as varied as the countless stars in the sky.   At the heart of human culture lies the rich and complex Pantheon of their gods. The archetypical characters of the human gods are at the center of countless tales and stories, drawing upon each god's unique attributes to represent the best and worst of humanity. The Commander, the Noble, the Servant, the Jester, the Peasant, and the Maestro all serve as cautionary tales or examples inspiring generations to strive for greatness, to recognize the dangers of arrogance, and to embrace the value of selflessness.   Humans are a complex race, capable of acts of great kindness and compassion as well as acts of cruelty and malice. Their diversity of Transformations, from Aasimars from celestial attunement to Tieflings from the infernal, allowing for a wide range of unique abilities and perspectives. But regardless of their Transformations or cultural backgrounds, humans share a common bond in their ability to shape and create the world around them.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Human language is incredibly diverse, with many different dialects and variations spoken across the Commonwealth of Humanity. Some of the major language groups include the Northern and Southern dialects, which are divided by Tinhill and have unique pronunciation and vocabulary. The coastal cities also have their own distinct dialects, influenced by trade and contact with other cultures. Additionally, there are numerous regional variations of the human language, with unique idioms and expressions that reflect the history and traditions of each area. Despite these differences, however, all human speakers share a love for language and a respect for its power to convey ideas and emotions.

Common Etiquette Rules

The Commonwealth of Humanity is known to have inherited the etiquette of the Human Fiefdoms that is both formal and respectful. Official interactions are marked by a focus on hierarchy and protocol, with individuals addressing each other with titles. These titles are often used as a sign of respect, particularly when addressing those who hold positions of power or authority. Punctuality is highly valued and being late is considered impolite. Common gestures of respect include bowing, curtseying, and shaking hands. Overall, the common etiquette of humans reflects their desire for order and civility in social interactions. However, there can be significant variations in etiquette based on cultural practices and individual beliefs, highlighting the diversity and complexity of the Commonwealth of Humanity.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture of humans is as diverse and multifaceted as the many races and regions that make up the Commonwealth of Humanity. It is a culture shaped by the legacy of the 13 fiefdoms and the founding of the Commonwealth of Humanity, leading to a rich tapestry of artistic and cultural practices. With a complex and storied history, the cultural heritage of humans is imbued with tales of bravery and conflict, tales that have been passed down through generations and continue to shape the identity of the Commonwealth today. The Human Pantheon is a key aspect of their culture, with the six archetypical characters serving as both cautionary tales and sources of inspiration.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens
80 years
Geographic Distribution


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